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Mobile Suit Shop

This is the MS shop you can buy parts to make your own gundam if you are not a gundam creator or you can just buy th MS.

OZ-06 MS Leo: 105mm Rifle,beam rifle,bazooka,dober gun,x2 beam sabers,sheild-6,000

WMS-03 Maganac:Code Name: Maganac Corp Model Number: WMS-03 Pilot: The Maganac Corps Height: 16.4 Meters Weight: 7.4 Tons Fighting Ability: 110 Weapons Ability: 110 Speed Ability: 100 Power Ability: 100 Armor Ability: 100 Total Abilities: 520 Armor Material: Titanium Alloy Armaments: 1x beam rifle Optional Armaments: 1x heat hawk; 1x shield Info: The Maganac Corps is a 40 man army. The leader is Rashid Kurama. Each of the Maganac pilots has their own custom suit. The suit looks vary, some have more armor, some have bigger hands. They are one step above the Leo suit. Maganac suits are made for desert battle, but in the last episode they help Quatre out in space.


OZ-07 AMS Aries: chain rifle,missile pod-5,000

OZ-12 SMS Taurus: beam cannon,laser gun-5,000

OZ-09 MMS Pisces: x12 torpedo-2,000

OZ-08 MMS Cancer: x4 torpedo-2,000

OZ-07 MS Tragos: beam rifle,x2 cannon gun-5,000

OZ-02 MD Virgo: beam cannon,planetary shield-3,000

WF-02 MD VirgoII: mega beam cannon,beam rifle,x2 beam saber,planetary shield-6,000

MS-06J ZakuII: 120mm machine gun,280mm bazooka,heat tomahawk,shield-5,000

MS-07B3 Gouf Custom: heat saber,heat rod,triple gatling gun,gatling shield-6,000


Shadow Fighter-1

MS-07H8 Gouf Flight Type: heat saber,triple gatling gun,gatling gun-5,000


MS-09 DOM: multi-spread beam cannon,giant bazooka,heat saber-6,000


RGM-79SP GM SniperII: sniping designated beam rifle,x2 beam saber,shield-5,000

RX-79[G]:Chest Vulkin cannon,chest multi launcher,beam saberX2,100mm machine gun,rocket launcher,missile launcher,180mm cannon,beam gun-10,000


These parts are for people that do not have the job of gundam/weapons creator...can make there own gundam but to those that buy parts to make a gundam must have a head,2 arms, 2 legs and a chest and then the vulkins and sheild are opsional..if you want weapons for your gundam just go to one of the shops.

MS head-500

pair of MS legs-1,000

pair of arms-1,000


x2 head vulkins-5,00 (4 is the max)


MS-910:head vulkins 2x, beam axe-4,000

MS-Gun Cannon Updated:Missle Launchers2x, Grenade Launchers 2x, Beam Saber 1x-10,000

MS-Death Sky:105mm rifle 1x,bozooka 1x, dobar gun 1x,beam saber 1x.-8,000

Code Name: Gelgoog(unlimited) Model Number: MS-14A Type: mass production high-efficiency general purpose mobile suit Pilot: Various (MSG), Reccoa Londo (Zeta Gundam) Machinist: Duchy of Zeon Origin: Zeonic Company Head Height: 19.2 meters Overall Height: 19.2 meters Base Weight: 42.1 metric tons Full Weight: 73.3 metric tons Power Generator Output: 1440 kW Rocket Thrusters: 24500 kg x 2; 2500 kg x 5 Acceleration: 0.84 G 180-Degree Turn Time: 1.5 seconds Ground Speed: 180 km/h Sensor Radius: 6300 meters Frame: monocoque Armor Materials: Unknown

