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Hello, and welcome to Willow Song. I'm Mercury Wolf, (or Merc) and this is something of a site on my artwork. The bar on your left is an image map, use it to navigate the site.

Updates : 09.07.02

Sites up. Cutie did the HTML work. Right. Moof. This is actually Cutie writing this. Y'see, I've got no idea what to write so I'm rambling. Right. Merc, use this page as a template, just deleted all the words in this cell and type in what you need when making a new page, or you could just ask me. I hope this turned out like you liiiiked! ^_^ Like the little copyright notice? Do all you viewers at home see that copyright notice? That means if you steal, we break your kneecaps. If you claim as your own work, well... You have a death wish. I know *I'LL* be after you and trying to beat you with a large, blunt, not-so-commonly-used object, and I'm sure Merc won't be too pleased either.


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[And this would be where the piccy goes]


- This would be where the new picture thingees go.
All art on this page is © (copyright) Mercury Wolf, and may not be reprinted without permission. HTML work was done by cutiemew.