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Rob's Cafe

Welcome to the Cafe!

*glancing about, you notice a small, seemingly secluded Cafe type setting. Various tables and chairs fill the room, an oddly calming tone to the peach color of the walls and roof. Books lay scattered across the books, and a friendly looking cashier stands ever vigilant behind a counter, littered with numerous adds for beverages*

Other than that weird little paragraph, this site is probably just going to be a source for my ranting on various subjects, as well as an excuse to keep a journal.

A little about me..Most of my interests include Gaming, Music and God. Yes, i'm a Christian! *gasp* I know, right?

Probably going to have some philosophy on here too, as I AM a self-claimed philosopher. ;)

Assuming this doesn't bother you..Enjoy! *grin*

My Journal


My Opinions


Famous Quotes


About Rob!


My Poetry


Miroku Sprite