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Pogomunkys Photos
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It is not fiction...

Ehlo there welcome my new website, its kinda shit cos i have no idea what im doing with this html code so just put together somthing simple for now until i learn how to use it proper.. Basically it a site full of my photos ive taken, thats about it really... Oh and please dont nick my photos and put em else where without asking me first cheeeeers....

Heres some skate news for yah since i cant be arsed to update lowskates at the minute... urm a massive session went on last night, was amusing.. Ginge ollied something really stupidly high as usual and Tom Broke a another bord... Probably tryign those 360 flips again...I snapped a kingpin the other day and since then ive been riding odd trucks which is amusing... brinmore and hippos almost had a fight aswell... silly children..