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I offer a painting service for GW models, based in the UK

Prices will be cheap, as I am just beginning to work commercially, but I have a wealth of experience in miniature painting.

 I dont have a complex pricing structure: the cost is the cost of the model.
I dont have a complex system of skill heirarchies either: I paint the miniature as well as I can. it wont win a golden demon, but it is at the standard of GW shop windows or better.

note to self: get digital camera to demonstrate work standard

You wont be disappointed.
        My main experience is of GW models, and I know a lot about the backgrounds, cultures, designs etc both of warhammer and of warhammer 40000
          I paint models because I like painting them. simple.
    I paint other peoples' models because I don't like to have them hanging around once I'm finished with them, get it?

So, if you are interested in having me paint for you, get in touch . Phone number:
0798 5576 249 and we'll discuss the details later.
call after 6pm or on weekends please (- I have a real job too!)
    If you live in or nearby Warrington, I can meet you, but it wont be necessary if you dont live nearby.