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Mademoiselle Stiletto
Sunday, 25 April 2004
Can't Hold Us Down...
First and formost, I would like to announce that there is only SIX days until my birthday!!! YAY! wow im excited, when im 14, ill officially be able to get into 14A movies, I'll be able to have sex legally(not that i'm really going to exercice that right... its just kind of cool and a good conversation starter!) and ill be 2 years closer to getting my drivers licence, 4 years till i graduate from high school, and 5 years until i can legally drink! well, thats still a long ways away, but a gurl can dream, right? well, here's my birthday list:
1- a cellphone, i really reallly realllly want one!
2- my ears pierced, i cant believe i dont have them pierced yet, and im 14~!
3- my hair chemically straightened...i have super curly and frizzy hair, and it looks so hot when its straight

Posted by falcon/crazysexycool at 7:42 PM MDT
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Friday, 23 April 2004
One Call Away...
wow. rough day. But let me start from the beginning....

It began pretty well, I was getting along super well with my friends today. And I got to be secretary for my skool for an hour! I felt very Audrey Hepburn! and me and robert were really tight today. You see, me and robert met back in grade 4, when we were on the same baseball team. Yes, I played boys baseball, and i was damn good at it. Still am. But thats beyond the point. anyways, we've always been good friends. Sometimes we hated each other SO much, but we were still good friends.And today we were laughing because my best friends thought that we liked each other, which is hilarious. So that went well (this must be boring...)
. And then I had a big verb test, which i totally forgot to study for, so i completly bombed, which will totally drop my average from a 97 to like a 87. And then, came lunchtime. Lunch pissed me off today. Not the actually eating portion. Food never makes me angry. Food actually makes me quite happy. But lunch was when my friends turned on me... For no reason, Jennie was making a list of "which guys i wanted to suck". On the list was every single guy in the fucking class, basically every guy that i know, and then her brother, and my dad. Holy shit i was pissed, but i tried to stay composed. But everyone could see right through that. And then, I can physically HEAR and SEE Julia gossiping about me. no wait, let me rephrase that. I can hear and see Julia SPREADING RUMOURS ABOUT ME. THE STUPID LITTLE BITCH. what an attention whore. so know all the guys are just making fun about me and how im a slut (because i flirt with guys? if thats what makes girls a slut these days, then my friends would be the biggest sluts in the whole fuckin world!) and im pissed. to make it worse, jennie and julia are about 2 metres away from me spreading rumours about me to robert about how i was hitting on him. seriously, is that what friends are for? Is that a real friendship??? and then, i have this really great guy friend named Jock, and julia added on her msn, and now talks to him like everyday. So shes trying to get back onto my goodside, so shes like, "ya, i talked to jock today" and i just kinda try to be all poised and classy and be nice and i ask what he said, and she say "He told me a secret about him." and i ask what its about and she says "no, i cant tell you. i told him i wouldnt tell" so i really cant keep my anger in by now. im really losing my patience, but to make it worse, RIGHT in front of me, julia goes and whipers the secret into 3 peoples ears. TWO OF THEM DONT EVEN KNOW JOCK!!!! WHAT A BITCH!!!

wow. i hate my friends. i hope they go to hell. they never apologized at all. not once. not even jennie, and jennie is the sweetest little angel. so i had a horrible day. but then Pilar got home from Nationals today, and i talked to her for an hour on the phone, and she kinda cheered me up. and then i blasted my favourite CD in the world "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill". Damn, that CD is good at taking your mind offa things. so i sang these love songs at the top of my lungs, and now im really sad and lonely. I really want a boyfriend. There's Adam, who im pretty sure i talked about yesterday, the guy whos 2 years older than me, but is so adorable, so i gave him my number? ya, he hasnt called (note the title of this entry!). so im so lonely. And then there's Adrian, but thats SUPER complicated. He's Pilar little brother. Before you freak out, you must know that Pilar is two years older than me, so Adrian is my age exactly. He's not too too too attractive looking, but he's decent i guess. He really likes me, but he doesnt have the balls to ask me out, and thats a HUGE turn-off in my book, when guys dont have enough balls to do shit like that. I just like simple cuz who dont screw around. Ones who are straight forward, and fun and cute and good to me. That's all i ask for... but anyways, ya Adrian is kinda annoying sometimes, but he can also be super hilarious... im kinda on the fence with this guy. but i cant imagine kissing him, so i dont know how well that would work out. plus, when we broke up, we would still see each other like every weekend at tennis. weird. and hes my best friend's little brother. weird.

