**Live, December 2nd from Richmond, Virginia at the Richmond Colliseum...We bring you...TURMOIL!!!**
**“The Way I Am” hits the speakers. Hard Rocker walks out, waving his hands cockily despite all the jeers hitting at him. He wears a smirk on his face as he walks to the ring.**

Rocker: Last week on November to Dismember, I am sure all of you witnessed one hell of a wrestling match. As I promised, I delivered what I said I will do. When I told all of you that I will flatten Zero totally, I mean it and I delivered it. Did you see the despair on the loser’s face when I pinned him for the three counts? He hates to lose but he could not do anything because I was just too good.

**The fans jeer. A loud “Zero” chant begins to thunder around the arena.**

Rocker: Did you guys know what it meant when I defeated Zero last week? It meant two things. Number one, it means that I am already a legend in GWL! I had defeated all legends here in GWL and this only proves that I am better than every one of them! I am officially the legend of GWL right now. I AM THE LIVING LEGEND!!!! Secondly, I am proud to bring to you all, the brand new Icon of GWL … HARD ROCKER!!!!

**Suddenly, “Downfall” blasts through the speakers and Zero charges out from the back towards the ring. Hard Rocker quickly jumps through the ropes and escapes into the crowd. Zero screams for Rocker to return to face him but the Maximum Extremist refuses. He disappears into the backstage area, leaving Zero alone in the ring, screaming in anger.**

!~! - EWT Qualifying Match #1 - "Sexy" Steven Silver ~V~ Scythe Reavers - !~!

Storm: Welcome to Turmoil folks! We have a helluva night planned for you!

Sinclair: Yeah, and hopefully it doesn't

ANNOUNCER... Our next match is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring, from Anchorage, Alaska....SCYTHE REAVERS!!!!

**"Beauty Through The Eyes of a Predator" by Demon Hunter, begins to play, and Scythe Reavers comes out from behind the curtain. He doesn't even acknowledge the fans off to the side, even though they strain to touch his arms as Scythe walks by the song echoes throughout the arena as Scythe strolls down and walks up the stairs, stopping for a few seconds, scanning the crowd before stepping through the ropes. A loud fan shouts something to him from the front row, which he answers back by hitting the fan in the head with his water bottle.**

STORM... Did you see what Scythe just did? He assaulted a fan! One of our loyal paying customers!

SINCLAIR... One of our loyal "illiterate" paying customers. He should have read the back of his ticket....The GWL is not responsible for any objects thrown from the ring or stands, be it accidental or intentional.

STORM... That doesn’t excuse this behavior.

SINCLAIR... I think it does. If I had known I could toss things at some of these fans, I’d have done it long ago.

STORM... Just you never mind about that, we have a match to call here. Stick to the job at hand.

ANNOUNCER... And introducing from the Kansas City, Missouri, The self styled Sexy One. "Sexy" Steve Silver.

**Sparks fly to the beat as "BOOM" by P.O.D. fills the arena speaker system. Steve Silver appears on the top of the ramp breathing deeply in a vain attempt to breath in the cheers of the crowd. The chants are half filled with boos and moans thou, but he seems not to have noticed. He sees Scythe in the ring but lets out a sideways laugh as he struts to the ring. Scythe sees Silver approach but just slumps in a corner doing a bit of smirking himself. Steven slide under the ropes as Scythe attacks him right away with a few boots to his back. The bells rings as Steve struggles to his feet and Scythe lifts him up by his chin, only to smash him back down to the mat with an elbow to the top of the head. A quick boot to the chest and Steven falls back into the corner. Steve slides out the ring in order to regain his senses a bit, only to have Scythe slide right out after him. Steve sees Scythe approach and ducks under a swinging punch, landing a heavy shot to scythe’s stomach. This halts Reavers long enough for Steve to slide back in the ring and stagger to a corner. Scythe re-enters the ring and comes once again toward Steve. A quick bounce off the ropes and Steve halts him with a shoulder block. A quick elbow to the chest and Scythe backs up in response.**

STORM... Still too early to pick a winner here but it seems that Scythe is out for blood tonight. He has that look in his eye, that’s for sure.

SINCLAIR... That’s the same look that Loudmouth gets when they make the $5.00 Buffet half price.

