
You walk, panting a little in the heat. Your talons feel as though they will fall off at any minute. The sand is hot- in fact, unbearable. You shake a little off your coat.
You thought you senced something over here; but, no, it's nothing. Just slopes of sand and more sand.
You hear something, and your pointy ears stick straight up. Your talon freezes in mid-step, and your whole body becomes rigid. You listen, but there is nothing. You let your talon fall-
And are ambushed. Something heavy slams into you from a pillar of rock above, and you understand why you didn't see her before. Her coat, after all, is sand-colored, tan or tawny. She hits you full force, then pulls back, snarling and showing off her elegance.
Her tail flicks, twice. It is huge and bushy, and you couldn't even see the sand that had to be weaved into the fur. Her body was lean, cheetah-like, thin at her stomach and noticably thicker at her fibcage and chest. Her front legs, so much stronger than her spring-like hind-legs, end in talons not unlike your's. Her neck is long, adding two more feet to her four-foot height, which is shorter than you, even with the head. It is broad and puma-like, with longer fangs than a cougar, pointy ears, and, starting around the back of her head, ram-like horns. Her eyes are strange- they have the colored pupils and black irishes just like any other Kairn, but her pupils are bright, bright gold.
"So," she growls, her voice very low. "And who are you?"
You give her your answer.
"Hmm..." She seems amused, or maybe she was thinking and just looked amused. Either way....
"Follow me," she says, and you obey. She is taking you to her Clan.
