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Where it all starts!Metallica, Nirvana, Disturbed, Foo Fighters, and a whole bunch more! Just click here!Speak friend and enter! Click here for the LORD OF THE RINGS page.The goddess, the whole goddess, and nothing but the goddess! Click here for the OH MY GODDESS page.Bored? Click here for the ENTERTAINMENT page.Realm of Eloyke. Dare ye enter?


I HATH RETURNED! It has been months, almost a year since I have last worked on this place. I s'pose once I realized that no one ever came here, I kinda lost intrest. *sigh* But now, for some unknown reason, I'm back. I shall try to improve this little place as much as possible.
I am currently working on a new home page look, but because I can't make layouts, it won't be too special anyway. Oh well. I'm trying to figure out how to create a half-way decent homepage, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know. I'd really appreciate it!

      So, you found your way to Flaming Halo! Nice navagation. Great choice, bad timing. You see, I wasn't born with HTML answers, and am experiencing technical difficulties. Fortunately, most of the links still work, and you can still view the areas of the site, but for now, certain parts are misbehaving. Don't expect too much at this moment. I will work hard to try to fix the problem, and do my best to have everything running smoothly as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvience!
      On top of all the problems, I am still constantly working on FH, so not everything is done. I am researching bands, Oh My Goddess, and Lord of the Rings right now, so bear with me and have mercy, I am trying my best.
      If you still wish to continue, you may proceed into the depths of the lair of Eloyke. If you are unaware of the location you will be traveling, run your mouse over the pictures to see where they will take you. But just remember that the site isn't at it's moment's greatest, so please, for now, don't set your expecations too high!

Since 5/29/03:

Copyright Flaming Halo © 2003