Armaments: 1x twin beam sword 1x beam rifle

Information: The Gelgoog simply put is the Zeon answer to the Gundam and GM. It is a beam rifle and saber equipped suit. The Gelgoog is poorly used by a great deal of Zeon cadets late in the war, costing them greatly. The Gelgoog Command came before this mass production version, but this suit would have been something completely different if not for the RX-78-2 Gundam. The MS-14A was originally planned to be the replacement for the old MS-06 Zaku II, but it didn't turn out that way. Only less than 200 of these were produced by the end of the One Year War, and they only went to rookie pilots who were losing battles to inferior Federation mobile suits. Just another example of the skill of the pilot dominating the abilities of the mobile suit.Price-6,000ea


Code Name: Zaku II(unlimited) Model Number: MS-06F Type: mass production general purpose mobile suit Machinist: Duchy of Zeon Origin: Zeonic Company Head Height: 17.5 meters Base Weight: 58.1 metric tons Full Weight: 73.3 metric tons Power Generator Output: 951 kW Rocket Thrusters: 20500 kg x 2; 1000 kg x 2 Acceleration: 0.59 G 180-Degree Turn Time: 1.7 seconds Ground Speed: 88 km/h Sensor Radius: 3200 meters Frame: monocoque Armor Materials: super-high tensile steel

Armaments: 1x heat hawk 1x 120mm machinegun (100 rounds) 1x 280mm bazooka (4 rounds) cracker grenade 2x 3-tube missile pod (mounted on legs)

Information: The Zaku II is arguably the most massed produced Zeon suit. There were 1000+ Zaku II's made in the One Year War since they were effective and cheap. It has a wide variety of weapons that it can use. The Zaku II was more powerful than anything the Federation could make until the RX-78-2 Gundam, which could take out multiple Zaku II's at a time.Price-2,000ea


Code Name: Zaku I(unlimited) Model Number: MS-05B Type: mass production general purpose mobile suit Machinist: Duchy of Zeon Origin: Zeonic Company Head Height: 17.5 meters Base Weight: 50.3 metric tons Full Weight: 65.0 metric tons Power Generator Output: 899 kW Rocket Thrusters: 19500 kg x 2; 850 kg x 2 Acceleration: 0.63 G 180-Degree Turn Time: 2.9 seconds Ground Speed: 65 km/h Sensor Radius: 2900 meters Frame: monocoque Armor Materials: super-high tensile steel

Armaments: 1x heat hawk 1x 105mm machinegun (100 rounds) 1x 120mm machinegun (100 rounds) 1x 280mm bazooka (4 rounds)

Information: The Zeon Duchy's first mass production model mobile suit the Zaku I was made for the front lines but soon rendered obsolete by the Zaku II. Upon being replaced the Zaku I was reduced to menial construction, plus other war jobs like mass genocide, when they were used to gas colonies. In the last few months of the one year war the Zeon were desperate, so they decided to use the Zaku I to reinforce their main troops. It was introduced around UC 0075.Price-1,000ea


Model number: RX-78-6 Code name: Gundam Mudrock Unit type: prototype fast attack heavy assault mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces Operator: Earth Federal Forces Rollout: UC 0079 First deployment: 30 November UC 0079 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters Weight: empty 47.3 metric tons, max gross 84.4 metric tons Construction: lunar titanium alloy on semi-monocoque frame Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1480 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: x many, total output rated at 70500 kg Fixed armaments: 300 mm shell-firing cannon x 2, mounted on backpack, beam saber x 2, stored in recharge racks on backpack, hand carried in use, 60 mm vulcan gun x 2, fire-linked, mounted in head, grenade launcher x 2, mounted in forearms Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, hand-carried in use, powered by rechargeable e-cap, power rating unknown; primer-based rifle; 90 mm machine gun, clip-fed, 20 rounds per clip


