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Hopefully enough of you are seeing this so that this little project of mine will actually work. I got this idea from one of my friends at school & I think it is a great idea! So...Here's what it comes down to. All you have to do is send me pictures of you and your friends (if you have any...haha) doing whatever it is you do at school.

I will set up a different page for each school represented in the pics you send, so it is vital that you send your school name with the pictures as well. So, feel free to send me shit, whenever you feel so inclined. I think this is a great way to see what/how everyone is doing without much effort (haha...yes I am a lazy bastard & like most of you, I dont have a car to visit people). So send away! and if you have pics of people visiting send those too!

SOOO....Get your shit together and send some pics!!!

ALSO...if you want to send old pics from GC, feel free to do that as well. & keep in mind that this site is for EVERYONE...I wont discrimminate, I PROMISE!!!

NOTE: I reserve the right to not post pictures deemed inappropriate (of course, very little falls under that category) and the right to remove pictures at the request of anyone included in the shot.

SEND ME PICTURES!!!!!! Email me and I'll get back to you so we can make this thing work!:)

Your Email Address:

Please enter your name

Enter your school's name