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The Nerota Quest Plot

AH. a major, huge, but exclusive plot. this one, is about our dear Lera. the plot in Strong Herat right now, about the seige on Krennia, opened a gait for this one.

remember Analera? my fem? well, Ilarnan, the mastermind of the seige, was her mate. She had tried to change him; didn't really want to let him go. He was kind to her; hateful to everyone else. she thought she could give him a different shape. but he didn't see it. So...Ilarnan was already trying to conquer some packs. He came to this little one called strong heart. Didn't know that Lera was there. but she was.

So. it was too much for him. he chose the road of suicide. got together some partners to continue his work. and killed himself. wasn't the end of it.

over 15 lupes had been killed by then. Angry people don't do things that they would normally do. they lose their sense of whats right and wrong. so Lera would be blamed for this. they would say that she borught Ilarnan to strong heart, even though it was already planned.

Lera isn't really regualar. when Ilar died, his power went into her. or at least the magic side. shes now something called a Nerota the female version, and Nerotu the male version. Its a kind of magic holder, or power source. It has to be living... there are several worlds and demensions that Nerota's have to travel to escape a certain death. Though most born Nerotas don't need to, because there parents are Nerota's, whos parents were Nerotas, and so forth, who have completed the journey. the magic travels through blood family lines, so if your parent did it, you don't have to. or grandparent. you get it. But since she wasn't born in a Nerota family, she can't. confusing, no?

Lera has to leave. not only to escape those from strong heart, but if she doesn't go on the quest that Nerotas must, she will die. Zeidalii, is Leras best friend. She wants to accompany Lera on the quest; but she is mortal, and without another Nerotu to travel with, she won't be in contact with enough magic to survive the journey. This, is where the other members, like you, come in. They don't believe in what strong heart is doing; they want to help Lera, not banish or kil her. and, they might wanta let Dali watch over her friend. so they come on the journey. remember the crystals that were distributed at the beginning of strong heart? if not, its okay. I thought of a use for those. since only a few members got them, the very early ones, they are rare and can be useful. THough your lupes are not Nerotu's, the rare crystals will fill the lack of magical balance needed to go on the quest. each member who does not have the correct magical balance will now have a crystal. It doesn't make them Nerotus, though. becuase the power is gone once the crystals are taken. and, even though the crystals have enough power to survive the demensions, they do not hold the power of a Nerotu

Rin is Lera's cousin. He hates her now, because she chose Ilar over his friend. If she had chosen his friend as a mate, he would have gotten a hefty profit. He eventually gets over it, and helps Lera through the worlds. Riniol is his full name. but anyways, Rin can travel through the worlds, because even though he isn't a Nerotu, he has the correct age and magical balance to survive the power conditions there. though sadly, he can't help Dali. THough Rin will play an important part in the roleplay.

hopefully, this Roleplay will be taking olace on AIM. its faster, and since this is exclusive, it won't hurt feelings. Only, though, if all the participating members can do so. If not, it will happen on the strong heart boards, as usual. Eppie will post where it shall take place on this page, as well as mail the members.

the day is not set. THe roleplay will start once we have almost all of the members together. no more then one member can be missing for it to start. don't worry if you miss a roleplay day. We'll save what happened the other day, so you can read it and join in the next.

concerning romance, this is NOT matchmaking roleplay. romance would just add a nice touch, and make things rounded well. not every post should be talking about love. that doesn't mean one at all, but we don't want to see 50 posts about falling in love with so and so. got it? yus. that is why all teh gushy stuff is in the last scene. read below to understand that.

Okay! plot line done. they're will be several scenes incorporated. Ill just pop these along somwhere. its not like these are the only scenes that will happen in the roleplay, they will just be woven in with everything else that happens.

this plot is great to reveal your lupes hidden powers, if their, or to find them a mate that is valuable, not just fallen in love in one dramatic scene, and become mates, and forgotten about. they will become friends, over days, and then become mates. it will be special. It can change personalitys, from evil to good, if thats what you want. it can do a lot of stuff. so, here are some scenes.

  • What are we Doing?-Lera explains her story. all the above stuff, or at least what Lera says. but not in so many words. others can give their commentary, and say their similar stories.

  • ATTACK!>- the scene where some not so friendly creatures come. the demension spekktre's. waell, anyways, they try to hurt some people, take some people, and hopefuly will be defeated. None will die of our side, mind you. it will not be one of those over dramatic every one fall down dead typo thing. if they do die, its because Its a charachter you want to knock off because you don't want to roleplay them anymore.

  • Campfire Roleplay- this is the one will comradary will be shown. they're will be dancing. the charachters true colors will shine through. as well as some emotions. their will be a little craziness, like dancing, and chasing eachother, but nothing infantile and too silly.

  • Losing Stength.- Lera isn't traveling the demensions fast enough. shes getting weaker. losing strength. dieing. it is here where the loyalty of friends will be shown; if Lera dies, the main Nerota is gone. therefor, there won't be enough magic for any of them to survive the demensions. friends will be lost. of the last scenes. Lera has survived. this is where her Nerota status will be complete. Some others during the plot might have found out that they were Nerotu/Nerotas as well. they will also be officialized.

  • Ending-the ending scene. here, all the mushy gobby junk is released.

  • got questions? then go HERE