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WWJD (What Would James Do)

web sites that i think are kool

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Download shit for free(hard to explain how to use the program to dl stuff)
Kevins Dieny
Matts bands page

Marks gallery of fine art


My sister would probably kill me if she knew i put this picture on here, ha ha ha

A Story By Mark.....

..........I think i will live in a nice house when i grow up and i will have 2 kids one named Jorge and the other named Miguel and my wifes name will be Chafola. We will have a 3 legged dog named Mr. Monoply and we will live in a secretly purchased island off the cuban coast it will be called Mt. DOOOOOM oh crap wait its an island. ok then it will be called the isle of the hamhawk i will have my own airport and all my friends will be able to come down any time they want. I will also organize my own army so that way i can force the other countrys of the world to put my island on the world map. My children will become auto mechanics like there father and i will own a chain of bagel restaurants all along the southern part of the U.S. i will then allie with the united states and then i will backstab them and take away half of the U.S. and i will convince there army to join my side i will let el presedente Castro have almost all the rest except for the land i will save for the people that dont want to join me like president bush and i will let him have a small militia and no more. i will from then on proclaim my country El corazon de Marcos Estados Unidos(The Heart of Marks United States). It will then be know threw the world that we should all unite or i kill whoever doesnt and most likely china will allie with me and korea but Japan........i must fight the honorable japanese comander Bryant Fukudason but after about a while into my war(one minute) we will resolve our differences and i will trick him to join my alliance by giving him australia (the worst country, damn kangaroos) but then russia will come back to communism and i will have to wage war against my fellow brothers, but i secretly assainate the leader of Russia(stalin 2) and i put myself in charge of the russian people. Germany will think its homefree and they will clone hitler since they somehow have one of his fingers still left, and i will have to go to world war 3 and i will go on the battlefield myself and shot hitler right through his ass(face). I will then proclaim the world free of racism after i reeducate(kill them and feed there bodys to alligators) the KKK there will still be prejudice though because no one can make it go away its always there dammit!!!!(but by god will i try) I will stop the destruction or the rainforest, feed the hungary, blah blah blah blah. I will destroy all Wienerschnitzels and have them burned to the ground. Mc donalds will be forbbiden to use the same damn songs for there commercials and they cant just change the beat! Many of the best bands/groups/people will become my personal singers so when i want to hear some music they play it ex: Beck, Led zepplin, Henricks, Marley, Sublime(i will clone Bradley Nowell), Paul van dyke, Alice Deejay, Eagles, Rolling Stones, The Darkness(he he he), and many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many other greats. I will discovery who ever left the keys on the keyboard sticky! and i will also make my own movies and i will become a singer named: Ronaldo Felipe Fernandez, and i will have my won time machine and i will go to teh moon and see what a moon rock tastes like, i will ban that sutpid ass boring channel c-span to ever be show again and i will have survivor taken off the air and no more damn reality shows will be on there. THERE WILL BE NO MORE PAID PROGRAMS DAMN INFOMERCIALS!!!! i will choose a new wife after mine trajically dies in a blimp accident(oh how i loved her soo ) i will have my wife be named Would'nt you like to know. There will be more days to go out and go fishing and i would change my name to King Howard the first (screw the british name) Chief-Whiskey The Smelly. I will.......oh look at the time well wouldnt you like to hear more well you cant yet until you send me your comments and/or stories like mine

As i sit here and write this(listening to enya). I cant help but think that you can be anything that you want to be. Its not just setting your mind on it but your physical and emotinal strenght goes into your decisions in life. You have to be willing to give up certain things in order to achieve your goals of what you want to be. You cannot just go around and live your life like shit and just mess around the whole time or you'll just be working at some crappy job instead of being a astrophysist or a neuro sergeon. When i was in middle school i had some of my life planned out i wantd to go to the army after high school and i wanted to be a mechanic. I currently am reconsidering the army after hearing first hand things about it, but that does not mean that i will not do it. Everything revolves around time and everyone has there certain time to live when its over your time is up so your life has to be lived to the fullest yet you still have to achieve your goals so you can be in all those damn history books with all those old founders and great thinkers of america or whatever country. Just think if i became a great mechanic for instance i could be Mark barker the man who fixes anyhting or it could be someone else i would just put my mind to it and try and cisualize me there, but easier said then done you always have to work have to achieve things so dont give up on your goals and dont let anyone get in your way and dont get in anyones way.


