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Parrots and Pigeons


I hope to make this website your place to visit for information on caring for your feathered companions, whether they are parrots or racing homing pigeons! I have devoted a page specifically for each type of bird, with a separate page for general avian information (information that applies to all birds). Why parrots and racing homing pigeons...because these are the types of birds I like, that I have the most experience with, and have raised for many years! What makes me such an expert? Well, I'm not, but I have a lot of knowledge and experience to share from over 15 years of working with birds. Come on in and learn how to care for your feathered companions! They will put a smile on your face on your worst day so we need to treat them very well!

I'd like to devote a page on my website for sharing bird stories. If you'd like to contribute, please submit your story via E-Mail to me at: (I'm changing ISPs...will post new address soon). Stories can be about the funny things your bird(s) do (or don't do), how they play, interact with each other, what they do by themselves, things you've heard them say...anything you'd like to share with other bird people. I'll post all stories received as long as they are relevant to birds, they are in good taste, and not malicious or copywrited material. Keep it short because of website space limitations please. If you want to remain anonymous, you should tell me so. Otherwise, your name will be posted along with your material. I reserve the right to edit your contributions if necessary or refuse to post any offensive material. I will inform you in advance of posting of any edits I would like to make to your material. I'll also inform you if I will not be posting your contribution and why. This should be lots of fun! I'm continually updating information on this website as my time permits.

Website Contents:

Homing Pigeons