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My name is Sara. I am 16 years old, and I live in Grifton, NC. I go to Ayden-Grifton Highschool. I just finished up the 9th grade (hell yes!). I hope to be going to the tenth!! Eh! Anyway, at school, I have lots of friends. There's Sandy and Melissa and Irene and Casey and Steve and David and Julio and Emily and Jeremy and Greg and Isabel and Patrick and many more! My typical school day is like any other school day. I wake up at 6:30 am, I get ready for school, get there about 7:30 something and walk around the hallways and getting a soda, then keep walking around until the first bell rings. Then I go to carpentry. This is where Steve, David, Julio, and Casey come in. They are guys. They are guys that I sit with in my class. We have this game we play where 1 of us is the victem and each of the other person has to write down a question, only, the victem can't see them, but writes down a supposed answer. In the end, we are laughing our asses off just because of the answers. After Carpentry, I go to English 1!! This is where I see Emily, and my english teacher from Hell. English is easy but I could use more learning and less bitching from my teacher. After that, I go to one of my favorite classes!! Food and Nutrition!!!! In here, I learn how to cook, and about food and other things in the consumer world. Culinary Arts is my major in highschool/college. After F-n-N, I go to ELP (social studies). I love my teacher, Mr. Coach Ross. He's so awesome. Sometimes the work is hard, but he makes it fun. After this, I go to Gym/Health. I love to play in gym and to learn in health. After this is lunch. Nothing interesting there. Then Algebra comes along. Mr. Wright, our teacher, is sooo kewl. He teaches us for like 10 minutes, then lets us have the rest of the time to ourselves. He's a really nice guy and very humerous. After this, I go to Earth Science. I love science. I's so kewl and stuff. Sometimes it's hard, but it's all worth it in the end. This was my schedule! Don't u wish u had it? LOL jk!
When I get home from school, I either do dishes or get online. If I get online, I usually get on and talk to my buddies. I talk to my school friends online, but I also have online friends. There's Jimmy, Crystal (hannah), Dante, Dan, Pips (Nikki), Willow (Audrey), Tara, Maphista, James, and many, many more. I also RP with most these people. *if ur slow (lyk me,lol) RP means roleplay!*
Jimmy is a very special person to me..and I love him. I can talk to him about anything. He means like..more than the world to me. I love him a whole bunch, and more than that!! I love you, Jimmy! Smile!!!!!!!! =)
I like to rp. In rp, my name is Chantal. I am 16, and I own the Ring of Fire Tavern. I also have an msn group called The Ring of Fire, about a Coven of 5 sister witches..brung together to battle evil.