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Mademoiselle Stiletto
Tuesday, 20 April 2004
Hi, I'm Ms. Stiletto, and I will be your hostess for this evening....
It's crazy how being addicted to TV shows can inspire you to do somehing that is actually worthwhile doing, even though people say that TV is a waste of time. Contradictory? I think so. But I should introduce myself first. To protect my anonymity, I will now be known as Mademoiselle Stiletto, but you can call me Ms. Stiletto for short. I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, which may seem boring to the naive and gullible, but don't believe everything you hear. Saskatchewan ain't that bad. We may get a bad rap for being nothing but farmers, but we're really just like anyone else, except for the whole hillbilly thing (haha jk.) But seriously, i believe that life is only what you make of it, so if i was to say that Saskatoon sucked, it would only be because I MADE it suck. You following? I hope, because I'm only getting started. But back to me. I'm the young tender age of 13 years old, yet I refuse to believe that. I look at least 16, and I easily get into high school parties and what not. So lets just refer to me as a 16 year old, ok? Anyways, I go to a hardcore french school, where I have the three best friends in the world, 3 more divas just like me! I play tennis pretty intensely, and I have some awesome friends there, two in particular that are fab-u-lous. I've got to admit, I'm not entirely the most social person outside of these 5 people. Does that make me a loser? Actually, lets not judge so early in our relationship. Anyways, a few of my faves in general are hiphop, rap, Ludacris, Kanye West, Outkast, the TV shows The OC, Friends, Will & Grace, every single frickin reality show, tennis, baseball, American Eagle, and everything fabulous. My top picks for the sexiest men out there are ADAM BRODY, Ashton Kutcher, Justin Timberlake, Ben MacKenzie and COLIN FARRELL. In real life, the sexiest guys I know are Garrett, James, Samuel, David, Jamie and Adam. I'll tell you a little more about them later. And as for my best friends, I'll go with.... Jennie Jasmine, Julia, Martyna and Pilar. You will definatly learn alot about them as I continue with these entries. But for now, lets stick to the basics. Wait, I forgot one of my fave TV shows, and if you love this show too, you've probably guessed it by now. Yep, Sex & The City. I love it, love it, love it! When I was talking nonsense about TV shows at the start, I was making reference to the fact that Sex & The City inspired me to start writing this online journal. I'm trying to be the Carrie Bradshaw for teenaged sexy mamas. Am I successful so far? Don't answer that. But seriously, if you haven't seen the show, and are wondering what the HELL I'm talking about, watch the show! its incredible. Love it. Two thumbs up. 5 stars. If that show were a man, I would do it. love it. Which brings me to my first point. If TV shows are such a waste of time, then what about the ones that inspire us? Does that mean that what I'm doing right now is a waste of time? I think that a waste of time is doing something that you hate doing, something that doesnt make you happy, nor does it do anything productive. This is frickin productive. I'm pouring my heart and soul out to you guys. I think that's the most productive thing to do. Tell your life story. Along the way, you're bound to figure some shit out. When I talk about myself, I find that I surprise myself with some of the emotions that I express. But isn't it wrong now, to talk about yourself? Even though it clears your head? Does it make us self-absorbed when we're trying to figure ourselves out? Or just selfish? wow. this is deep shit. i hope someone's taking notes. hahaha. thats all for today! with love and compassion, *****mademoiselle stiletto*****

Posted by falcon/crazysexycool at 7:31 PM MDT
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