STORM... Back to the action as Scythe gets back on the offense.

**Scythe has Steve in the corner and whips him, backfirst into the opposite corner. Scythe walks over to Steve only to get a fist to the temple and a stomp in the gut. Steve comes out and does the stomping forearms to scythe and has him back pedalling. One, two, three, four....five shots to the head, as Scythe stumbles back. Steve grabs him by the shoulders and whips him to the ropes....BOOM... side hip check, and over goes Scythe. Steve hops right on him and sarts to drive a few fists into his forehead. Scythe’s head slams into the may from the force but he shakes itr off and tosses Steve off him, sending Silver forward and into a corner. Steve tries a side kick, but Scythe catches his foot and holds it there. Reavers then smiles an evil smile and is just about to spin Steve around and execute some maneuver, when his face starts to show confusion. His expression changes and he seems a bit unsure of his surroundings.**

STORM... Scythe is hesitating for some reason.

SINCLAIR... Well, Steve isn’t. He hops out of Reaver’s grip and , AWGH, a short clothesline off the ropes has Scythe down to the mat.

Steve then grabs a leg and drops a hamstring move on Scythe’s left leg that slams the ankle to the mat. As he grabs for his ankle Scythe is rolled over and Steve drops a double knee to his lower rib cage.

STORM... Awgh, that sounded like something cracked in their. I think I’m canceling my reservation for baby back ribs at the Rib Shack tonight.

**Scythe stumbles on all fours as Steve winds up for a kick to the upper side ribs, that sends him onto his butt, sitting in the corner. Steve stops a boot into Scythe’s head, which rattles his head a bit but scythe manages to stop the second one and he twists it around with both hands and lets out a scream of adreniline. Steve falls to the mat on his stomach as his leg is twisted with the madman on the other end. Instead of continuing the foot twist Scythe drops the appendage and drops an elbow to the back of Steve. Scythe then reaches up and pulls Steve’s head back and then places both legs on either shoulder to gain ultimate leverage. Steve grunts a bit as Scythe’s eyes close in delight. A smile crosses his face each time Steve lets out any sort of grunt or groan. But just as Scythe seems to have Steve, that blank expression returns to his face and his grip loosens as a result.**

STORM... Wait! He’s doing it again. Why is Scythe letting up at this particular point of the match. He seems to have it well in hand? It’s almost like he "wants" to give Steve a chance to get back in it.

SINCLAIR... Maybe he wasn’t kidding when he said he saw his own end being near. That he hopes Steve was the one that could end his pain.

STORM... And speaking of pain, Steve has rolled out of that move and now has Scythe in a headlock....and AWWWWW.... turns it into a bulldog. Scythe is down on the mat again.

**Steve then heads to the top turnbuckle as the crowd’s noise level and approval goes right up there with him. As he makes that last step and holds it there for a few seconds, the crowd roars and the camera flashes go off... and Steve flies into the air with an overhead moonsault off the top turnbuckle. He lands it square onto the chest of Scythe but rolls too far on the bounce and trips up the referee. The referee is on top of Scythe and Steve is trying to get up for the cover. As both men stand up again, the ref can’t seem to get out of the way so Steve just shoves him aside and drops down for the cover. The ref drops to the mat and counts..... 1.........2 ....... SCYTHE LIFTS A SHOULDER! Too much time before a cover. Steve is upset and gives the ref a gleeming stare as he picks up Scythe by the hair and karate chops him back into the corner. Scythe then seems to have a final gasp in him and grabs at Silver’s throat.**

STORM... He has Steve in a death grip and isn’t letting up this time.

