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Wicca Revealed

So, I see that you've made it thus far...Good for you. Now before you begin cussing me out and damning me to eternal hell for being something you may not be, hear me out. And I know full well not all of everyone who visits this site is a religious freak or knows me personally, so to said people, I apologize. The reason I set up this site is because I'm sick and tired of people asking me to explain Wicca to them. Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind the first ten, fifteen times, but after that, I began to get frustrated at having to repeat myself over and over again. I talked to one of my fellow Wiccans(who also just happens to run a website about wicca), and she rambled about the Goddess telling her to do it or anyway, I began to think about it, and people always claim the God tells them to do things, maybe the Goddess, through the aggravation of others asking me about Wicca, was telling me to tell some portion of the world and attempt to help erase the religious intolerence that has now become world-wide...and then I came back to reality and realized how stupid that sounded. So with the idiocy of that thought still in my head, I said to myself "Hey, I'm always bored, maybe making a website will help quench the boredom!" so, here I am, telling you all about the misconceptions of Wicca...Well, if the Goddess wanted me to create a website, it worked!


Common Misconceptions of Wicca
The General Gist of Things
Details of the Silver Moon branch
