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The thought process...
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Rolling Stones

You can now purchase prints of my newer pieces.

I hope you all enjoy Cool

Posted by falcon/artbc at 9:23 AM
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Sunday, 24 May 2009
My Newest Work
Mood:  chillin'

I wanted to direct my fans to my latest works which can be viewed on my deviant page

New works and prints will be available soon.

Posted by falcon/artbc at 10:47 PM
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Wednesday, 13 September 2006
Back to school.......
Mood:  irritated
Who ever said going back to school was fun should be shot!
But seriously, its a challenge.
I am taking Office Management, a two year long course through Selkirk College. I, the genius, figured I could work full-time and go to school full-time.
Good thing some of my first semester courses don't start until October.
The course that is biting my ass the most is Business English. I have never been "strong" in English, I did better in the math/science part of school, so jumping head long into the most technical English around after 6 years of freedom from school has me pulling my hair out....its a bit heinous.
Don't get me wrong I want to do this, and I want to do well, and I work hard at it. Unfortunately my first graded quiz landed me only 68%. BOOOOOO!!!
But hopefully with a little more hard work, and a little less sleep and the gods favoring me, I will get it done with a decent mark.
For now thats all, because I have to run.

Posted by falcon/artbc at 9:10 AM
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Wednesday, 9 August 2006
Fish On!!
For over two months now, I have had no luck in catching fish. I was beginning to lose all hope in ever catching anything, except seaweed...
Alas patience, perseverance and a little luck, has paid off and now I get fresh fish almost once a week. Over these past few weekends I have had a great time heading out in the dead of night with and without a friend by my side to catch walleye. I never imagined something as simple as casting a little lure into the water and pulling out another creature would be so rewarding. Not to forget the wonderfully playful and chatty otters that reside in the fishing area. Just last weekend one scared the dickens right out of me, let me explain. I was concentrating on this tangle I had in my line (one of the many that night) and out of nowhere comes this big splash less than two feet away, the little brat got me wet and then preceded to chit and chatter at me, at that point what else could I do but smile.
All in all, fishing may not be for everyone, but for now its just what I need.

Posted by falcon/artbc at 3:49 AM
Updated: Thursday, 17 August 2006 6:35 AM
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Thursday, 3 August 2006
How to begin
"I can't conceive of anything being more varied and rich and handsome than the planet earth. And its crowning beauty is the natural world."
-Robert Bateman

For a few days now, I have been pondering over what to place in my blog. Not really sure what to say, to discuss or to express, until this afternoon. My partner's niece (who is 8) came to visit, as she was downstairs she came across my art supplies, and the barrage of questions began.
"Can I paint?"
"Do you like to paint?"
"How long does it take to paint a picture?" on and so forth.
So I came to the conclusion we should paint together. Now let me set the record straight, I am not a kid person, and I am not the kind of artist who likes to have onlookers passing judgment upon my unfinished works, I happen to be a private "closet" painter who doesn't fully get the joy of children. But today was great, she was an attentive student and I the teacher. I found it amazing to see how she, a young girl going into grade 3, perceived the world. It made me take a step back to a time where I painted for the love of creating, not over analyzing and critiquing to the point where I'm not happy with the piece, but just simply having fun with colour and shapes. I was very pleased with her work and I see a lot of potential in her, thus I gave her an extra sketch pad I had, and asked her to keep on practicing. All in all I guess my point is that we should take a step back now and then to remember the root of why we paint, write, play or do whatever it is we do, simply for the love of it.

Posted by falcon/artbc at 11:01 PM
Updated: Friday, 4 August 2006 11:33 PM
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