Model number: MS-06F(only 1) Code name: Zaku II Dozle Zabi Custom Unit type: customized mass production general purpose mobile suit Manufacturer: Zeonic Company Operator: Principality of Zeon First deployment: UC 0079 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 17.5 meters Weight: empty 57.6 metric tons; max gross weight unknown Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rating unknown Propulsion: rocket thrusters: total output unknown Fixed armaments: none Optional hand armaments: 120 mm machinegun, drum-fed, 100 rounds per drum, spare drums an be stored on waist armor storage racks; 280 mm Zaku bazooka, 4-round magazine, can be stored on rear waist armor storage rack; large heat hawk, battery powered, can be stored on waist armor storage rack

Char Aznable

Code Name: Aries Model Number: OZ-07AMS Pilot: Several Different Pilots Height: 16.9 Meters Weight: 8.0 Tons Fighting Ability: 100 Weapons Ability: 110 Speed Ability: 110 Power Ability: 90 Armor Ability: 90 Total Abilities: 500 Armor Material: Titanium Alloy Armaments: 1x chain rifle Optional Armaments: 2x missile pod

Information: This mobile suit is made for air combat. This is an Aerial mobile suit, like the Taurus mobile suit. It's less armored and weaker than a Leo suit, but it is faster and the weapons it carries are slightly more powerful. This mobile suit is mass produced.


Model number: JMS71

Code name: Nobusshi Unit type: mobile suit Nationality: Neo Japan First deployment: unknown Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height: 15.8 meters Weight: empty 6.9 metric tons; max gross weight unknown Construction: gimnium alloy super-ceramic composite rare metal hybrid Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown Fixed armaments: vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted on head; beam saber, stored on shoulder, hand-carried in use

Optional hand armaments: beam cannon


Model number: JMA27T

Code name: Fantoma Unit type: mobile armor Nationality: Neo Japan First deployment: unknown Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 19.7 meters Weight: empty 12.8 metric tons; max gross weight unknown Construction: bigzanium alloy super-ceramic composite rare metal hybrid Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown Fixed armaments: 40 x missile launcher, fire-linked, mounted in shoulders


Model number: RB-79 Code name: Ball Unit type: combat support mobile pod Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces Operator: Earth Federal Forces Rollout: UC 0079 First deployment: UC 0079 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in body Dimensions: overall height 12.8 meters Weight: empty 17.2 metric tons; max gross 25.0 metric tons Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 400 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 24000 kg total Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.96 G Equipment and design features: sensors, range 4000 meters Fixed armaments: 180 mm recoilless cannon, mounted on body


Model number: RGM-79 Code name: GM Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces Operator: Earth Federal Forces Rollout: UC 0079 First deployment: UC 0079 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 18.5 meters; head height 18.0 meters Weight: empty 41.2 metric tons; max gross 58.8 metric tons Construction: titanium alloy on semi-monocoque frame Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1250 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 24000 kg, 4 x 1870 kg Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.94 G; 180-degree turn time 1.6 seconds; maximum ground running speed 102 km/h Equipment and design features: sensors, range 6000 meters Fixed armaments: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; beam saber, power rated at 0.38 MW, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use Optional hand armaments: beam spray gun, powered by rechargeable energy cap; 100 mm machinegun, clip-fed; shield


Model number: RGM-79[G] Code name: GM Ground Type Unit type: mass production ground combat mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces Operator: Earth Federal Forces Rollout: UC 0079 First deployment: UC 0079 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters Weight: empty 53.8 metric tons; max gross 66.0 metric tons Construction: lunar titanium alloy on semi-monocoque frame Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1150 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 49000 kg total Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.74 G Equipment and design features: sensors, range 6000 meters Fixed armaments: 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in legs, hand-carried in use Optional fixed armaments: shield, mounted on either forearm Optional hand armaments: 100 mm machinegun, clip-fed, 2 spare clips stored on hip armor; bazooka gun, clip-fed, 7 rounds per clip; 6-tube missile launcher; beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap


