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Small Business Resources

Here you will find links to various sites that contain information about various facets of business.

General Business
E-Commerce Information
Financing Information
Franchise Information
General Research
Grant Information
Fraud Information
Home Based Business

Legal Information
Business Plans
Small Business Associations
Tax & Accounting Information
Tourism Industry
Veterans Information
Women in Business

General Business Information

Acadiana Small Business Development Center:

Louisiana Economic Development:

U.S. Small Business Administration

Info Louisiana:
• Information State of Louisiana

Departments in the State of Louisiana:
• Employee Service Agencies
• Frequently Asked Questions
• Statewide Councils and Programs
• Year 2000 Coordination

Business and Licensing Information:
• Business Information
• Doing Business with the State

Louisiana Economic Development:
• General Information
• Small Business Assistance
• Expanding and locating
• Marketing, Financing, etc.

Louisiana Works: Louisiana Dept of Labor:
• Employer Handbook
• Labor Market Information
• Forms, etc.

Louisiana Electronic Assistance Program:
• Census, Agriculture, Social, Labor, Tax, and more

Louisiana State Census Data Center:
• Local Affiliates
• LEAP profiles
• Labor Market info
• Data Base Commission, etc.

LEDA (Lafayette Economic Dev. Authority):
• Provides information about Lafayette Parish demographic information
• Networking luncheon information (Events)

USDA- United States Dept. of Agriculture: http://www.usda/gov
• Rural Development Program
• Business & Industry Guarantee Loan Program

CVE: Center for Veterans Enterprise:
• Promotes business opportunities for veterans and service-disabled veterans
• Provides information to veterans for business related purposes

Internal Revenue Service:
• Tax Information
• Downloadable Tax Forms

U.S. Census Bureau Economic Census Information:
• Current Industrial Reports
• Annual Survey of Manufactures
• Census of Manufactures

Office of Small Disadvantaged Business:
• Utilization (U. S. Dept. of Commerce) is responsible for promoting the use of small, minority, and women-owned small businesses in compliance with Federal laws, regulations, and policies
• Assists in obtaining contracts and subcontracts with The U. S. Department of Commerce and its prime contractors

U. S. Patent and Trademark Office:
• Information on Patents and Trademarks

Business Resources:
A resource network with services pertaining to finance, sales, e-commerce etc.

Business Know-How:
Information and ideas for home and small business

Business Talk:
• An on-line small business community.
• Post ideas and comments as well as meet other individuals interested in small business.

Center for Business Planning:
• Venture Capital information
• Marketing/Competitive analysis information
• Tax and legal issues

Edward Low Digital Library:
• More than 5,000 documents to help start and run your own business.
• Contributors include business publishers, government agencies, universities, and nonprofit organizations.

Idea Café:
• Web site designed to help entrepreneurs succeed in reaching their business and personal goals.

Microsoft Small Business:
• Tips for starting, marketing and managing your business.

Small Business Supersite:
• Designed with the mission to be an important source of high-quality “how-to” business information.

U. S. Patent and Trademark Office:
• Information on Patents and Trademarks

• Inventor’s First Steps
• Inventor Forms
• Inventor's Log Book
• Inventor Assistance Source Directory

General Business | E-Commerce Information | Financing Information | Franchise Information | General Research | Grant Information | Fraud Information |Home Business

Legal Information | Résumés | Business Plans | Small Business Associations | Tax & Accounting Information | Tourism Industry | Veterans Information | Women in Business

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E-Commerce Information

• Web Storefronts
• Security
• Payment
• Fulfillment
• Taxes
• Customer Service

Discover Business Services:
• Allow E-Commerce merchants to accept various types of credit cards over the internet
• Competitive rates

Bank of America:
• Everything you need to operate a fully functioning online store
• For merchants who don't yet have an online store
• For merchants who already have an online store but need a way for shoppers to buy online
• For merchants who already have an online store and a shopping cart and only need Bank of America to process their customers' credit card purchases

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Financing Information
• Website to research various rates and news and information about rates

CFDA (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assist.):
• A government-wide compendium of Federal programs, projects, services, and activities which provide assistance or benefits to the American public. It contains financial and non-financial assistance programs administered by departments and establishments of the Federal government.

• Compilation of venture capital firms.
• A dictionary of topics related to banks, commerce, and law

Hickory Venture Group:
· A Venture Capital firm website

• Buying & Selling a Business
• Business Valuation Funding
• Preparedness
• Financial Tools

Small Business Grants and Loans:
• Information on grant programs and links to other grant and government websites.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission:
• Investor Assistance and Complaints
• DGAR Database
• Current SEC rulemaking
• Information on the top 100 venture capital firms

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Legal Information | Résumés | Business Plans | Small Business Associations | Tax & Accounting Information | Tourism Industry | Veterans Information | Women in Business

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Franchise Information
• Information on various franchises
• Links to websites for franchises

Franchise Handbook On-Line:
• Directory of industry trade show events, article excerpts, and evaluation check lists for franchise offerings.