so thats my day. quite eventful. i think im just gunna stay home tonite and watch cute luvy-duvy movies. sounds like fun, dont it? let me leave you with these words of advise:

forgive and forget. except when you're friends are dicks. in that case, try to forget, but don't forgive. you'll have so much more fun getting revenge that way.

Posted by falcon/crazysexycool at 8:06 PM MDT
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One Call Away...
wow. rough day. But let me start from the beginning....

It began pretty well, I was getting along super well with my friends today. And I got to be secretary for my skool for an hour! I felt very Audrey Hepburn! and me and robert were really tight today. You see, me and robert met back in grade 4, when we were on the same baseball team. Yes, I played boys baseball, and i was damn good at it. Still am. But thats beyond the point. anyways, we've always been good friends. Sometimes we hated each other SO much, but we were still good friends.And today we were laughing because my best friends thought that we liked each other, which is hilarious. So that went well (this must be boring...)
. And then I had a big verb test, which i totally forgot to study for, so i completly bombed, which will totally drop my average from a 97 to like a 87. And then, came lunchtime. Lunch pissed me off today. Not the actually eating portion. Food never makes me angry. Food actually makes me quite happy. But lunch was when my friends turned on me... For no reason, Jennie was making a list of "which guys i wanted to suck". On the list was every single guy in the fucking class, basically every guy that i know, and then her brother, and my dad. Holy shit i was pissed, but i tried to stay composed. But everyone could see right through that. And then, I can physically HEAR and SEE Julia gossiping about me. no wait, let me rephrase that. I can hear and see Julia SPREADING RUMOURS ABOUT ME. THE STUPID LITTLE BITCH. what an attention whore. so know all the guys are just making fun about me and how im a slut (because i flirt with guys? if thats what makes girls a slut these days, then my friends would be the biggest sluts in the whole fuckin world!) and im pissed. to make it worse, jennie and julia are about 2 metres away from me spreading rumours about me to robert about how i was hitting on him. seriously, is that what friends are for? Is that a real friendship??? and then, i have this really great guy friend named Jock, and julia added on her msn, and now talks to him like everyday. So shes trying to get back onto my goodside, so shes like, "ya, i talked to jock today" and i just kinda try to be all poised and classy and be nice and i ask what he said, and she say "He told me a secret about him." and i ask what its about and she says "no, i cant tell you. i told him i wouldnt tell" so i really cant keep my anger in by now. im really losing my patience, but to make it worse, RIGHT in front of me, julia goes and whipers the secret into 3 peoples ears. TWO OF THEM DONT EVEN KNOW JOCK!!!! WHAT A BITCH!!!

wow. i hate my friends. i hope they go to hell. they never apologized at all. not once. not even jennie, and jennie is the sweetest little angel. so i had a horrible day. but then Pilar got home from Nationals today, and i talked to her for an hour on the phone, and she kinda cheered me up. and then i blasted my favourite CD in the world "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill". Damn, that CD is good at taking your mind offa things. so i sang these love songs at the top of my lungs, and now im really sad and lonely. I really want a boyfriend. There's Adam, who im pretty sure i talked about yesterday, the guy whos 2 years older than me, but is so adorable, so i gave him my number? ya, he hasnt called (note the title of this entry!). so im so lonely. And then there's Adrian, but thats SUPER complicated. He's Pilar little brother. Before you freak out, you must know that Pilar is two years older than me, so Adrian is my age exactly. He's not too too too attractive looking, but he's decent i guess. He really likes me, but he doesnt have the balls to ask me out, and thats a HUGE turn-off in my book, when guys dont have enough balls to do shit like that. I just like simple cuz who dont screw around. Ones who are straight forward, and fun and cute and good to me. That's all i ask for... but anyways, ya Adrian is kinda annoying sometimes, but he can also be super hilarious... im kinda on the fence with this guy. but i cant imagine kissing him, so i dont know how well that would work out. plus, when we broke up, we would still see each other like every weekend at tennis. weird. and hes my best friend's little brother. weird.

