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[x]2009 ARCHIVES

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Would you be more likely to join if XPW allowed original wrestlers?

"Sugar"Shane Helms

Welcome to the Official Website of Xtreme Professional Wrestling. The rest of the wrestling world you have come to know is stale, old, and boring. The other organizations are KILLING this sport. So why not join XPW and help KILL the others, and help REVIVE wrestling? XPW:eVolve


No Title Match?! SHOCKER RESULTS ::10.24.09 - 12:00am::
Tonight on Shocker we saw the debut of BxB Hulk, the first time Kidman and Jimmy Jacobs teamed up as well as Raven and Austin Aries as both teams had tag team matches, also what happened to the main event featuring the World Champion Shane Helms defending against Shane Douglas? Why didn't it happen? READ THE SHOW NOW TO FIND OUT!

ALSO the next event takes place next Friday night a day before Halloween! The World Title will be on the line as well as the United States Title and so much more! Find out what's going down by clicking on the CARD link!

Major Shocker this Week! ::10.13.09 - 3:00pm::
The card for this Friday's Shocker has been posted and its a stacked card as we will see Kidman & Jimmy Jacobs team up for the first time as they battle Buff Bagwell & Scott Steiner. We'll also see Raven & Austin Aries team up for the first time to take on the Hart Dynasty. Also, the debut of the Japanese dancing sensation BxB Hulk as he takes on the Rated R Superstar EDGE. In our main event it will be the first World Title defense by Shane Helms as he takes on the man who 'earned' the right to #1 contendership, The Franchise Shane Douglas. This is the first time these men have met one on one in XPW and its sure to be a history maker!

Brand New US Champion; World Title Match Signed! ::10.12.09 - 5:00pm::
Stemming from the last Shocker event in Atlanta, Georgia we now know that The Franchise will get his title shot against Sugar Shane Helms but when will it be? Plus who won the One-Night Tournament for the United States Title? Find out all of this and more by clicking on the SHOCKER RESULTS link to the left of this update!

A SHOCKING Conclusion ::10.05.09 - 11:50pm::
The latest edition of Shocker was definitely a show that will be talked about for quite some time as it featured a seriously hardcore match between Raven and Kidman and a shocking turn of events to conclude the show. Who is #1 contender? What happened? Find out now by clicking the Shocker Results link to the left of this update!