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And to think some people would learn...

Hi! I'm Ärçtïç_Fóx. Alpha female of the pack. What I want you to know, is that you are welcome to join. Any fragrance around here can draw attention, and thats why i like this forest. My packs territory is surunded by the clearest waters, and the finest plants. There is fresh meat everywhere. The freshest of all would be the unicorn meat and unisus meat (unisus are hard to catch, they can fly -.-'). Surounding the den is a feild of wild blue roses, they have the ability to heal and protect out den from invaders. So we should be safe. Any questions? E-mail me at, I will answer all your questions. Have a nice day!

P.S. If you want to join, E-mail me telling you want to join, ok? Later!

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