~ ~ ~ ~ Chaos' Shrine ~ ~ ~ ~

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Welcome to my home page all about Chaos, my gryphon Character

    Some information about Chaos:

  • Her fur is a light purple color, her feathers a lighter shade
  • She has 3 red stripes under her eyes and a star on her forehead
  • She has dark emerald eyes
  • She is a warrior and is always picking fights
  • She trusts only one other...Typhoon. A wolf-like creature that she met along her journey

My story:

It begins long ago, when I was young and lived in a massive valley, surrounded by jagged mountains to keep others out. My clan was large, and happy. My clan consisted of not only gryphons, but many other creatures as well. The valley was all I ever knew, for I was born there. It was great there, spending my days playing and often training to be a fighter. I had always wanted to be a warrior. My parents were the leaders of the clan, they were the ones who had found the valley when out clan was small.

What I didn't know was that long ago, before we lived in the valley A shapeshifter joined the clan. I knew none of this, for I wasn't yet alive. She seemed different from the rest, so dark and mysterious. We learned later that she was after the sakkeni Jewel, a powerful emerald that my mother wore. It was said to have great powers, but no one could figure out how. Later they figured out that the shapeshifter, Antigra, only joined because she was after the emerald. We drove her out and that was the last we saw of her...until one day.

I was playing near the lake and I heard a distant rumbling. A massive army of assorted creatures was charging in at us from the mountains, lead by Antigra. I rushed to my parents as mayhem broke out in the clan. As the two forces commenced, my mother lead me away into the shadows. Everywhere there was screeching, hissing, blood. She brought me to a small tunnel leading out through the mountains. She took the emerald from around her neck and told me to go, to not come back here. So I did. I ran away from the valley into the strange land outside it. I wandered around for days, exhausted and hungry. Finally I collapsed, to tired to go on. I heard voices aroudn me and weakly lifted up my head. I winced as i felt some thing sting me, then I fell unconsciece.

The next thing I remember I was in a cage, the cold steel against me. I slowly opened my eyes and got up, looking around me. This place, it was like nothing I had ever seen before. Strange two legged creatures were walking around me. I was scared. Really scared. My home and family were left behind forever. A man walked up to me and i stepped back in the cage. He took me out and put something around me neck, leading me to this strange room. He told me that I was going to stay here, and that he was my master.

From then on I had accepted my fate. He trained memade me dark and vicious. He used me to fight and earn money. I respected him, for he was powerful. He told me that If i faught for him he would look for my family, and find it. He never did. But i didn't know this. I grew up in that place, living in a cage and waiting for the day I would finally see my parents. One day I asked him why I was here, for I had forgotten the valley and my childhood, forgotten who my parents were.

"You are here to serve me." he said. I thought about this, knowing that it couldn't be true. he said we were equals. I grew angry and refused to fight for him. He shut me in the cage and starved me until I fought. From then on I hated him, yet I also feared him. I would get out of that place one day...

The next battle I remebered forever. I was next up to fight and I watched the battle before me. It was A wolf-like creature with flames running up its legs and tail, and a single horn on its head against a large winged saber toothed tiger. The wolf snarled viciously, and its eyes glinted. Something was different in its eyes then the rest, sheer determination. But not to fight....something else. The battle commenced and soon the wolf stood over the dead tiger, fangs bloody. I watched carefully as its owner took it and began to take it away. As it did something in its eyes flashed and a faint smile crossed its maw, and in one swift movement it locked on to it's owners arm. The owner yelled in pain and let go of the chain that held it. It let go of his arm and dashed out of the ring, people yelling and running after it. I didn't know what happened to it after that, but I hoped I had a similar fate.

Well, I did. I had been waiting for the moment when he lead me outside for another fight. While he was distracted I leaped away, jerking the chain out of his hands. I fanned my wings and tried to fly away. He shot at me, one shot hitting my leg. I winced, but continued to fly, for he had trained me well. I soared abong the clouds for the first time since I was young. It felt wonderful being free.

From then on I lived on my own, trusting no one. One day I was hunting and I saw something ahead oh me. It was a wolf-like creature, and it looked familiar somehow. I padded slowly over to him and he looked at me. His eyes were dark, yet he was kind and gentle. His name was Typhoon, and he was the first creature I had trusted. We became freinds, me and Typhoon. I never trusted anyone else except him. I would visit occasionally, but other than that I lived alone. I traveled the land, killing as I pleased. The man had trained my only to kill, so now it was my nature. What I didn't know was that with every life I took, the emerald became more beautiful...and powerful. One day I will meet up with Antigra, and find out my past, for she knows who I am. I was the one who took the very thing she was after. I will find her, someday...


Dee Dreslough, a magnifiscent and inspiring dragon artist
Jenifer Millar/Nambroth, an amazing gryphon artist
Ruth Thompson, one of the best fantasy artists I have ever seen
Lisa's great site on HTML
Elfwood, one of the biggest fantasy art sites
And of course, Neopets, a great virtual pet site with over 30 million members


My other BVSD home page
My Elfwood Gallery
My freind Brooke's Chinchilla site ^-^

About The 'Real Me'

  • My Name Is Melanie Steinway
  • I Live in Boulder, CO
  • I am 12 years old
  • I like to draw, play games on the computer, go on the internet and jump on the trampoline
  • I am obsessed with gryphons
  • I hope to become a digital Artist
  • I have a dog and guinea pig at my moms house and 2 cats at my dads house

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