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I have come to cast a fire upon the earth, and how I wish it was already kindled! ~ Jesus Christ (Luke 12:49) I have this fire Jesus spoke of burning in my heart, and I strive to keep it fueled ,brighter, and spreading to others by :

Hey, glad you checked out my page. Maybe you want some motivation, or perhaps refreshment from the cares of life. Possibly you may be inspired, encouraged, or strengthened by what I have written or placed on this little website. That’s is my goal, to help you out in at least some small way if not in a big way. lol The purpose of this is not to make my name a little more famous, or for fun (it is fun, but that is not the reason I did this). Instead it is to help searching people, those who are looking for purpose, truth, or maybe a reason to live. Not only that but I hope some of the things I have put on here will uplift some of my christian brothers and sisters. Not all of the content on here is what we would call “christian” stuff, but the majority of it is. ------------------------------------- Do you feel nothingness inside you? You get up, knowing nothing is going to happen, you go about your day and nothing happens, you go to bed, knowing nothing has happened. You wonder, why am I here, what is there to live for, maybe your boyfriend or girlfriend, but if you breakup then what do you live for? Maybe you live for getting a little more, you think, “If I could just get a little better at this or that” or “If I could just get 100 hundred more dollars” “If I could just get this car” "If I could just by this computer game” "If I could just look like that” “If I could just get those clothes” but when you get a little better, when you get a little more money, or when you buy that sports car, computer game or whatever, you are satisfied for a little bit maybe, if at all. But then you feel empty again, and it starts all over. You ask, Why, What, Were, is the reason I am here. You’ve come to the right place I think if I just described you in the above. All right, I am going to ask one of the biggest questions ever asked, what is your purpose and what is my purpose for life. In order to answer that question you and I must assume there is a god. If there is no god, then we came from nowhere and are going nowhere. So, if you believe God does NOT exist the question ‘what is the purpose of life’ is pointless. However it proves that there is a god, that many people who deny the existence of God still ask, what is the purpose of life? Which, according to their belief, is an utterly senseless question. How could a big bang governed by chance make people for a purpose? You see God placed that question in us, so that we would look for that purpose, and try to fulfill it. He created you for a purpose; He made you to be a somebody.

Your Purpose.
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