**Scythe then slams a fist into Steve’s head, without losing grip and shouts as he backs him up across the ring and slams the back of his head into the other turnbuckle. Scythe then headbutts Steve, laughs a bit and bends over and suplexes him with a side toss. Reavers then stomps on Steve’s back with a couple of boots that turn Steve over. Scythe drops to his knees to apply a shaking choke hold that rattles Steve’s head a few times off the mat. The ref starts the 5 count but sees that Scythe isn’t listening so he grabs his arms to attempt to get the hold broken. Scythe shrugs off the ref but releases the hold nevertheless. Scythe wipes the blood from his mouth as Steve gets back up, leaning in the corner. Suddenly Steve hops, butt first onto the turnbuckle and pushes off from the second rope and slams a fist right into Scythe’s forehead, that lefts him off his feet so fast he turns almost all the way over before slamming square on his shoulders, standing straight up for a few seconds before his feet and back fall onto the mat.**

STORM... What a sudden, awesome move. It caught Scythe by surprise and Steve seemed to have put everything he had into that blow. Neither one seems to be wrestling much or worrying how to set up their finishers. They just want to end this one way or another. Steve goes for the pin...... 1........... 2.........SCYTHE KICKS OUT!!!

**Silver looks frusterated as he lifts Scythe to his feet. Scythe can barely stand on his own as Silver looks out to the fans then signals for the end. Silver hits his Sex Drive and the cover, 1..........2.............Scythe get's his foot on the bottom rope! Silver smiles and pulls Scythe up to his feet once more before Irish Whipping Scythe into the corner. Scythe hits the turnbuckles with force and gets knocked down onto his face. Silver lifts Scythe up and places him onto the top turnbuckle, then turns around and jogs to the opposite corner. He poses for the fans then charges in and hits Scythe with the Silver Bullet right in the middle of the ring. Silver hooks both legs for the pin, 1..........2............3!!!**

Loudmouth: Your winner and advancing in this tournament...SEXY STEEEEVEN SILVER!!!

**Just then police rush the ring and corner Scythe...Scyther tries to escape, but the cops surround him and fight him into a pair of handcuffs...They then haul him off as he give the cameras a sick, sadistic smile...**

~Cameras open up in the back..to a dimly light room..somewhere with in the depths of the arena...a slowly funeral type organ music plays in the background..when Nightshade turns...smiling in his most devious and evil way...Nightshade looks at the camera..he speaks.~

"When, when I ask you? When will someone be able to defeat me..take my Annihilator Title...and hold on to it? I ask you? When will someone be able to do that?"

~Nightshade clasps his hands together in front of his face..and begins to rock...he stops..and speaks again.~

"Who out there? Who believes they can survive in the ring with me? Who out there can reach deep within their souls...in their hearts...in their minds..and convince thy self...they can do it? That they can survive a brush with death..a close encounter with evil incarnate? Who out there...feels the need to tempt fate...to tempt destiny...why me...the one that strikes fear in the hearts of all..I ask you...WHO? WHO HAS THE GUTS TO FACE ME?"

~Nightshade begins to laugh in a hideous way~

"Silver could not do it...Draven...he could not do it...Phoenix...he could not do it...Zero...he failed...who out there..who among the likes of Achilles Young...Man Man Lee Braddeck...The Zebra...Pit Bull...Slayer...who that walks among you has what it takes to face me? Who has what it takes to travel the dark and lonely path to redemption..and destruction at my hands?"

"I will take it upon thy self to find my next victim...if they do not come to me....fear not...I will carve a path of genocide through the GWL...until someone stops me...WHO? Who is willing to face me..for my Annihilator Title...one week..you all have one week...until...the hunted..becomes the hunter...heed my warning...I give you the chance to face me..take it...or...PERISH!!!"

~Nightshade starts laughing as cameras fade away~

Storm: What was that about?

Sinclair: Looks like Nightshade wants a more suitable opponent...

!~! - EWT Qualifying Match #2 - Sally Screw ~V~ O'Kato - !~!

Storm: The following match will surely be one of the tops here tonight. It has the return of one of the GWL's brightest young talent, in O'kato. But his opponent is no slouch, Sally Screw can hold her own in that ring.

Sinclair: You have got to be kidding me? A chick in the Extreme World Title tourney? Please...

Storm: Might I remind you that a so called 'chick' is our World Champ? Hold on I'm getting word in my headset that we need to go backstage quickly.

*The Globaltron shows backstage where O'kato is seen kicking Sally Screw against a wall. He grabs her by the hair and slings her into the other wall. As he smack the wall, O'kato charges and drives a knee into her gut. As she doubles over, he drags her by the hair and heads toward the entrace. He slings her through the curtains and she rolls onto the stage. O'kato then emerges and pushes her with his boot. She rolls down the ramp and stops at ringside. O'kato cockily struts down the ramp and then charges kicking Sally in the side of the head.*

Storm: It seems like O'kato couldn't wait to make his return! This thing got started before we even were ready....

