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We welcome you to the Dream Asylum, Please hold here in the waiting room for The Doctors, Materia Michitsu and Sekhubis Shhed. Make yourself a little more comfortable, read a few Webcomics, they're in the links off to your left. Once you feel you're ready to see the Doctors, you can venture up to the Doors (Links) above. Read or E-mail a Rant, Event or Review, or read the Interview done by the doctors!


August 11th, 2003: Added a couple links, and Have one interview completed! The page will be up soon, don't you worry! (-..Materia..-)

August 9th, 2003: All the Links are up and Running, and some Rants have been posted by Sekhubis, and It's my turn to be a Lazy ass. (-..Materia..-)

August 8th, 2003: Whoot! The Site is started! Links are (almost) up and running! Forums are a go! I have some Assitance! Whoot! But She's a lazy ass, so Bleh. My turn will come!! ^^ (-..Materia..-)

Copyrights & Credits

Graphics and Design © Materia Michitsu (2003-2004)
Site name © Sekhubis Shhed and Materia Michitsu (2003-2004)

Dream Asylum © Materia Zaphresz, Sekhubis Shhed