The Hall of Legends: Michael Jackson and Mike Tyson



Crazy Mikes

Before you flip out and question my sanity for putting these two head-cases on the positive side of the Hall of Legends, let me defend my position.  First off, it wasn't an easy decision.  I mean, everything these two do would get the rest of us put in a mental institute if we were ever dumb enough to try them.  But unlike Mr. Wood who head lines the infamous legends lineup, these guys don't make my skin crawl.  To tell the truth, I actually enjoy watching them.  Who else guarantees greater amounts of laughs than these two?  And so while I pretty much disagree with everything they stand for, I can't help but watch to see what incredibly stupid thing they'll do next.  And so despite how questionable my decision on their placement may be, I have to give these two a thumbs up for making sure there's never a dull moment, and providing unintentional comedy like no one else.

No one will argue that these two are completely insane, but which of them is truly the craziest?  It's frightening how similar these two can be, seeing as one's a former heavyweight champion boxer, and the other's the King of Pop. And so to settle this once and for all, is allowing the world to cast their vote and determine once and for all which of these two is the most deranged.


Part 1:  Facial Alteration

Michael Jackson

Do I even need to go into Jackson's plastic surgery history?  What's he thinking?  That has to be the most mis-shapen nose ever.   It's this deformed piece of putty hanging by a thread.  I've heard that it's even fallen off a few time.  Let's just say that after his fifteenth nose job, Michael has officially made himself the most scary looking person on earth.  While his cameo in MIB2 was high quality, the only movie roles he'll be landing from now on are Planet of the Apes sequels. 




Mike Tyson

Mike shocked the world by unveiling his new tattoo on his face.  Well, I guess none of us were really shocked considering it's Iron Mike we're talking about.  My personal favorite moment of Mike's first press conference after the tattoo was the following quote: "Listen, I don't want to talk about the tattoo.  You all know about my personal life.  You all know how many times I've been to prison.  This is my personal life.  I want to talk about the fight.  I mean there's a billion people out there with tattoos on their faces."  A billion people.  No exaggeration here either, he was completely serious.  Gotta love Tyson. 

Click here to watch a video of Tyson being interviewed about his tattoo!




Part 2:  Keep The Kids Away

Michael Jackson

It's common knowledge that Jackson has been known to hold sleepovers with children at his "Neverland" Ranch.  Jackson claims to be a real life Peter Pan.  As crazy as all this sounds, I think we often look past the fact that there are adults out there who actually let their children hang out with this guy.  What on earth are these people thinking? Now that's really crazy. 



Mike Tyson

Is there anyone as quotable as Tyson?  When asked about his hobbies, Mike said that he enjoys "getting high, hanging out with my kids, and drinking." Does one of these items seem out of place?  In a recent interview,  Iron Mike made the following comments regarding his opponent, Lennox Lewis:  "I'm going to rip his heart out and feed it to him.  I am going to eat his children.  Praise be to Allah!"  Guess who's kid's weren't sitting ringside when those two collided...



Part 3:  Weird Pets

Michael Jackson

Jackson finally found true love when he adopted his pet chimpanzee, Bubbles.  Little did we know that the madness was just beginning...

Mike Tyson

Tyson has decided that one pet just wasn't enough, so he has decided to raise several hundred pigeons.  He can't understand how he ended up flat broke.  I think the best place to start would be the bills for 18 tons of bird feed. 



4:  Keep Him Away From...

Michael Jackson

...Balconies.  Here's a classic picture of Jacko dangling his child off of a hotel balcony.  Besides the obvious question of why anyone would do such a thing, I want to know why the government hasn't taken the kid away. This is the same guy who headlined the "Save the Children" campaign.  It boggles the mind... 

Mike Tyson

...Ears.  In what was probably his most famous insane move, Iron Mike decided that instead of losing a boxing match like a normal human being, he would get himself disqualified by taking a bite out of Evander Holyfield's ear.  Is it just me, or would Tyson be a perfect spokesperson for a Snickers commercial:  "Chomping your opponent's ear - a side affect of hunger..."



Well some of the more insane aspects of these two have been laid out before you, and now it's time to cast the final vote.  So make your opinion heard and help the world settle once and for all who is truly the Craziest Mike. 





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