Sinclair: Kick that bitch's ass O'kato!! Show her the man's way!

*O'kato goes for another kick but Sally catches his foot and lands a low blow. She then gets up and slides into the ring causing the referee to ring the bell. Sally then steps out onto the apron and dives off with a dropkick to the head of O'kato. She then gets him to his feet and slides him into the ring. Sally then comes in and starts to put the boots to him. O'kato rolls to the ropes and the ref backs up Screw. She pushes the ref aside and goes back to O'kato who meets her with a kick to the knee. Screw grabs at her knee and O'kato gets up quickly and hits a chop block on the front of her knee!*

Storm: Wow, the knee isn't suppose to bend that way!

Sinclair: He is trying to snap her leg like a twig.

Storm: She won't be doing much damage if she can't walk.

*O'kato wraps Screw's leg around his and drops down repeatedly driving his knee into hers. Screw trys to get to the ropes but O'kato uses his size to drag her back to the middle of the ring and drives down a hard elbow into her knee and drives in with pressure. O'kato lets up the pressure and backs up as Screw struggles to get to the ropes and get up. As she gets up, O'kato charges but is met with a hard uppercut. He staggers back but comes back as Screw hits a falling dropkick to the stomach of O'kato. O'kato doubles over and Screw follows up with a hard DDT and a cover but only gets a two count. She slowly trys to get herself up but the fresher O'kato gets to his feet first and hits another chop block. Screw hits hard on the back of her head and still clutches at her knee.*

Storm: It is very possible Sinclair that O'kato will cripple her before she ever walks again in GWL.

Sinclair: Good riddance is all I can say.

Storm: She puts the asses in the seats, so if I were you and liked your job I would hope she walks again.

Sinclair: I get paid either way...

*O'kato grabs Screw by the hair and whips her into the corner. He then charges in and hits multiple clotheslines on Sally in the corner. As she drops down, he backs up and then drives a couple of knees into her face. He goes for a third but Sally ducks as O'kato hits the corner hard. Screw slides out and stands waiting for O'kato to charge. As he charges and goes for a big boot, Sally ducks and O'kato nails the ref. Screw then slides out of the ring and puts a chair by the ring post. O'kato comes to the ropes but is tripped up quickly. Screw then takes the chair and slams it into O'kato's legs.. As O'kato slides back into the ring he can't get to his feet. Screw brings the chair into the ring and hits a sliding dropkick with the chair into O'kato's face. O'kato is down but Sally drives the chair down twice into the skull of O'kato.*

Storm: She is going to kill him!!

Sinclair: HOLY SMOKES!!

*"Achilles" Young and Johhny "The Idol" Thompson stand at the top of the entrance ramp. Viewing the match. As the match goes on they clap an applaud every good thing O'Kato does. As the match ends Achilles, and The Idol head down to the ring.
Screw then throws the chair outside of the ring and waits for the ref to come to. She drapes over the body of O'kato as the ref slowly comes over and begins to count, 1............2.............3!! Screw slowly rolls off of O'kato. Somehow after the match is over O'Kato is outside the ring and Sally Screw is inside the ring. Achilles and The Idol say "Welcome back" O'Kato and begin to attack him as Sally cheers them on and laughs pointing at what is happening outside the ring. Once O'Kato is beat down Sally's music hits and she slides outside the ring. She steps over O'Kato as he lays there then Sally, The Idol, and Achilles all leave together.

Storm: Quick and effective if you got a piece of steel on your side.

Sinclair: It took a damn chair to beat O'kato!! I think Duke Diamond should come out here and do something...

Storm: Well unless he does, your winner and advancing, Sally Screw!!

