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Bow before my feeble HTML skills!



        This Page was last updated on 8-13-03



        Ok, the site will be going through a lot of changes this year.  I will be taking a web development class at school and will be learning tons of new website making skills.




        Hahaha, this is what you get when you mess with a flag of the United States of America!

Morons at work…







Codex Mobile Infantry will be getting a total reconstruction.  I am currently “Unhappy” with the current results.  The new version will include more suits and less meat shield infantry.


        Interesting News

        Aparently, personality types can be determined based on guns.  It appears I am a sniper rifle, hmm, disturbing…

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brought to you byStan Ryker


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Cool Stuff Section

Warhammer 40,000 Rumor Section

Allectus Salvius' 57th Specialists Company

Edited Pictures

Mobile Infantry Codex

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