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This is for Poogle Solitaire The game can be found here
29 => 17,22 => 24,17 => 29,31 => 23,32 => 24,24 => 22, 26 => 24,33 => 25,24 => 26,21 => 23,16 => 28,14 => 16, 09 => 23,28 => 16,07 => 09,27 => 25,18 => 30,20 => 18, 11 => 25,30 => 18,13 => 11,10 => 12,03 => 11,18 => 06, 01 => 03,03 => 11,12 => 10,05 => 17,17 => 15,04 => 16, 15 => 17,
These are for Cliff Hanger It can be found here

1# A Buzz will never sting you
2# A Chia who is a mocker dances without a tamborine
3# A journey of a million miles begins on the
marketplace map 4# A miss is as good as a mister
5# A neopoint saved is a neopoint not enough
6# A Scorchio is a good storyteller if it can make a Skeith listen
7# A wise Aisha has long ears and a short tongue
8# All roads lead to Neopia
9# An air of mystery surrounds the Acara
10# An idle mind is the best way to relax
11# An iron rod bends while it is hot
12# Ask a lot of questions but only take what is offered
13# Be nice to Shoyrus or else
14# Be sure to visit the Neggery for some great magical neggs
15# Become a BattleDome master by training on the Mystery Island
16# Better late than never
17# Better to be safe than to meet up with a Monocerous
18# Bouncing around on its tail the Blumaroo is quite happy
19# Bruce could talk under cement with a mouthful of marbles
20# By all means make NeoFriends with Peophins but learn to swim first
21# By all means trust in Neopia but tie your camel first
22# Catch the halter rope and it will lead you to the Kau
23# Chia bombers are mud slinging fools
24# Chias are lovable little characters who are full of joy
25# Children should not be seen spanked or grounded
26# Chombies hate fungus balls with a passion
27# Cliffhanger is a brilliant game that will make your pet more intelligent
28# Congradulations to everybody who helped defeat the evil monoceraptor
29# Count Von Roo is one of the nastier denizens of Neopia
30# Doctor Sloth tried to mutate NeoPets but failed
31# Dirty snow is the best way to make your battledome opponent mad
32# Do not bathe if there is no water
33# Do not be greedy and buy every single food item from the shops
34# Do not be in a hurry to tie what you cannot untie
35# Do not open a shop if you cannot smile
36# Do not speak of an Elephante if there is no tree nearby
37# Do not think there are no Jetsams if the water is calm
38# Do not try to talk to a shy Peophin
39# Dr Frank Sloth is green
40# Everyone loves to drink a hot cup of borovan now and then
41# Every bull is a Kau in the eyes of its mother
42# Every neopet should have a job and a corndog
43# Experience is the comb that nature gives us when we are bald
44# Faerieland is not for pets that are afraid of heights or fluffy clouds
45# Faerie poachers hang out in Faerieland with their jars wide open
46# Faeries bend down their wings to a seeker of knowledge
47# Flame the tame is a ferocious feline fireball
48# Frolic in the snow of Happy Valley
49# Fuzios wear the coolest red shoes
50# Grarrls are ferocious creatures or at least they try to be
51# Great Neopets are not always wise
52# Have you told your friends about the greatest site on earth
53# Have you trained your pet for the BattleDome
54# If at first you do not succeed play the Ice Caves Puzzle again
55# It is always better to give than to receive
56# If you go too slow try to keep your worms in a tin
57# If you live with Lupes you will learn to howl
58# If you see a man riding a wooden stick ask him why
59# If you want to have lots of adventures then adopt a Wocky
60# If your totem is made of wax do not walk in the sun
61# If your hedge needs trimming call a Chomby
62# It makes total sense to have a dung carpet in your dung neohome
63# Jarbjarb likes to watch the Tyrannian sunset while eating a Ransaurus Steak
64# Jetsams are the meanest Neopets to ever swim the Neopian sea
65# JubJubs defend themselves with their deafening screech
66# Kacheeks have mastered the art of picking flowers
67# Kauvara mixes potions like no other
68# Kaus love to sing although they only know a single note
69# Keep your broken toys clean
70# Keep your pet company with a Neopet pet
71# Kikoughela is a fancy word for cough medicine
72# Kois invented the robotic fish
73# Korbats are creatures of the night
74# Kougras are said to bring very good luck
75# Kyruggi is the grand elder in the Tyrannian town hall
76# Let every Zafara take care of its own tail
