AdamBG15's Web Page


This website is not about anyone who thinks I'm a loser. It is dedicated to those friends of mine who actually enjoy this and like this site. Digs, Holy, Mac, Kuppy, Ashley the Bi, Zack, Kevin, and I could go on with the support I have received for this site. So to those of you who have signed my guestbook under 'guess' does not really offend me in any way by saying I made a site about people who think I'm a loser. Because maybe if you actually read my guestbook you would see how many people think my site kicks ass. And if you don't even have enough balls to sign my guestbook using a real name, and wish to remain anonymous and try to rip on me you are pathetic. And if I am the one with no life at college by making a website about people who think I'm a loser, why the hell are you here? If you don't appreciate it, don't come. There are a few of my loyal friends who do enjoy it so leave us alone. And if you consider this a site about people who think I am a loser due to the fact we just put a bunch of pics of people on Hot or Not, you are wrong, that has nothing to do with whether we like you or not. Such people may include Troll, Elf, Tag Team, Mole, and the list may go on. So for those of you who sign my guestbook, please sign your real name, and take credit for what you write about me, my friends, or this site. Thanks you.

DIGUGS: i was the 1000th visitor to your site
DIGUGS: i made sure i was
DIGUGS: yeah i know i visited it like 12 times in a row to be 1000
DIGUGS: oh yeah at like 3 in the morning last night

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My Friends on Hot or Not!

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Memorable Quotes

Are You Hot or Not?

I Am Better Than Your Kids

Holy Poll of the Week

Mary-Kate and Ashley

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