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Language & Appropriate Communication

Spoken Language

Name order- the first name follows the family name. Only close relatives and close friends are addressed by first name. People rarely use just names to address each other, but use the appropriate title as well. For example, 'sensei', used as a title for teachers/professors, doctors and others with higher education (such as lawyers).

Written Language

There are three forms of Japanese written language- Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana. These are written from right to left, vertically down the page. Hiragana is the simplest form of written language, and is the first taught to school children.

Useful Phrases

Konichiwa Hello; Good Afternoon     Domo Arigatoo Thank You
Ohayou gozaimasu Good Morning    O-negi shimasu Please (asking for something)
Konbanwa Good Evening    Dozo Please (offering something)
Oyasumi nasai Good Night    Hai Yes
Sayonara Goodbye    Iie No
Dewa mata See You Later    Sumimasen Excuse Me
Eigo go de kaite kudasai Please write in English    Wakarimasen I don't understand
Kore wa ikura desu ka? How much does this cost?    Eigo wo hanashimasu ka? Do you speak English?
Kore o kudasai I will take this (shopping)    Nihongo wo hanshimasen I don't speak Japanese
Ima nan zi desuka? What is the time now?    Toire wa doko desu ka? Where is the toilet?

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