so thats my day. quite eventful. i think im just gunna stay home tonite and watch cute luvy-duvy movies. sounds like fun, dont it? let me leave you with these words of advise:

forgive and forget. except when you're friends are dicks. in that case, try to forget, but don't forgive. you'll have so much more fun getting revenge that way.

Posted by falcon/crazysexycool at 8:05 PM MDT
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Thursday, 22 April 2004
Naughty Girl...
Hey there my beloved fans! All 3 of you... haha jk I'd be lucky if I had three fans! haha. Anyways, I have now decided that I'm going to title each of my entries with the name of a song, this day, you will soon find out, relates mostly to the song Naughty Girl by Beyonce. Oh, you just wait and see. I'm also watching Friends right now, so I'm a little distracted. Forgive me if I make a blog no-no.

So the day started out fine, I woke up after staying up most of the night reading this great new book, "all i want is everything" (PICK IT UP!) so i was pretty tired. I went to school, and saw my bestest friends, julia and jennie, and everything was great. Things went well until lunch. Come lunch, I started to really get pissed off at my friends. Me and Julia were talking, and she said that i flirted like crazy with all of the boys in the class, and she accused me of liking a few of them. Let me put it this way, i would never even CONSIDER going out with ANYONE in my class. they are all jerks or greasy pigs. so when julia said this, i was fuming. I told her that i always flirt with guys, and that i don't even notice when i do it. OK, so i flirt alot. But Julia was embarassing me so bad, in front of EVRYONE. I was so pissed off. God, my best friend, and she thinks that i like the greasiest guys ever. SHows how much she knows me. And shes so freakin stubborn, she refuses to be wrong. GRRRRRR! Jennie was pissing me off too today. She called me an elephant, pretty much a fat-ass, and said that i wanted to have sex with this guy who is obsessed with me. Let me introduce this guy. His name is Martin, and I play tennis with him. He is also the biggest nerd that i have ever met in my life. Picture the geekiest kid possible. That's Martin. I've known him since i was 9 or so, and in the past year, he has been obsessed with me. He doesn't just LIKE me, oh no, he is actually obsessed with me. He knows things about me that not even my best friends know. SOOOOOO creepy. and anyways, jennie alwasy says that i want to screw him, and it pisses me off. i will tell you later why i hate martin, but we'll save that juicy gossip for later. anyways, at recess today (yes, i have recess still...) jennie and julia were playing soccer together, and i HATE soccer. they refused to let me play with them, so i went to go play football with the other kids in my class. After recess, they were pissed off at me. It's like I can't even talk to anyone, like I'm not allowed to. URRRGGGG. I can't talk to boys, because then I automatically "like" them, and i cant talk to other people, cuz them im being a traitor. God, chicks are so complicated....

And then I had tennis tonight. We had to run the BMX hills today, and do fitness outside in the playground, and I schooled everyone. or maybe im just cocky.... so things between me and martin are really awkward now, cuz he knows that im mad at him for.... OK ill tell you. When we were at nationals last week, he was being a total bitch to me, just making fun of me all day, just saying how i was fat and a whore and a bitch and stuff, so i ask him, im like, why are you being such a jackass today? and hes like "you're just getting what you deserve after all these years of being a total bitch."
I couldn't believe it. So he knows im super mad at him, so that was kinda awkward. but we're playing doubles togather at this little event this weekend, but ill tell u about that later. and I saw martyna today, and she was laughing at me cuz i suck at tennis right now. im not sure whether i take offense to that or not. whatever. things between me and her have been weird lately too. things are really weird right now. I really wish that i had a boyfriend to turn to at times like these. I;ve never had a byoyfriend, but all my friends have one, and they seem like great accessories. HA! anyways, i met this guy last weekend, he's 2 years older than me and he was SOOOOOOO cute, and i gave him my number, but he hasnt called yet! god, im gunna feel like such a loser if he doesnt call.... but ya, thats my life nowadays, expect some more juicy stories in the future, until then, ta-ta for now!

