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[Notice the absence of obseneties? Are you happy now?]

Well, I don`t know what to put here for you.
Mar. 11, 2003

So while procrastinating as usual - er, taking a break, I came across a few very interesting sites. And yes, they`re genuinely interesting, not that kind of interesting. [Shilo]. So here they are:
Lefties: Sinister or Special? DAMMIT WE`RE SPECIAL!
So AA is totally annoying me today and won`t let me put the link for this article here, so I`ll just type out the name: asp
Yes, I realize there`s a space in that URL. Take it out yourself. AA won`t let me put it all together....I have no idea why.
Anyways, the article is about lefties. Like me. And Mer. And possibly you.
The Leftie Store Is there one of these at Town? Why not?
As promised (if any of you remember) my yearly update is now in its green colour. How unfortunate.

I Wish...
1. Stainless Steel Thermos A small one though...not a huge one.
3. Martini Glasses to go with me stainless steel urn.
4. Ok, I might as well ask for a Martini kit. Gin, vermouth, olives, ice, those little sword things, a bar, a house to put the bar in, a car to put in my new house`s garage, my G2...Yeah, you`re right, I`m getting carried away here, especially with that last one.
5. "Beta Boxes." But I think Tiff`s got that one covered. Say bye bye to the mayo jars, boys!
6. Um...A book on Martinis? But pictures and stuff, not like, the history of hand-blown martini glasses. Why the hell am I so obsessed with martinis?
7. I like books. Old, well-loved hard cover books that are "classics". So far I`ve gotSense and Sensibility, A Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield. Yeah, basically get Jane Austen and Charles *bleep*ens. Who else thinks it`s hilarious that *bleep* showsup when I type in Charles *bleep*ens? And All the LOTR books, b/c I might as well read them since it seems like I`ll never see the movie anyway...Preferably Old Hardcover,if that`s even possible. No old paperbacks, please. I bought enough of those last summer, and they`re still sitting on my shelf. KAREN!!! WE HAVE TO SEE IT!!! I think I`m getting carried away with the links here.

It is totally beyond me as to why this pic shows up once in a while. But do the whole right-click thing if you wanna see it so badly. It`s my honest attempt to include everyone. Sorry, Maria, for making you look naked. I honestly didn`t intend for it to look like that. However, since this pic was made into a present for Karen, perhaps it worked out for the best....KIDDING KAREN!

Wait a minute...

Chris, stop trying to make Karen jealous!!!

ANYWAYS, I shall end this now. Should I put something fobby here? Should I? mmm...nah. Too bad, I`m a big kerroppi

KAREN = PUCCA (Nomatter how it`s pronounced)
= Cannibal
= person to call when you have overactive neighbours

I shall add one more thing:
*Is that a ghost? Oh sh*t! It`s NOT!!! EWWW!!! My innocent ears!!!!*
Thankyou. Bye!
Don`t forgetto sign my guestbook before you leave!!!!