Well you may think that it would be weird for me to like techno and trance, but i got to listen to it once and i find that it can be manipulated into all forms rock, classical, anything thats possible. Many dont like it but i love it and screw them if they hate me for it the bastards. trance/techno/rave Paul van dyk, Paul Oakenfold, Sasha, Jan Wayne, Ian Van Dahl, ATB, Dj Tiesto,Crystal Method, Benito Martinez, Lio, 4 Strings, Ferry Corsten, Robert Miles, Dj Tomcraft, Gouryella, Nalin Inc, Yahel, Schiller, 2 Unlimited, Tito Maas, Sonique, Dj Icey, Fatboy Slim, Alice Deejay, Dj Sammy, trance Opera, BT, The Chemical Brothers, Stardust, Res, Moony, Moby, Milky, Madison Avenue, Low Fidelity All Stars, John Digweed, Hook the Captain, Groove Armada, Enya, Enigma, Drunkenmunkey, Dj Jurgen, Dee Dee, Darude, Daft punk, Corona, Chicane,
Well i do admit that i find hip hop ok music but rap is not really my preference and r&b is fine with me so i just dont like this catergory that much as my sister.So i will label the people she likes. One or two are mine too but mostly hers. Hip/Hop, R&B, Rap John B.,Ja Rule,Ashanti, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Sean Paul, Beastie Boys. Im sure my sister has more.
Everyone has heard at least one alternative group(hopefully) and i know alternavite mainly from my early childhood in the ninties, even though it is still popular today. Many forms of music have pushed it out of the spotlight mainly punk and hip/hop, but its coming back and is more popular. Alternative/ Alternative Rock/ Rock Beck, Everclear, Foo Fighters, The White Stripes, Blur, Dire Straights, The Drakness, Queens of the Stone age, The Strokes, Weezer, Sublime, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Incubus,Staind. I cant think of alot but theres alot more.
Mainly the influence of my sister. spanish Juanes, Andres Segovia, Mochi y Alexandria
Mostly my classic rock likings where infulenced by my mother and father. I grew up on the music and ill never stop lovin it! classic rock The Who,Cream, Led zepllin, AC/DC, The Beatles, Aerosmith, Billy Idol, Billy Squire, David Bowie, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Boston, Journey, Kiss, Queen, Styx, The Cars, Pink Floyd, Steely Dan, Steve Miller Band, Jefferson Airplane, The Guess Who,The Eagles, The Doors, Yes, Hollies, Bachman Turner Overdrive, More but i cant think of um


My Top 5 Songs:

(Ask me if u wanna hear these songs i have them on some like online storage site so tell me and ill give u a e-mail to them)

1. Body Talk Talk 2 Me-Kenny Ha - Protect the Innocent

2. Jigga Jigga - Scooter

3. Better Than Life - Cj stone remix - ultrabeat

4. Fly With Me- Djs at work

5. Poison - Groove Coverage

Top 10 jobs i would have:

1. Mechanic

2. Dj

3. Statistician

4. Garbage man

5. porn star?

