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Welcome to Dunyhar

The Citadel is a bright city full of smooth streets, fountains, and of course plants. A couple of Lev walk past and wave to you, giving a bright smile. Beyond the main city, you can spot lucious green forests, and small outbuildings used in training youngsters. The scent of the sea reaches you from afar. You have arrived....

News: (12/13)There's a new stable where you can put your Geefu now. Thank LG, she worked very hard on it. : ) Also, there's gonna be another Jurim litter soon, prepare yourselves... Dunyhar needs your help. I have a few ideas for making this place interesting, but we need MEMBERS to do that. Thank you to all who are playing actively and enjoying yourselves, we need more of you! Advertise for us, there can only be so much done with a few people. This has been the Voice, speaking. Thank you.

(11/2) Not much El hasn't mentioned - but along with the new species, there's a new pet, designed by yours truly. *grins* Go! Play! - LG

~Getting Started~

The Information Center



Join Us!


~In the Citadel~

The Adoption Agency

The Orchid Room

Merchant's Square

Geefu Stables

The Council Building

The Healer's Building

Pazzi's Cantina

Kylis's Training Camp

Julia's Training Camp


~Out In Nature~

Quiet Valley

Vine Clearing

Echo Caverns

Shira River

The Beaches

The Ocean Research Station

The Forest

The Blasted Lands

Breeding Board


OOC Board

Advertise! Plug! Here!


Good Links

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Praise? (hee hee) E-mail Erika or LG

The land of Dunyhar and all its characters are Copyrighted to Erika, 2002