• Franchise Opportunities
• Franchise Articles
• Franchise Directories

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Legal Information | Résumés | Business Plans | Small Business Associations | Tax & Accounting Information | Tourism Industry | Veterans Information | Women in Business

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General Research Assistance

Rutgers U. Library Resources

Industry Research:
• Agriculture
• Food
• Retail
• Sports
• Pets
• Health Care
• Manufacturing

Non-Profit Information:
Foundation Center
• If you are developing non-profit, information about private foundations can be found at the Foundation Center

Resources for Your Business:
American Express Small Business Division
• Starting/Running a Business
• Business plan information

• Demographic
• Characteristics
• Economic/Business Data
• Information on various resources for your business
• Information on how to run your business/department smarter

Smart Online.Com:
• Free trial version of Business Plan & Marketing Plan Software (w/ membership to full access available)
• Free Marketing Research Information
• Articles and business information resources
• Manufacturing information for your business
• Search for manufacturers of products

• Information on competitors, suppliers & distributors
• Marketing information

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Legal Information | Résumés | Business Plans | Small Business Associations | Tax & Accounting Information | Tourism Industry | Veterans Information | Women in Business

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Grant Information

Grantmanship Center:
• If you need assistance in developing a grant proposal go to the Grantmanship Center

State and Local Government Grant Info:

• Grant information for various State and Local governments

Catalog of Federal and Domestic Assistance:
• Federal Grant program information

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Fraud Information

Better Business Bureau:
• Information on Business Scams
• Business Fraud Schemes

Wealth Building Scams:
• Consumer protection information related to Grant Scams
• Information on how to protect yourself from being a victim of Grand Fraud

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Legal Information | Résumés | Business Plans | Small Business Associations | Tax & Accounting Information | Tourism Industry | Veterans Information | Women in Business

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Home Based Business Information

SBDC Net Home Business Information:
• Home Business Associations
• Home Business Publications

• Legal Forms of Business
• Permits • Regulations

Starting a Small Business

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Legal Information | Résumés | Business Plans | Small Business Associations | Tax & Accounting Information | Tourism Industry | Veterans Information | Women in Business

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Legal Information

• A comprehensive Internet resource on technology law
• Containing over 1,800 pages on patent, copyright, trademark, and Internet legal issues

Find Law for Business:
• Self Help Legal Guide
• Resources
• Free Services

• Links to several law sites
• Answers to frequently asked questions
• Legal tools

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Legal Information | Résumés | Business Plans | Small Business Associations | Tax & Accounting Information | Tourism Industry | Veterans Information | Women in Business

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Ten Minute Résumé:
• By using simple-to-use online forms you can create an expertly designed and laid out resume, receive advice on keywords, and tips on what to write by occupation. In addition you will be able to select a resume layout for any situation
• Track your resumes, cover letters and web page visits

Résumé Tutor (University of Minnesota):
• ResumeTutor is an interactive workbook designed to make resume writing less of a pain, and hopefully a bit more fun
• ResumeTutor won't actually write a resume for you, it will teach a lot about how to write a resume
• Frequently asked questions

Rockport Institute:
• This on-line guide presents the basic principles of writing powerful and effective resumes
• Have written and produced resumes for several Fortune 500 C.E.O.s, senior members of the last few presidential administrations, and leaders in nearly every field of endeavor. Also written resumes for young people

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Business Plans

SBA Library

SBDC Network:
• Templates
• Specific Business Plans

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Small Business Associations

American Small Business Association:
• Quarterly magazine for members, filled with news, features and tips for small business success
• A partnership of many small business owners across the country with the shared goal of running a profitable business

National Business Association:
• A non-profit association dedicated to helping America’s businesses grow
• Partnership with the SBA


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Tax & Accounting

SBDC Network:
• Tax Information for Small Business
• Accounting Software
• Help for Small Business

Internal Revenue Service:
• Tax Information
• Downloadable Tax Forms

Additional Tax Info Sites:
• Direct links to multiple tax info sites

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Legal Information | Résumés | Business Plans | Small Business Associations | Tax & Accounting Information | Tourism Industry | Veterans Information | Women in Business

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Tourism Industry
• Find upcoming tours, group friendly suppliers including restaurants, shows, STRAC, attractions, museums, bus companies, lodging facilities, tour planning tools
• Tour Wizard, educational resources, calendar of group events with NTA and ABA shows, classifieds and forums

Travel Industry Association Of America:
• Washington D.C.-based national, non-profit association that serves as the unifying organization for all components of the U.S. travel industry, the third largest retail industry and one of the largest employers in the nation
• The recognized leader in promoting and facilitating increased travel to and within the United States in order to make America the world’s number one tourism destination

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Veterans Information

Homeless Veteran Grant Per-Diem Program:
• Promotes the development and provision of supportive housing and/or supportive services with the goal of helping homeless veterans achieve residential stability, increase their skill levels and/or income, and obtain greater self-determination

Veterans’ Business Outreach Center:
(Serves as a clearinghouse of business and technical assistance for veterans in the SBA’s
Region VI serving Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico & Texas)
• Provides business training, counseling, technical assistance and mentoring to veteran business owners & start-up candidates

CVE: Center for Veterans Enterprise:
• Promotes business opportunities for veterans and service-disabled veterans
• Provides information to veterans for business related purposes

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Women in Business

• On-line interactive community for business women to communicate, network, and exchange ideas

National Association for Female Executives:
• Organization that provides resources & services – through education, networking, & public advocacy-to empower its members to achieve career success and financial security.

National Association of Commissions for Women:
• Part of a national effort to promote business opportunities for women across all sectors of national economy.
• Offer strategies on how to access government opportunities including federal, state, and local Women Business Enterprise (WBE) program.

National Foundation of Women Business Owners:
• Get information on women business owners and their enterprises worldwide, from surveys to publications.

Online Women’s Business Center:
• Information on how to start a business
• Financing your business
• Growing/Expanding your business etc.
• For women considering starting a business
• For women in business
• For loan/grant information

Women Biz:
• Official Web site for women businesses selling to the government

Women’s Work:
• Webisite targeted to women, offering information on moving from big corporations to smaller firms or to up their own business.

Women's Business Enterprise National Council:
• Provides access to a national standard of certification and information on certified women's businesses to purchasing managers through an Internet database
• Leading advocate of women-owned businesses as suppliers to America's corporations
• Largest third-party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the United States

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Legal Information | Résumés | Business Plans | Small Business Associations | Tax & Accounting Information | Tourism Industry | Veterans Information | Women in Business

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