77# Listen to your pet or your tongue will keep you deaf
78# Love your Neopet but do not hug it too much
79# Make certain your pet is well equipped before entering the BattleDome
80# Maybe the missing link is really missing
81# Meercas are talented pranksters that take pride in their tails
82# Myncis come from large families and eat their dinner up in the trees
83# Never underestimate the power of streaky bacon
84# Nimmos are very spiritual beings
85# No news is impossible
86# Oh where is the Tooth Faerie when you need her
87# Only ask of the Queen Faerie what you really need
88# Only mad Gelerts and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun
89# Only real card sharks play Cheat
90# Pet rocks make the most playful of petpets
91# Please wipe your feet before you enter the scorchio den
92# Poogles have extremely sharp teeth and they are cuddly
93# Poogle Five is very chubby but is lightning quick
94# Put all of your neopoints on Poogle number two
95A# Quiggles spend all day splashing around in the pool at the Neolodge
95B# Scorchios like hot places
96# Scratch my back and I will scratch yours
97# Skeiths are strong but very lazy
98# Some neggs will bring you big disappointment
99# Some neggs will bring you big neopoints
100# Some Neohomes are made with mud and dung and straw
101# Space slushies are just the thing on a cold winter day
102# Store all of your Neopian trading cards in your Neodeck
103# Super glue is forever
104# Terror Mountain is home to the infamous Ski Lodge
105# Take your pet to tyrammet for a fabulous time
106# The Alien Aisha Vending Machine serves great good
107# The barking of Lupes does not hurt the clouds
108# The Battledome is near but the way is icy
109# The beader has a beaming smile
110# The best thing to spend on your NeoPet is time
111# The big spender is an international jet setter
112# The bluna was first sighted under the ice caps of Tyrannia
113# The Bruce is from Snowy Valley High School
114# The Cybunny is the fastest Neopet ever
115# The hidden tower is for big spenders only
116# The lair of the beast is cold and dark inside
117# The library faerie tends to the crossword puzzle
118# The meerca is super fast making it difficult to catch
119# The Neopian Hospital will help get your pet on the road to recovery
120# The pen is mightier than the pencil
121# The pound is not the place to keep streaky bacon
122# The quick brown fox jumps (or jumped) over the lazy dog
123# The sunken city of Maraqua has some great hidden treasures
124# The Tatsu population was almost reduced to extinction
125# The Techo is a tree acrobat
126# The whisper of an Acara can be heard further than the roar of a Wocky
127# The wise Aisha has long ears and a short tongue
128# There is nothing like a tall glass of slime potion
129# To know and to act are one and the same
130# Treat your Usul well and it will be useful
131# Tyrannia is the prehistoric kingdom miles beneath the surface of neopia
132# Tyrannians will eat everything and anything
133# Uggaroo follows footsteps to find food for his family
134# Uggsul invites you to play a game or two of Tyranu Evavu
135# Under a tattered cloak you will generally find Doctor Sloth
136# Unis just love looking at their reflection
137# We never know the worth of items till the wishing well is dry
138# When an Elephante is in trouble even a Nimmo will kick him
139# When eating a Radioactive Negg remember the pet who planted it
140# When friends ask about the BattleDome say there is no tomorrow
141# When the blind lead the blind get out of the way
142# When there is smoke there is pollution
143# With the right training Tuskaninnies can become quite fearsome fighters
144# Yes Boy Ice Cream sell out all of their shows
145# You can lead a Kau to water but you cannot make it drink
146# You cannot teach an old Grarrl mathematics
147# You cannot wake a Bruce who is pretending to be asleep
148# You know the soup kitchen is a great place to go
149# You know you can create a free homepage for your pet
150# You probably do not want to know what that odor is
151# You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on
152# You should try to raise your hitpoints
153# Your neopet will need a mint after eating a chili cheese dog with onions
154# Your pet deserves a nice stay at the neolodge
P.S.Every time I get a new one I will make a A B. ex(1A2B)

Here are the faerie caves answers.
