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Welcome Benyamin Ben-Schlimazel's website! I have many interests. My favorite subject of discusion is politics. I am a Conservative Zionist who believes the following:

Israel, India, and the United States have been terrorized by terrorists for many years. Only, the United States has just "opened its eyes." Jews and Hindus have been terrorized by terrorists for hundreds of years. Recently, terrorists killed 3000 Americans on September 11, 2001. Later during 2001 and 2002, terrorists again attempted to attack in America. On July 4, 2002, an Egyptian man killed two people at the El Al ticket counter. It was never called a terrorist attack. However, it was. Terrorists want to take over the world and kill all Americans, Jews, and Hindus. They want to convert the rest of the world to Islam. Throughout the twentieth century, negotiations with Islamic countries, terror groups, and terrorists have almost always failed. That is because the governments of Islamic countries are terrorists. Most of the schools in Islamic countries teach hate and that is why the majority in the Islamic countries supports terrorism. The hate needs to stop.

Most of the oil is in Islamic countries. Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, and Yemen are key suppliers of oil. The oil fuels not only vehicles but terrorism as well. One solution is a different source but we have to exterminate the terrorists as soon as possible. Therefore, that leaves the military solution. Saudi Arabia is actually, the greatest enemy of the United States, Israel, and India. Most of the oil comes from there. However, if not all of those countries are invaded, the terrorists will still have some financial help. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Lebanon, and Syria are the countries, which must be invaded. Syria, Pakistan, and Lebanon don't have oil. They harbor Hizbullah and/or Al-Quida. In each of the countries listed, oil fields must be seized by the US, hate-teaching schools must be found and closed down, terrorists must be found and hunted down, and the governments must be replaced with democratic regimes with moderate leaders. A ten to twenty year occupation would work. Then control could be handed over to moderate people and the people there would live well.

In Israel; all Muslims should be deported from Israel. Israel is the only Jewish state while there are fifty Muslim countries. Over 750 Israelis have been killed in the Palestinian Intifada alone. Thousands of Israelis have been killed in the past 100 years. and nothing has been done about that. The only solution is the deportation of Muslims. Besides, the term "Palestinian" was made up after the Six Day War. Before that, Palestinians were actually Jordanians. Negotiations haven't worked. That is because we do not negotiate with terrorists! NO MUSLIMS IN ISRAEL!

In India, all Muslims should also be deported from India. Thousands of Hindus have been killed in the last few hundred years. Negotiations haven't worked. That is because we do not negotiate with terrorists! NO MUSLIMS IN INDIA!

Another thing which funds terrorism, is drugs. I believe that anyone who buys, sells, or possesses drugs is a terrorist.

Other places terrorized by Islamic terrorists include Russia, Nigeria, Georgia and many other countries. We must fight these terrorists as well.

Islamic terrorists are not the only terrorists which must be fought. The racists, fascists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and Nazis must also be fought.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email

Thankyou for visiting my website. Goodbye!


Anti Terrorism Coalition (ATC)
The ATC is a new organization against terrorism. It has a webring of over twenty sites. It also has a forum where many of the webmasters of those sites against terrorism are. Now, the ATC has become bigger and it's just the begining. It now consists of many more people and it will have more divisions. I am the Director of ATC USA! Recently, ATC Israel came into existance. The ATC is working on ATC India and ATC Canada. We are here to exterminate terrorism and we are here to teach the public about the majority of Muslims and how they follow a cult of terror. Not many Muslims and non-Muslims understand that the Quran is wrong and that it is an evil document with 123 verses in support of terrorism. Many anti-terrorists have been stopped, but not anymore. Now all people who are fighting terrorism will be united in one organization! If you want to help, join, or have any questions about the ATC, email me. More »

The New Anti-Terror Forum
My old forum used to have twenty six members and about ninety messages a month. Sometime in late July 2003 (while I was on vacation), my forum was banned by Islamized yahoo. On August 1, 2003, I reopened my forum. My predictions were that there would be even less members and messages. However, I turned out to be wrong. My new forum got nearly fifty members in less than three weeks and got 170 messages in just eighteen days! My forum continues to grow and I ask that more people joins. You are all welcome in my forum. More »

CAIR or CATR? Council for American Islamic Relations or Council for American Terrorist Relations? Islam is not a religion of peace. "And be not slack so as to cry for peace and you have the upper hand, and Allah is with you, and He will not bring your deeds to naught." -verse 47.35. Very peaceful, isn't it? Like all Muslim organizations, CAIR supports terrorism. They fund Al-Quida, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hizbullah, and many other terrorist organizations. They haven't commited any terrorist attacks though. However, that is about to change. Members of anti-terrorist organizations, infiltrating a secret CAIR forum overheard that CAIR has hired a hacker to destroy anti-terrorism websites. (Don't worry, this website is using the ATC Security Plan and if it were hacked it would be up in fifteen minutes) This is in retaliation to Bush's meeting with Daniel Pipes. More »

Weekly Editorial
CAIR Planned Massive Cyber-terrorist attacks
Week of August 18, 2003

On August 15, 2003, a members of anti-terrorism organizations, infiltrated a CAIR (Council For American Islamic Relations) secret forum. They overheard conversations between high-ranking CAIR officials. In recent days, Bush was to meet with Daniel Pipes (a well-known anti-terrorism expert). CAIR, hired a hacker in "retaliation" in order to shut down anti-terrorism websites. The Anti-Terrorism Coalition (ATC) and Masada 2000 are the two most important targets to the enemy. Many other anti-terrorism websites are also targets. More »

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Benyamin Ben-Schlimazel's Site, proud winner of the 2003-2004 Golden Web Awards!

  A Russian, German, and Jew are in a plane.
Suddenly, a genie appears and says, I will grant each of you a wish.
He asks the German what he wants. The German answers, "I want to kill all the Russians."
He asks the Russian what he wants. The Russian answers, "I want to kill all the Germans."
Then he asks the Jew what he wants. The Jew asks, " Will you really grant them the wishes?"
"Yes," replies the genie.
The Jew says, "In that case, give me a cup of coffee.  
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