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This site is owned by Christine Lau AKA: Asian Whitewolf, AZ Whitewolf, *Kris, *C.Lau, Krissiecat, Krissy, Chris, Silvie Starwolf, Shanti, Talianna.. you get it;)


Well... moi.. nothing much to say about me but o well^^(had to do this page again cause the damn thing suddenly refreshed and i lost EVERYTHING.. I DID SO MUCH!!)since this is my site i might as well make a page about me rite? Theres nothng much here but my desc, like that...Theres also a pics page link here, where ill store pics of my friends and all... you can have a browse around^^ Cant see the link? Well..its here SOMEWHERE...

Might as well start off with a piccie. em.. i was a little hyper that day when i got the pic.. was acting kinda random so dont mind the slutty pose..:P

Name: Christine Lau/*Kris/*C.Lau/Asian White Wolf/Krissy/Shanti/Talianna
Age: 14
Nationality: Malay/Chinese-livin in Hong Kong

Likes/Loves: ART, RP, Wolves, LOTR, Guitar, Horses, Lions, Mystical , Magic Arts, Martial Arts, Jens, Comp, Going out with friends, Jens, Reading, Jens, singing(i try my best:P), The Lion King, Balto, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Jens, Michelle Branch

(wondering who jens is yet?^^)
A little bit more about moi:

Ive been drawing for as long as i can remember... I started drawing on the comp at around 9 years old... and ive devloped form there...first of all i started with the lion king. i was really really into it then and i was also really really crap at it. but now, you can see there has been a biiiig change since i drew my first lion. i was into the animated animal movies and stuff, such as lionking... balto and spirit: stallion of the cimarron. you can see why i have those gallerys up there, ive developed each of the categories on which i draw. phh.. whatever. you might find what i do a bit childish, but its the art i like doing. i love animals anyways. i also jus LOVE LORD OF THE RINGS!(theme*duh.. duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh!!)leeegolas, leegolas^^. ok bit hyper now...

Okay. Thats about drawin.. now to Michelle. SHes just brilliant! love her music(obviously) and jus the way she is^^ shes got a brilliant voice and her songs are really meaningful- not just about love and all. i jus like her naturalness.. i didnt really start to like her until like early this year but from then ive grown into a real fan! ive joined the mailing list and the 'Play It Forward' thing too. Shes just the best singer that really says her emotions by voice and not doing anything big and dramatic- but just being herself.