Thursday, November 20, 2003

Angel Slayer is actually a the Hero/Villain in a story. Angel Slayer was a gay demigod who fell in love with an Angel he had to kill.

Lately I've been dreaming.

Daydreams (the ones you control):

I dream about what sort of relationship me and my son'll have. What it'll feel like to be some guys dad. How it's gonna hurt to be someone's everything and then gwet slapped in the face a bit. Also about the person I'll marry. How I'll meet them and more importantly what I want them to be.

SleepDreams (the innerconflict, subconscious ones):

In my dreams I'm seeing people I'd forgotten in my consious life. Also people who played minor roles in my life. I swear I'm a dream seer, things that happen to people in my dreams are usually reflected in the real world.

Angel Slayer is crazy, No?

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Wuzzup... Ya I was in town. For a while, I felt dead there. We just got back from San D. So much fun. I got splashed by Shamu (WoodDiDo). Stayed in the fanciest bayside hotel. And ate out at all THE places to be. I don't like being laid back, I love the highlife, it's where I'm comfortable. I came here thinking I'd have a "Sabrina" experience but now I'm wondering if there's all that much room for me to change. I'm already THERE.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

I've been pretty shallow latey,

When people ask me why I moved out here I say "It's time for change" or "Visalia was depressing". The truth is, I don't know WHY I'm here. I know that I wanted this, but why?

Does everything in life need a reason? This is probably the first time I've done something simply because I felt like it.

Logic is all fine and good, but don't let it govorn your life.

Monday, November 10, 2003

City Boy

What'll give people who feel hopelss is to develope a goal, not dream, goal. Something to work for, something to believe in. If you don't "have" a purpose in life make one.

I'm very picky about the people care about, it's not that I'm stuck up, it's because I don't wanna be hurt, not if I can help it. If no one will care about me and I have to settle for less, I don't want someone who does'nt care about themselves.

Two full miles of fun, I went out shopping all day long yesterday, way too much fun here. And no I'm still not in school yet. :) At anchor blue I got 80% off everything and anything I wanted, the guy could'nt take his eyes off me. Creepy. Needless to say I tried spending as little time as possible in there.

Church was grand, it's as close to catholic as you can get without being catholic, needless to say I was stared at a great deal there as well.

I might be in V-Town next weekend.

I love Gackt, the japanese rock star.

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