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So. Am. Text Notes - B-Block



The Inca Empire


1.  As one of the most advanced civilizations in the world, what did the Inca civilization not have that most other civilizations had to provide for the interaction and circulation of goods?


2.  How did the Incas accommodate the integration of the Andean domain?


3.  In the 1530’s, who took over the entire Inca Empire?


4.  After the Spanish invaders, what is one example of the social values the Incas left behind when pushing to the northern Andes?


5.  What is an altiplano?



The Iberian Invaders


6.  What did Fransico Pizzaro accomplish in South America?


7.  How and why did Spanish rule change over the Inca’s?


8.  How did Lima rise to become the capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru?


9.  How did Portugal join the Iberian invasion of South America?


10.  How and why was the Treaty of Tordesillas broken?


The Africans


11.  Who came to South America and partitioned it and why did they believe the land east of the Andes was uninhabitable?


12.  Which peoples did the Portuguese bring to South America, and what were they brought for?


The Longstanding Isolation


13.   Why did the countries that came out of South America’s Spanish viceroyalties stay isolated from one another?


14.   Why would an Iberian citizen have reason to rebel against the country and how did they do it?



15.  Who were the viceroyalties and what did they bring to South America?





16.  What two countries gained independence first in So. Am.?  And why did it occur in these countries first?


17.  What two physical features kept Argentina and Chile from being touched by the Spanish military?


18.  What happened when Brazil began to revolt against Portugal?


19.  What factors led to the reliance on European trade in South America?


20.  When did Argentina and Chile gain independence from Spain?




Cultural Fragmentation


21.   How was the fragmentation of colonial South America divided into republics?


22. Because the societies and cultures of middle and South America are so heterogeneous how do they have to be generalized to be qualified?


23.   What are the different races represented in Latin Am.?


Tropical Plantation Region


24.   How does the tropical plantation region resemble the rimland of the Middle American realm?


25.   Who is the man that made the map that shows the five South American cultures spheres?


European-Commercial Region


26.  How is the European commercial region more advanced economically?


27.  Why do we have a poor economy and agriculture in the Amerind-Subsistence Region?


28.  How does the transitional have economic connotation?


29.  Describe the Undifferentiated region and why it is named that.


30.  Name all the five cultural spheres of So. Am.



The Guianas


31.  What will the local movement in French Guiana do for the country?


32.  What ethnic groups make up the population in the Guianas?


33.   What complex accounts for half of the country’s productive activity in the Guianas?  How is most of the food brought into the country?


34.   What natural resource will surpass the mining industry? Why?


35.   What caused the conflict between Guyana and Suriname?


36.    What is the environmental controversy between the Guianas?





37.  Even though Venezuela’s 25.2 million people are living in the uplands, what other parts of the country are they concentrated in?


38.  In the Venezuelan Highlands, the Maracaibo Lowlands and Lake Maracibo were once in a poor state, how are they contributing to Valenzuela now?


39.  What has inhibited the Llanos’ commercial agriculture potential?


40.  How has oil made a difference in the longstanding social and economic problems of Venezuela and explain what happen in the elections of 1998?


41.  What are pro’s and con’s to what Chavez has done for Venezuela?


42.  Do you think Venezuela will ever overcome their problem of relying on oil profits? If so, explain why.





43.  Columbia is thought of as a nice, peaceful country, however this is not true. What three things about this country make this not true?


44.  What happened to the economy once the Liberalists and Conservatists signed an agreement? What were the results?


45.  In 1970, an event happened to Columbia that would change it. What was it and what did it do to the US market for narcotics?


46.  Most of the people of Columbia are found in what physical area? What is the main crop in that area that is only second only to Brazil’s on the continent and in the world?


47.  Columbia was a very wealthy and prosperous country, however, what “events” dealt the country a devastating blow?


48.  Today, Columbia is in combat. There have been invasions of the Supreme Court and downings of passenger-filled airlines, as well as many civilian deaths. Who are the people that are causing all of this destruction?


49.  Insurgents in several parts of Columbia have created their own domains, and some of their rulers have even negotiated their status with the legitimate government in the capitol. What is happening there is a process long studied by political scientists. What are the 3 stages that are involved?