Now in stores! Disposable thongs made famous by professional wrestler...Zebra!...They come in sizes...Small, medium, large, big boned, thick, fat, and obese! Come get yours today!
**Turmoil comes back and...Diamond is standing in the ring with a clip board and the bingo tumbler..the fans wait in anticipation for the announcement of the next two teams in the Sleeping With The Enemy Tournament...Diamond looks at his clip board and then at the fans**

Diamond: Well...as promised...the next two teams in the Sleeping With The Enemy Tournament...and now the captain of Team Hunter..he is multiple champion, hand picked by me to lead Team Hunter..and to restore law and order in the GWL..he is none other then the Living Legend and the ICON...ZERO!!!!

**HUGE POP!!..Diamond listens and gives the tumbler a few whirls..he stops it and reaches in and pulls out the first name**

Diamond: Joining Zero in Team Hunter..will be...”the PRODIGY” BRAD STARR!!!

**Diamond gives the tumbler another turn reaches in and pulls two more names.**

Diamond: Joining Zero and Starr will be....MARKUS KATASTROPHIK...and...MICHAEL “THE ASSASSIN” MIRACLE...

**Diamond gives it another turn, reaches and in and pulls out the final member of Team Hunter.**

Diamond: And rounding out Team Hunter will be...SCYTHE REAVERS!!!!

Storm: What a team! What a mix of styles, experience and egos.

Sinclair: Zero better look both ways..Because with a member of the Damned and Section 8 on his team...let’s just say...Zero will have his hands full..

Storm: To say the least...Diamond is about ready to announce the next team...

Diamond: (Looking at his clip board) Now onto the next team...Team Omega...another hand picked captain..a Hall of Famer...and another enforcer....he is none other than....PHOENIX!!! Joining Phoenix shall be...

**Diamond spins the tumbler and pulls out the first name.**

Diamond: Phoenix’s first team mate is...The Human Empire ACHILLES YOUNG!!!

**Diamond spins the tumbler again and draws out two more names.**

Diamond: And now joining Phoenix and Achilles...the high flyer...a former multiple champion...he is none other then...DAREDEVIL!!!! And also a former champion..the technical sound...CARNAGE!!!!

**Diamond spins the tumbler one last time, reaches in and pulls out the final name**

Diamond: And now the final member of Team Omega..(Diamond looks..and shakes his head)...Some one that is need of an attitude adjustment...some one that needs to realize he is started down the wrong road...this man...shocked us all last week...this man...hell he isn’t a man...he’s a damn animal....THE ZEBRA!!!!!

Storm: Zebra? Another Section 8 member teamed with someone from the Revolution..this is getting real good...real good indeed.

Sinclair: Oh my god...you realize...Zebra beat Achilles last week for the Wheel of Honor Title..and now their team mates..and I thought Zero had it bad..Phoenix...hell..Phoenix must be livid over his team..

Storm: I’ll say...but in order to succeed in the tournament...they need to work together...Diamond want’s to shake things up..well the shaking has commenced.

Diamond: Next week fans...Two more teams in my ingenious tournament...Team Rage...and Team Anarchy...till next week...Johnny...Romeo...onto the next match....

!~! - EWT Qualifyer #3 - Virus ~V~ Phoenix - !~!

LOUDMOUTH... Ladies and gentlemen our next bout of the evening is scheduled for one fall. Introducing from Seattle, Washington......

**The Song “THE SICKNESS” by Disturbed fills the air as the flashes of ground pyros go off and small vignettes of recent matches fill the overhead Globaltron.**

LOUDMOUTH... weighing in at 245lbs. The man they call....VIRUS!!!!!!

**Virus appears on the ramp in a joyous mood as he strolls down the ramp toward the ring. He stops to point out to the camera a “ INFECT ME” T-shirt worn by a scantily clad young woman. He lets out a quick tongue lash in her direction before continuing down to the ring. Once inside the overhead lights switch from red to blue to green in a swirl of color that gives his face an air of darkness and shadow.**

LOUDMOUTH... And, his opponent, hailing from the far off lands of Newcastle , England, standing at 6'4, and weighing in at 240lbs, Phoenix!!!

**"Downfall" by Trust Company begins to play throughout the arena as Phoenix walks out to a huge ovation from the GWL crowd. Phoenix walks over to one side of the barriers and pats the hands of fans as he passes by, but then stops at the foot of the ring stairs and just stares at Virus. As he stands there the fans’ cheers go from basic cheers to one more vocal as they roar in approval as he darts into the ring, between the ropes. Virus steps forward and locks up with him at the shoulders. The referee rings the bell to start the match and off we go...**

STORM... A rather calm way to begin this fight from Virus, no sudden attacks, no sneaky tactics, just a quick and legit start to the match.