Model number: RX-77-2 Code name: Guncannon Unit type: prototype artillery mobile suit Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces "Project V" Operator: Earth Federal Forces Rollout: UC 0079 First deployment: September UC 0079 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso with Core Block System using FF-X7 Core Fighter Dimensions: overall height 18.1 meters; head height 17.5 meters Weight: empty 51.0 metric tons; max gross 70.0 metric tons Construction: lunar titanium alloy on semi-monocoque frame Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1380 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 22600 kg, 4 x 1650 kg Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.74 G; 180-degree turn time 2.0 seconds; maximum ground running speed 78 km/h Equipment and design features: sensors, range 6000 meters Fixed armaments: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x 240 mm cannon, variable independent-fire/fire-linked, 20 round magazine each, mounted over shoulders Optional fixed armaments: 2 x spray missile launcher, mounted over shoulders in place of 240 mm cannons Optional hand armaments: beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap


Price-4,000(spray missle launcher)

If you want both the spray and regular it is just 1,000 extra for either.::Note that does not mean you have 2 Mobile suits it means you have 1 with either weapon as choice in battle::

Model number: MS-06P Code name: Zaku Sniper Unit type: limited production long-range sniper mobile suit Manufacturer: Zeonic Company Operator(s): Principality of Zeon First deployment: late UC 0079 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso Dimensions: overall height 18.4 meters; head height 17.7 meters Weight: empty 62.7 metric tons; max gross 77.8 metric tons Construction: super-high tensile steel on monocoque frame Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1012 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2x 20500 kg, 2x 5375 kg, 2x 1000 kg Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.69 G; 180-degree turn time 1.7 seconds; maximum ground running speed 90 km/h Equipment and design features: sensors, range 8500 meters; additional rangeing and target-acquisition sensors on head and main body Fixed armaments: none Optional hand armaments: 105mm semi-automatic Sniper's Rifle with Heat Bayonet, clip-fed, 10 rounds per clip, spare clips can be stored on waist armor racks

The MS-06RS Super Mobility Zaku was a unique mobile suit, designed to test the feasiblity of such an idea. Starting with the MS-06R-2 High Mobility Zaku's design, and adding two chest-mounted and two forearm-mounted maneuvering thrusters, the Super Mobility Zaku was able to out-maneuver anything else in space, by a significant margin. However, this suit was even more expensive and difficult to fly than the MS-06R-2 High-Mobility Zaku, and its high mobility meant it used up fuel quicker than any other Zaku variant. Another reason why the Super-Mobility Zaku wasn't mass-produced, was that it used the MS-06R-1a's reactor, which meant it couldn't use beam weapons, and therefore was passed over in favor of the MS-14 Gelgoog.

Model number: GF8-084NS3

Code name: Zaku Gundam Unit type: Mobile Fighter Nationality: Neo Side Three Pilot: Singe Perro First deployment: FC 40 Accommodation: pilot only, in 360 degree cockpit using Mobile Trace System and Core Lander Dimensions: overall height 18.1 meters; head height 17.5 meters Weight: base 8.7 tons; full 14.3 tons Construction: gundarium alloy super-ceramic composite rare metal hybrid Multilayer material: other Fixed armaments: 4x vulcan gun; 2x beam saber; 1x small heat blade (mounted on forehead); 1x beam carbine (stored on right hip armor); 1x shoulder dome (mounts 3 large spikes); 1x shoulder shield Optional armaments: 1x beam carbine Ultimate attacks: None

Gundam Fight ability points: Power: 22.30 Speed: 19.62 Offense: 19.89 Defense: 19.91 Search: 15.42 Adaptability: 15.73 Total: 112.87

Code Name: Mobile Suit Serpent Model Number: MMS-01 Pilot: Many Pilots Height: 16.6 Meters Weight: 8.6 Tons Generator Output: 3647 kiloWatts Thruster: 72030 kilograms Armor Material: Neo-Titanium Alloy Armaments: 16x missile; 1x double gatling gun Optional Armaments: 1x beam cannon