with confusion and desire,
*****Mademoiselle Stiletto*****

Posted by falcon/crazysexycool at 9:43 PM MDT
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Tuesday, 20 April 2004
Hi, I'm Ms. Stiletto, and I will be your hostess for this evening....
It's crazy how being addicted to TV shows can inspire you to do somehing that is actually worthwhile doing, even though people say that TV is a waste of time. Contradictory? I think so. But I should introduce myself first. To protect my anonymity, I will now be known as Mademoiselle Stiletto, but you can call me Ms. Stiletto for short. I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, which may seem boring to the naive and gullible, but don't believe everything you hear. Saskatchewan ain't that bad. We may get a bad rap for being nothing but farmers, but we're really just like anyone else, except for the whole hillbilly thing (haha jk.) But seriously, i believe that life is only what you make of it, so if i was to say that Saskatoon sucked, it would only be because I MADE it suck. You following? I hope, because I'm only getting started. But back to me. I'm the young tender age of 13 years old, yet I refuse to believe that. I look at least 16, and I easily get into high school parties and what not. So lets just refer to me as a 16 year old, ok? Anyways, I go to a hardcore french school, where I have the three best friends in the world, 3 more divas just like me! I play tennis pretty intensely, and I have some awesome friends there, two in particular that are fab-u-lous. I've got to admit, I'm not entirely the most social person outside of these 5 people. Does that make me a loser? Actually, lets not judge so early in our relationship. Anyways, a few of my faves in general are hiphop, rap, Ludacris, Kanye West, Outkast, the TV shows The OC, Friends, Will & Grace, every single frickin reality show, tennis, baseball, American Eagle, and everything fabulous. My top picks for the sexiest men out there are ADAM BRODY, Ashton Kutcher, Justin Timberlake, Ben MacKenzie and COLIN FARRELL. In real life, the sexiest guys I know are Garrett, James, Samuel, David, Jamie and Adam. I'll tell you a little more about them later. And as for my best friends, I'll go with.... Jennie Jasmine, Julia, Martyna and Pilar. You will definatly learn alot about them as I continue with these entries. But for now, lets stick to the basics. Wait, I forgot one of my fave TV shows, and if you love this show too, you've probably guessed it by now. Yep, Sex & The City. I love it, love it, love it! When I was talking nonsense about TV shows at the start, I was making reference to the fact that Sex & The City inspired me to start writing this online journal. I'm trying to be the Carrie Bradshaw for teenaged sexy mamas. Am I successful so far? Don't answer that. But seriously, if you haven't seen the show, and are wondering what the HELL I'm talking about, watch the show! its incredible. Love it. Two thumbs up. 5 stars. If that show were a man, I would do it. love it. Which brings me to my first point. If TV shows are such a waste of time, then what about the ones that inspire us? Does that mean that what I'm doing right now is a waste of time? I think that a waste of time is doing something that you hate doing, something that doesnt make you happy, nor does it do anything productive. This is frickin productive. I'm pouring my heart and soul out to you guys. I think that's the most productive thing to do. Tell your life story. Along the way, you're bound to figure some shit out. When I talk about myself, I find that I surprise myself with some of the emotions that I express. But isn't it wrong now, to talk about yourself? Even though it clears your head? Does it make us self-absorbed when we're trying to figure ourselves out? Or just selfish? wow. this is deep shit. i hope someone's taking notes. hahaha. thats all for today! with love and compassion, *****mademoiselle stiletto*****

Posted by falcon/crazysexycool at 7:31 PM MDT
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