SINCLAIR.... Why so surprised? Virus has always been on the up and up with his opponent’s.

STORM... Virus? Are you kidding me? Anyways, let get back to calling this actions as Phoenix whips Virus to the ropes and...OVER he goes... back body drop.

**Phoenix steps over to pick up Virus when Virus jabs a thumb in the throat of Phoenix to halt his approach. Virus then shakes off the effects of the last attack and slams a boot into the guts of Phoenix and follows it up with an uppercut that sends him to the mat. Virus then grabs a leg and yanks Phoenix toward the center of the ring. .Virus then drops an elbow across the knee and smiles to the crowd as Phoenix lets out a grunt and grabs for his knee. As Virus sits next to Phoenix he backs an elbow into his chin and cracks Phoenix’s head back to the mat. Virus slowly gets up, in no real hurry and stomps Phoenix in the ribs before grabbing some hair and lifting him to his feet. A chop across the chest sends Phoenix back into the corner with Virus right behind him. But rather than just sink into the corner, Phoenix launches a fist that catches Virus on the forehead. This stops him still for a few seconds. Phoenix uses that pause to spin around and land a kidney punch square on the side of Virus as he passes him and ends up in the middle of the ring. Virus turns to face him in pain just as Phoenix manages to land a leg sweep that buckles Viruses knees a bit. Phoenix then grabs his head from behind and slams him down with a reverse neck-breaker. Both men lay on the mat for a second as Phoenix slowly starts to stand in the corner.**

STORM... I see Phoenix isn’t going for the pin just yet. And from how Virus is recovering and getting up himself, I can see why.

**Phoenix slams a fist to the top of Virus’ head before he bounces off the ropes and tries to land a short drop kick to the chest of Virus. However he took too much time and Virus stepped out of the way as Phoenix landed on his back and bounced up to a sitting position.**

SINCLAIR... Oh shoot. Too Bad for Phoenix. Seems he missed his mark. I think it’s that ring rust coming through again. He’ll need more than that to be the next Extreme Champion.

STORM... He has what it takes. I’d like to see “YOU” in there. Let’s see how your timing is when a violent blood-thirsty maniac is dogging your every step.

**Virus goes back on the attack as he slams a knee to Phoenix’s back and then starts to pull at his head from behind, still keeping the knee square on the spine. Virus has a gleem of delight as he tugs at Phoenix’s head and smiles a bit more each time Phoenix groans in pain. After a few more tugs, Phoenix rolls to his side and break s the hold. But Virus does not let up and steps right on his hand and twists his heel a few times before taking his foot off. Virus then grabs the injured hand and pulls at Phoenix’s arm. He steps toward the ropes and slides between the ropes and stand on the ring apron...still with a grip on Phoenix’s arm. Virus then smiles and lets out a loud laugh as he hops off the ropes onto the arena floor, still holding Phoenix’s arm. His elbow snaps across the ropes and finally whips back, slingshotting him back into the ring and screaming in agony. Virus thou...just shouts at the ringside fans a bit and takes his time getting back in the ring. He steps forward and tries to grab the same arm. Phoenix thou deflects the grab and turns Virus aside enough to pick him up and slam him backwards with an overhead suplex.**

STORM... There’s no giving up on Phoenix’s part as he manages to stop Virus for the time being. This is not a walk in the park for him so far, and Virus will have to do a lot more if he wants to get the victory here.

**Phoenix, still holding his elbow grabs Virus’ leg and rams a shoulder into the side of the knee. Now it’s Virus’ turn to grunt in pain. Phoenix, still wobbly, picks up Virus and whips him into the ropes.....Phoenix takes off to the left ropes and bounces off those ropes as the two meet in the middle of the ring....but Virus is running and Phoenix is jumping...THUMP... Virus goes down to a flying clothesline and bounces to the mat. Phoenix is down too, but struggles over for the cover....1.....................2.................. Virus lifts a shoulder!!!!!! Phoenix then straddles his chest and rams a fist to his head than flattens Virus’ head. The crowd begins to cheer as Phoenix lands another one and another one. He then gets up, and picks up Virus as well. He bends him forward and attempts to grab his arms...trying to set up the PHOENIX DOWN....but Virus senses this and grabs Phoenix’s legs instead and lifts he up....and over the top rope... CRUNCH...Phoenix falls right on top a surprised camera man and then rolls to the edge of the ring barrier.**

SINCLAIR... Holy Carl Crapper. Phoenix just took out camera #5. He tried for his finisher, but ended up finishing the camera man instead.

