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Dave's Page

Oi, I'm Dave!
Whatsup? Not much here, making this gay page for business class. It's a stupid pointless class and I haven't learnt anything from it. I don't think anyone has! Well right now I am going to go back to my work and make My second web page. That one will be about music! If ya want me to mention ya on the page Just say. Later for now.

Yeah well I'm back now after typing up all the crap. I am not sure exactly what to do considering I am at home talkin' to people on msn being bored, hungry, and attempting to do the work but I do know, actually now that I think about it I have to link the to pages together. Allright well time to waste another two seconds of my life on gay business work. My Music page, check it out! Done! Check it. Haha i changed it's colour, this is actually kinda fun. lol I'm pathetic. Oh well. I'm still hungry!