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California Pictures -- Page 1

WELCOME TO the information superhighway storage spot for my pictures from the summer of 2002, which was my first (and hopefully not last!) trip to California. It was my pleasure to meet and work with so many wonderful people; I hope to see you all again, and this time, get your picture! =) I see in hindsight that I should have taken more pictures of people and less of places.... well, please forgive my oversight and enjoy the pictures that I do have -- to see a bigger version of the image click on the picture. Some of the pictures are a little blurry, but that's because I was still trying to figure out how to use the focus/zoom on a digital camera. Page 1 has pictures from Palo Alto; I think Stanford has a beautiful campus and a great climate, a lot like Duke. Truly a great area.
Lounging inside my quaint room. What a wonderful day. =) A picture taken in the center of Stanford's campus. I'm standing outside the bookstore (with my back to it); I don't know what the building in the distance is.
Another picture taken with my back to the Stanford bookstore, this is a nice fountain sculpture; students use it as a wading pool on hot days. I'm standing at the Stanford main busstop and looking onto one of the quads; the Stanford mission church is the big building you see in the background.
Standing at the same busstop looking the other way onto the huge lawn. Notice all the palm trees. Quite gorgeous when you're there; Palm drive reminded me a lot of Duke's Chapel drive, sans palm trees. Same picture as before, just zoomed in. I was experimenting with the zoom function, that's why the picture appears blurry. But, you can appreciate the palm trees a little more. A lot of people sun on the lawn and have multiple volleyball games every afternoon. A lot of ultimate frisbee goes on here too.
A closer shot of the Stanford church. Another picture taken standing at the busstop, but turned to the left (w/respect to church). You can see Hoover tower (named after the president, who went to Stanford), which is a nice observatory. Also note how smooth and flat the street is; all the streets are like that in Palo Alto, perfect for biking.
I'm standing on my driveway and looking out to the street across. A nice neighborhood, very quiet and peaceful. Inside my place. Very cozy and with everything I need.
The wooden interior ensures cooler indoor temperatures than outside. Also gives the place a rustic vacation home/cabin feel. Complete pandemonium!
Here's the front of the main house (my place is detached and is in the back of the house) with some of the garden and patio chairs. I'm standing on the driveway in front of the house and you can see the american flag, and one of the palm trees on the property.
Standing on the driveway, looking down the street to the right. Standing on the driveway looking down the street to the left.

********** The Other California Pages **********

Page 2 -- San Francisco
Page 3 -- San Francisco continued
Page 4 - Myrtle Beach
Page 5 - Santa Cruz
Page 6 - Capitola
Page 7 - Presidio
Page 8 - Southern California

This is the enclosed front yard, where you can see the pool, several of the palm trees, and the patio...