6. Airline pilot

7. gas station attendent

8. professional chef

9. President

10. magician



The image gallery

--really sry your gonna have to scroll alot : (--

8/31/04-well summer is almost over and it was kinda crappy for me not much went on, or maybe i just didnt make effort and check anythign out. few fun parties, friends over alot, i guess it was ok. the work part of summer was pretty crappy though especially when i ahd to redo some driveway......well i got to go back to work tom. so i can earn a little cash. and school starts like next wendsday....fuck i hate verdugo........soon back at CV soon.....ill probaly egt stuck with some easy ass teachers like last semester and ill just do all the work and then slack off, this time im gonna try and get like A's and shit jsut so my mom will be all happy and cut me a little more slack. Matlock is on....nothing is really on right now jsut soap operas and like court shows....i perfer matlock i guess over those, fuck i jsut thought about it my picture probably wont be in the Cv yearbook if i switch back next semester.....oh well it will be in the verdugo yearbook, some day i can explain to my ugly children why there dad was crappy at school. ill make sure they never fuck up as much as i did.....i wish i could figure how to put my music on this site i hate having to go through and try and firgure how to edit my website...its so fuckin confusing....maybe i can get music on my site soon, that would be kool cause then ppl would see all the weird and cool shit i listen to. shit i still gotta ask my mom bout the party....ill just ask her if i can have a party and knowing her she'll be like, "what kind of party?" "whos coming" "no drinking".....and all that whatnot. but yeh if i have a party ill be sure to invite some ppl that i think would be fun to mess with and hangout with...went over the list of ppl with kevin, i cant believe im so into this shit its like in 2 months but i always prepare ahead like alot, but then everythign gets fucked up so ill just have to wait until some kind of shit happens...maybe ill break my leg or something.......oh well, ugh my stumock is sick now my pizza i ate for lunch, eddy informed me somethign about beach day being cancelld so idk he said he heard it from shannon, whatever..ill go have my own beach day ill jsut get eddy and some friends to come with me. umm lets see...i have a dj already for my little party my sisters friends boyfriend, hes gonna show me a little more about mixing so that way i wont be that crappy anymore..someday my dream will come mechanic by day, dj at night....fuckin telemarketer...always from MCI or some crap about the phone bill or a credit card, people that come to your door though are the worst in my opinion cause there mainly mormons and shit that give u crappy little panflits about THE BOOK OF MORMON! oh joy...lame ass mormons, yeh im gettin to worked up here so ill ahev to end my little speach, i might write something when schools going on if i get bored enough im gonna try and work today and fix some shit, but other than that ill probably write again in like a couple months or near the party or something.....bye

8/13/04 guess i dont hate camp i was jsut bored and i couldnt think of anything else so today sucked crap. borign as hell in drivers ed, james wasnt there slept in.....probably a hangover from last stomach still feels a little tipsy. anyways i wrote some shit today and i put it in my journal thing on the internet but i dont want anyone to see it so no one knows where it is except me and kevin. I dont really feel like talking to anyone today in fact im gonna go take a nap, cause theres no one good to talk to today. maybe ill go see alien vs. predator looks kool saw bourne suprem yesturday james got us in for free with all his "connections" at the UA. alright then no more talk, time for nap......................


8/6/04- Ive come to the conclusion that i hate camp....or i love it...or i hate it.....i dont know im way to confused..................yeh so anyways ive been doing some shit and jsut messing around all day and i put a video into my site it was kinda hard but i got it to work, but i couldnt find that many kool videos to use cause its complicated so anyways just enjoy all my crap i got on here and do whatever. im gonna go get ready to go help set up for my grandma and grandpas 50th anniversary tom. so later all, and remember never go outside in just your boxers at 4 in the mourning. i added alot of colors to my shit also cause it was getting really boring and plain.

8/5/04- Man its been so long since i did shit for my site but here i am again it got really boring for a while but i guess ill work on it or at least change some pics now that i got back from camp and all that shit. anyways jsut drop me a word if ya want to and ill probably so tired so i think ill go to bed soon but ill maybe do some shit tom. or something.

3/18/04- Going to another track meet tommarow and running the 800meter and the 1600(mile). Its at Van Nuys and were going against Eagle Rock, Van Nuys, and N. Hollywood. its going to be tough but track is track so i just have to get it over then i get to come home and take a long, long, long, long, long, nap. I have not taken the CAHSEE because I enrolled at Verdugo to late to be signed up so i have to wait till next year but thats not a main priority. We as a family got some disturbing news as the notice of a letter that said you have to get out in two months because the owner wants to sell our place, but by luck we found another place even bigger than the one now about 2 streets up from our old place so were going to go out of here soon but we'll be in another nicer place.

What would make my site better?
What would you like to be in the future?
Technological job(computers misc.)
Popular sing (like on MTV and stuff)
Still in high school(or whatever school your in)
Working at a fast food restaurant(Taco bell, Mc donalds, misc.)
What do you think i will become in the future?
mechanic grabageman policia El presidente de cuba Model for fruit of the loom James Godwin professional hitman prisoner leader of  a third world mitlitia hobo   

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4/22/04- yup yup yup its been a while since i did anything for my site cause im not really sure if anyone looks at it, but i have fun doing this and if people dont see it then i dont really care. i think ill get some new pictures up by this weekend and ive put a new poll up if you wanna vote in um you can i put them up just for entertainment for me and everyone. I got another site that is more about my life that im gonna try and do a little something with that so check it out if you want theres a link to it in the link stuff with all that crap. So yeh anyways ive been doing track and currently tommarrow is a meet but i cant make it cause we are moving on saturday to a nice place like really close to where i live now but my mom needs my help and im willign to sacrific school to go help her, he he, but i cant compete tommarow in the meet so im kinda bummed out being as i am one of two frosh/soph distance runners thats right TWO people are in frosh/soph. I feel sorry for Nick the other guy in it with me cause he has to run the 800m and the 1600m all alone which sucks, but ill be there next meet and ill kick some North hollywood ass then. So for now i hope all is well with you and feel free to come here anytime you want.

