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Funk's Page


Welcome to my little piece of the Web. I've animations and stories along with an archive of junk that I use to create animations and etc. Though because this is just recently created I don't have any of them uploaded as of yet. I'm also an avid gamer so I'll also have a Gaming section as soon as I get my laziness in check. My friend Arthur also has similar hobbies so I'm thinking about joining our skills to create this archive of specific interest information/junk. Here's a link to his present site
Arthur's Site
a teh shens of a new update i never update if anyone ever notices and my friends dumped teh above website but its still got a fair amount of his animations on it so ill leave teh link thar. plz note im no slave to teh engrish language and my l33t sp33k is unquestionable. u like that run on i bet some english teacher out thar died because of this update but no matta. btw is summ3r ever reads this dr pepper is soooooooo much betta then diet pepsi, diet pepsi suks dr peppa rules nouf said. currently playing maple story and halo2 date :unknown, happy happy joy joy. Also art currently has webcomic goin that actually updates avg of once a week or so. So ill figure ill link that now. Webcomic of Art and Me
8-bit theater! *great online comic

Archive o Junk

rpgmaker 2k3 More to come...face sets,char sets, animations, etc.
Winter's Bane A short story I wrote about a silver half-dragon who's not exactly lawful good. Though I have yet to insert paragraphs or edit my writing so far. Eh I'll get around to it eventually.
animation page uh... I'll get around to this as well.... you know like when hell freezes over.

I love deadlines. I especially love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
--Douglas Adams Author, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

bloodgulch mod joey pic joey pic 2 joey pic 3 Disclamer: All sprites and sounds and other things
on this site are the property of their respective owners, in otherwords
almost every thing