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This website contains adult-oriented material that may be offensive to some readers. This website also contains Explicit Adult Nudity. If you are offended by this type of material then:


Please note that this site contains sexually oriented material. If sexually explicit material offends you, Please Do Not Enter This Site.

This website is sexual entertainment not designed to promote prurient interests. Silver Film Productions, does not warrant the information presented here. Furthermore, a listing is not to be construed as any type of implied endorsement for the authors or services of the listed pages or the information contained thereon. To protect our users from viewing sexually-oriented material without their consent,Silver Film Productions,requires you to read and certify the following statements.

NOTE: Do not continue unless you know your local obscenity laws, and furthermore know that they do not prohibit the viewing of sexual oriented material.
By accepting this agreement, I certify the following:

1. I am at least of age.

2. The sexually explicit material I am viewing is for my own personal use

3. I believe that I have the unalienable right to read and/or view any type of material that I choose and that the material and images contained in this website are not obscene or offensive in any way, nor could ever be construed to be obscene or offensive.

4. The viewing, reading, and downloading of the material and images in this website do not violate the community standards of my street, village, city, town, county, state, province, or country.

5. That I am wholly liable for any false disclosures and responsible for any legal ramifications that may arise from viewing, reading, or downloading of material and images contained within this website and that , Silver Film Productions and its affiliates cannot be held responsible for any legal ramifications that may arise as a result of fraudulent entry into, or use of, this website and/or material contain herein.

This warning page constitutes a legal Agreement between Silver Film Productions , and yourself, as well as any business entity of which you have any legal or equitable interest. If any portion of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable by a Court of compentent jurisdiction, it shall not affect the enforcability of the other portions of this Agreement.

I agree that by entering this web site, I am subjecting myself and any business entity of which I have any legal or equitable interest should any dispute arise at any time between Silver Film Productions, and myself and any such business entity.

© 2013 Silver Film Productions