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Alrite these missions are for people that want to do something with there jobs you can do one mission a day this is purely for getting money and doing your job(s) you just have to email me the mission,dificulty,your name and then gundam you are going to use.and then I will just give you the can sometime win suits....very rarely a gundam..and you get money all the time you get the money from what your job description says and you get money depending on the dificulty level.




Sniper mission-if you are a sniper you can go on this mission it is for snpiers have to locate and destroy 10 enemy mobile suits.-Dificulties:med-hard-easy

Mercinary mission-This mission is for mercinaries only you are hired to destroy an enemy MS factory and every MS in construction or up and running.-Dificulties:med-hard-easy

Recon Pilot mission-This mission is for recon pilots only you must go deep into enemy lines and locate our fellow ally who was shot down three days ago.-Dificulties:med-hard-easy

Spy mission-this mission is for spies only you must go into enemy lines and discover there next attack route and how many mobil suit units there will be and when.-Dificulties:med-hard-easy


This is for people who don't have the jobs above.


Anybody mission-you ask Dart or Duo what they want you to do on this-any difficulty

More will come soon....
