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News: slopestyle results March 12 was the date we had all been waiting for, the day of the wasatch freeride slopestyle event, here is how it went down, Dustin Overson and Henry Hornberger take first in their age divisions. The plan was for both of them to enter the open part of the wasatch freeride slopestyle but unfortunately they were forced to enter age divisions, Henry was in an older age division than Dustin, Phil also competed and came in with a second place finish next too Dustin. They all had good runs. Henry was way styled out but had a little problemo on the railz, he came out fine though, there was just this flat down box that sucks, it throws you to the side and is crazzzy hard to do even without the ghettoness. Dustin ended up throwing a corked out 7 and a huge 3 on his first run, unfortunately on his second run he came up short on a 720 toxic, luckily he made up for it on the railz. There was a sweet up down up rail that the team riderz wasted out of the house. Anywho... the slopestyle was great and all of our pros are now going to brighton for the finals. By the way, all 3 ske teamers were ridin the elan Mo2's and they all swear on the ski that it is pretty much the best thing they could of ridden even though they are a very stiff park ski.

SKE team