2/18/04- well people guess what i am almost done in doing another total revision picture wise and site wise for my site i just got my beautiful poll up dont you just love it! i am so happy now cause ive almost got a link that i can put songs so just hold up and ill be there very soon oh hell yeh i almost forgot i added a COMMENT SECTION. It is very easy to use just post whatever you want i added a detailed though to satrt the comments but ill need people to go there and comment in order for it to et interesting so yeh. Anyways ive been doing ok at verdugo and i have had a better time in doing my school work but i would have to say i miss cresenta valley it was a good school but maybe in another year ill be back. well if you would like to talk to me anytime i like to hear from people and just e-mail me.(the link to the comment section is in my links that i put on there. Ive been working on those damn broken links too ill have them fixed real soon hopefully. I had to down size the big picture it annoyed me how big it was so if you would like to see the full sized version ask me.

!oh yeh i hope u enjoy it i will update it a lot!

-antoher thing please send any pictures or comments to my e-mail it is open for (*anything*) !Ill get a comment section on this page soon to so dont be afraid to tell me what you think ill put every comment on the page too!

Mark Barker-Age=15 1/2 grade=10 gay=NO(sry eddy)

HOLY CRAP I GOT A BIG HEAD! he he he.. it looks like im naked huh?


damn lazy ass cats all they have to do is eat, sleep, poop and keep us company!

Really kool night beach picture!

(REALLY SORRY YOUR GONNA HAVE TO SCROLLDOWN ALOT THIS WEB EDITING THING IS BEING A BASTARD)The story is told as goes: As i was walking threw the tujunga jungle i saw it the close cousin of "gargantuian", thats right im talking about the "cylopigatokilla" it was the most rare sighting yet and i manage to slay the beast after it took my bait of a fresh delicious drumstick (poor worm) it left a whole mess of destruction in its path sadly, one of the many child entertaining rats Stuart little was ripped from neck to bladder, as the killings progressed it turned into a struggle of life and death when i stepped in to stop the bruteful slaying of the poor creatures i suffered a loss, but even more so i had kill the "cyplopigatokilla" with the cost of my arm and a few fingers on the other hand also i suffered a tragic loss of one side of my brain because the cyplopigatokilla sunk it 12 inch fang threw my eye socket and out the other side of my head, i am extreamely lucky to be alive and i had a few scientist friends in the government so they made me a new eye, arm, fingers, and they rebuild the one side of my brain. i have currently stuffed the mad beast and it is displayed upon my livingroom wall. I would just like to take the time and express my gatitude from the poor animals that gave there lives for the cost of killing the beast: Stuart R. Little, Larry the unsuspecting worm, Bill the weary worm, cathy the mutilatedly crushed catipilar, sarah the crying tulip (after picture tooken she was grinded up into guacamole by the beasts monturous paws), Ricky the soon to be mashed rihno beatle, and linda the diying of natural causes ladybug, oh yeh and that dumb butterfly in the corner.

this is my favorite picture for the month!

Gay ass chad. : )

winter camp 03(i need more pictures so give me some time)


can you say HELL YA!!!!!!!!!

Backround: as a child i grew up watching the radical and bodacious Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and i feel that they should have brought back the old ninja turtles instead of a sad weird anime version of the cartoon show

The natives refer to it as "Gargantuian"or "Godzilla" there have been rare sightings of this mythological beast but i myself have actually seen the beast face to face and as you can see from this picture it got ugly as the beast started to charge at me. I am lucky i escaped with my life!

(next time i might not escape!!!)


funny ass cabin shit we did at night!!




Well anyone of you that looks at this i might have more pictures i will have a shot of many ppl on this site and it might be YOU! just tell me if you dont want your picture on my site and it'll be kool with me.remeber my e-mail too

I would like to thank my friends and family and _Your Name_ for encouraging me to create this web site.

If Kevin had one wish what would it be?

James Godwin is a very intelligent creature!

DOEY (Tm. Joe Rihn Inc.) - also associates with 1-800-Jarhel2 -- WE'LL FIGHT FOR YOU!