STORM... This gives Virus a chance to recover...but looks like he isn’t taking it and is going right after Phoenix. The ref is going over to the camera man to see if he’s alright and Virus has noticed this and grabbed a chair from our table here.


**Virus holds the chair overhead and crashes it down on Phoenix’s back as he tries to regain his footing. The ref is too busy with the camera man as Virus steps up on the ring steps and waits as Phoenix struggles closer and closer before falling on his back right at the base of the stairs. Virus looks down at Phoenix and lifts the steel chair overhead and jumps down swinging....**

STORM.... What is Virus doing...Oh no...

**Phoenix sees the chair being arched toward him and lifts up both his feet and stopped the chair!! The chair then bounced back and slammed right into Virus’ own face, sending him down backwards, tumbling over the ring stairs. The crowd goes crazy as Virus’s attack failed and Phoenix regains his feet and steps onto the stairs just above a fallen Virus. Phoenix then launches himself off the stairs and lands an elbow across the back of Virus that sends both men tumbling into the ramp area of the arena. By this time the ref has re-entered the ring and begins the count.. 1.....2.......3........4..... As both men get up Virus is sent back down with a running knee to the jaw as Phoenix grabs the ring barrier for balance before rolling back in the ring. He grabs the ropes at the far end of the ring and looks around for Virus. Instead of seeing him down on the arena floor, Virus has recovered faster than anticipated and is already rolling under the ropes and making an attempt to get up. Phoenix bounces off the ropes and tries to hit a shoulder on Virus who side steps him and redirects him right into a turnbuckle. Phoenix crumples to the mat As Virus slumps into a corner trying to catch his breath. As both Virus and Phoenix are standing up, Phoenix tries to clothesline Virus. Virus ducks underneath the clothesline, and when Phoenix turns around, he is nailed with the Antidote by Virus. Slowly, Virus crawls over Phoenix and hooks a leg. 1...2...3!**

LOUDMOUTH: And your winner by pinfall, Virus!!!

STORM.... Oh my God, Virus did it!

SINCLAIR.... That is what, the fourth week in a row Phoenix has lost a match?

Storm: Oh what the hell is this?

Sinclair: Looks like Section 8 want to make Phoenix more welcome tonight.

Storm: The match is over just leave it!

**Pit Bull, Miracle and Zebra are now making there way to the ring. They join Virus and take a corner each to try and surround Phoenix. Phoenix looks round and gets ready to fight. They all charge at him, just then Slayer and Zero run down. They quickly get in the ring and a massive brawl starts.**

Storm: Thank God. Zero and Slayer have come down.

Sinclair: They are still outnumbered and outclassed. Section 8 is going to make them pay.

Storm: Well it should be broke up; it should never get like this.

Sinclair: Just shut up sit back and enjoy the destruction of Revolution.

**Phoenix is now fighting with Pit Bull. Slayer and Zebra are going at it. Zero and Virus are going at it in the other corner. Miracle sneaks out the ring and goes to get a chair. Just then out of the crowd Miracle is hit with a flying drop kick.**


Sinclair: Why is he here?

Storm: Looks like Rick doesn’t like Section 8 either.

Sinclair: That little punk has made a huge mistake.

**Rick is now throwing lefts and rights at Miracle on the outside. Revolution start to get the upper hand now that Slayer has tossed Zebra out the ring. Zebra starts to get up and Zero does a dive attack over the ropes onto him. Phoenix as spinebustered Virus to the mat. He is looking for the Phoenix down. Behind him Pit Bull is waiting to lock on his submission. He goes for it but his met by a grab to the throat. Slayer just shakes his head. Slayer now choke slams Pit Bull to the outside. Pit Bull is rolling around in pain.**

Storm: That’s got to hurt.

