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Annie Rose Yallup

October 10, 1981 to September 27, 2000

Annie Rose McCloud Yallup was driving home from the State Fair with her two younger brothers Manny and Leon Totus. Annie called up her mother at work to ask if she can take her two brothers to the fair. Yakima wasn't that far to travel from Granger to Yakima Wa. So the mother gave the OK! It was late evening and she was driving east of Toppenish heading home after taking her two brothers to the fair, when a drunk driver went off to the shoulder to pass a truck who was turning left and then the drunk driver swerved into the lane Annie was driving and hit Annie head-on. Annie died instantly and her younger brother was flown to Harborview and the other brother was taken to Yakima Hospital and released later that night. This happened right before her nineteenth birthday, the coroners reported she was 5 1/2 weeks preganat.

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