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"Good times last year; great times this year."


What is "Urban Spelunking?"

You know you were just asking yourself that very question. Most likely followed by either "This guy needs to get a life." or "This sucks balls." Well, I do need to get a life (I spend my Friday nights watching Stargate) and no, this doesn't suck balls. But I digress... Just what is Urban Spelunking? Well, in the spring of my junior year at Catholic High School, my friends at the lunch table and I decided that our city, Baton Rouge, really sucks. Therefore, we desired something new and creative from the city. Clearly, by this webpage's existance, we failed. But not before we had one hell of a good time. On my friend Mark's prompting, we decided to go on little "adventures" throughout the city. We explored sewers, bummed like hobos, and even broke into abandoned warehouses (as you will read about if I haven't scared you off yet). Along with a few other people, namely David and Jared, we explored and discovered. In fact, we continue to do so to this day...


Latest News
It's the 25th of January, and this is the first time I've updated this website since...oh...July. Whoops. Anyway, right now I'm just looking for people to help me write for the site and yet another new look for it. Now, my ongoing quest continues. Until next time, folks.

Special thanks to Mark Pollet, David Dinh, Robert Breazeale, Jared Lewis, Karl Boehringer, Steven Delatin, Marcelle Navarre, Patrick Husband, Jesus Christ™, Donovan McClelland, Allison Percy, Kyle Baker, Remy Cossé, Sarah and Rachael Redpath, Neal McRoberts, Tommy Stryjewski, Devin Ourso, J.R.R. Tolkein, Emily Andrus, Karen Wilson, Casey Honigman, Karianne Heins, David Tarnow, Hayden Moore, Lauren Cefalu, Jen Menville, Kaitlyn Meyers, The Maxson Ladies, The Honda Corporation™, The Legend of Zelda™, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles™, and my mommy.

Without whom, I would be sane...

Life in the wide world of Middle Earth goes on much as it has this past age, full of its own comings and goings. Scarcely aware of the existence of pants; a fact for which I am very thankful.
Oh yeah, sign the God foresaken guestbook so I can feel like someone out there loves me.
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