**** LIGHT FAERIE ****
1 down,1 up,2 right,3 down,2 right,3 down,1 left,1 down 1 left,1 down,4 right,4 up (fast!),2 right,1 down,1 right,5 up,5 right,2 down,1 left,6 down,2 left,2 down, 2 left,2 up,2 left,2 down,7 left,4 up,1 down(carefully),2 up,2 right
**** FIRE FAERIE ****
11 down,2 right,2 left,3 up,10 right,3 up,3 right,1 down,1 right,2 down,11 left,7 right,3 up,3 right,1 down,1 right,2 down,6 left,2 right,3 up,8 left,2 up, 6 right,2 left,3 down,1 up (Quickly),7 right (Quickly), 3 down,5 left,3 down,4 left,1 right,4 left,7 right,3 up,2 right,3 up,4 left,3 down,5 left,5 right,3 up,4 right,3 down,9 left,9 right,3 up,1 right,2 up,5 left, 2 down,4 right,3 down,9 right,5 right,5 up,4 left,2 up, 12 right,12 left,2 down,9 right,2 down,1 left,3 down, 4 left (Quickly),1 down,2 down,1 left (Don't get the torch),1 right,5 up,1 left,2 up,6 left,4 right,2 up, 11 left,2 up,3 right,1 left,4 down,1 right,1 down, 1 right,1 up,2 right,2 up,8 right
**** WATER FAERIE ****
1 right,1 left,press T,2 left (Quickly),5 down,2 right, 2 down,press T,1 up (Quickly),4 right,2 down,1 right, 2 up,1 left,1 up,4 left,1 up,2 left,5 up,2 right,2 down,5 right,1 left,2 up,press T,3 down (Quickly), 3 up,3 right,6 down,1 left,1 right,4 down,5 left, 4 up,2 left,1 up,2 left,5 up,2 right,2 down,3 right, 2 up,3 right,1 down,1 right,9 down,5 left,4 right,6 left,2 down,2 left,1 down,2 right(Press against wall) (ballon will float through you),1 down,8 right,6 up, 3 left,2 up,4 left,2 up,2 left,5 down,2 right,1 down, 7 right,3 up(to push the balloon up onto pad), (you should now have three balloons lined up), 8 left,1 up,3 left,1 down,3 left,3 up,1 right,2 down, 2 up,2 right,2 up face left or right (so the ball can pass through you),3 up,1 left,1 right,2 down,2 left, 4 up,3 right

**** EARTH FAERIE ****
4 right,1 down,(quickly 1 up and 1 left),1 right, 1 up,(quickly 3 down and 4 left),3 down,1 up,1 left, 2 up (quickly),2 down,2 right,1 down,3 right,1 up, 1 left,1 right,1 up,2 left,6 up (quickly),2 down, 2 right,3 up,3 down,2 left,2 down,10 left,1 up,(quickly 2 down and 1 left),10 right,(ball should be on pad), 9 left,2 up,2 right (quickly),1 up,1 left,1 right, 1 up,2 right,2 down,2 up,1 left,1 up,3 left,3 right, (quickly),3 left,1 down,2 left,1 up,3 down,2 right, 3 down,(face right or left so the bubble will pass through you),1 down,2 left,2 right (quickly),2 left, 3 down,1 right,1 left (quickly),6 right,3 up,1 left, 3 down,5 left,3 up,2 right,2 up,5 right,1 up
**** DARK FAERIE ****
7 or 10 right,(place the dark ball over the yellow balloon),9 left,1 down,1 left,8 down,2 right,1 up, 2 right,2 up,8 right (quickly),1 left,3 up,1 right, 1 left,3 down,4 right,3 down,3 up,3 left,2 down,2 left, 5 up,1 right,1 left,5 down,2 right,2 up,5 right,4 up, 2 down (quickly),2 up,2 right,(push baloon into pad), 2 down,3 right,2 down,2 up,2 left,2 down,2 up,2 right, 3 up(if brave try for all three stones), (you can go to the top and go left or right and the dark ball will fall through you),8 down,1 left,1 down, 2 right,1 up,2 left,1 down
**** AIR FAERIE ****
3 right,2 down,press P,3 right,2 down,2 left,2 right,2 up,3 left,1 right (quickly),5 left,1 down,4 left,3 right,1 down,(quickly 1 up and 1 right),6 left (push balloon to top),6 right,1 up,2 right,2 down,2 up,2 left,1 down,1 left,3 down,1 up (quickly),2 down, (face right or left let balloon pass through you), 3 down,4 up,6 right,1 down,(quickly 1 up and 1 left), 1 right,1 down,2 right,5 up,7 left,1 down,6 left (push second balloon up to the top),5 right,3 down,5 right, 1 down,1 right,1 up,5 left (push balloon),5 right, 1 down,2 right,2 down,1 left,1 down,4 left,1 up,1 down, 5 right,8 up,7 left,1 down,6 left (push third ballon to top),6 right,1 up,7 right,5 down,3 left,1 up,4 left (push balloon),2 right,4 up,2 left,1 down,6 left,(push 4th ballon onto gate pad),2 down,1 left,1 right,2 up, 2 right,4 down,1 left,1 down,2 left,2 down,2 up,2 right,1 up,1 right,4 up,4 right (quickly),1 left,6 down,3 left,(quickly 1 right 1 up),2 down,2 left, 2 right,2 up,2 right,5 up,3 left,4 down,1 left,1 down, 2 left,1 up

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