Sinclair: This is not right. Why the hell did that punk Rick even things up.

Storm: It’s about time Section 8 got something coming to them.


**Zero has now recovered from his suicide dive. He looks at Zebra who is struggling to get up. Zero signals for the Zero degrees. Just then Pit Bull has managed to see and crawl over. Out of Desperation he locks in the Bay Area Bite. Zero is struggling but Pit bull just locks it in tighter. Rick tries to get over and help him but Zebra clotheslines the hell out of him. Slayer now realises and tries to get out the ring and help Zero but Virus grabs a hold of his leg and drags him back. Before Phoenix can do anything Miracle as pulled him from the ring and has kept him on the opposite side. Pit bull starts to scream TAP! Zero is trying everything to break out of it.**


Storm: I know Zero and he won’t quit, he will pass out first.

Sinclair: Well one of them is about to happen right now.

Storm: Some one doe something, this is not right. Pit Bull is going to break Zeros neck.

Sinclair: Good ha ha ha… Hey wait a minute what’s he doing.

**Phoenix as now overpowered Miracle and sent him into the steel steps. Phoenix grabs a steel chair and smacks Zebra over the head to help Rick. Pit Bull sees Phoenix coming towards him and lets go of Zero. Pit Bull starts to run up the ramp. Virus then follows him as Slayer looks on. Miracle and Zebra make a get away as Phoenix and Rick are checking on Zero. Slayer then gets a mic and stops Section 8 before leaving.**

Slayer: You want a war we are going to give you a war. You think your smart by getting more men. Well we can do that just the same. Your looking at the new and improved Revolution. That’s right with Rick we are complete… Well Almost, this is just the beginning of the end for Section 8… You better believe it…


Sinclair: So what he is just a rookie he means nothing.

Storm: Yeah and so was Rocker when Zero took him in.

Sinclair: Oh I didn’t think of it like that. Well who cares Rocker is one in a million Rick will never amount to him.

Storm: We will wait and see. But it looks like Revolution have tatics of there own. This is going to be a war Sinclair and we are just beginning to feel the impact.

Sinclair: Revolution will fail like so many others… But most of all Zero will tap!

Storm: Pit Bull better sure hope so. Cause Zero is going to want revenge for that move.

A large pop is heard as "Side of a Bullet" by Nickelback begins to play throughout the arena. Smoke begins to come up, covering the entranceway.)

STORM: What's this? That's the music of Chris Williams, but, I don't have him even scheduled to be here tonight, let alone him in the ring.

SINCLAIR: I wonder what he is doing here?

STORM: Well, it is no secret, that since the death of his father November 1st, he has been silent. Williams has only made the already contracted appearances for a match, but, has not made any speaking appearances, and, to be honest, has not looked himself in the few matches that he has made.

Again, a loud pop is heard as a shadow appears in the smoke on stage. Through the smoke, the crowd roars, as Chris Williams appears. Williams, wearing blue jeans, and a Black, GWL "4-Play" T-Shirt, stands there for a moment listening to the fans cheer for him. He is obviously emotionally overcome as the he looks around at the fans. As previously stated, Williams has been silent since his tragic loss. Williams, wipes a few tears from his eyes, and, heads starts walking toward the ring.

STORM: This should be interesting. What is going through his head. Is he coming back?

SINCLAIR: There has been so much going on with him, it's a wonder if the is going to be ready to go again for a long time coming.

STORM: Well, I think that we are about to find out. It looks like he his here to talk about a few things. He doesn't look like he is here to wrestle.

Williams has made his way to the ring. He walks up the steps, and climbs through the ropes. Williams walks across the ring and climbs up on the turnbuckle. With his feet on the second turnbuckle, he raises his arms to a chorus of cheers. Flashbulbs nearly blind him. He jumps down off of the ropes and reaches outside the ring. A ring attendant hands him a microphone. Williams walks to the center of the ring and the music comes to an end. The crowd continues to cheer for him. He again, appears overcome with emotion. He pauses for a moment, dropping his head. After a few seconds, he takes a deep breath and raises his head again.

CW: Thank you. Thank you all.(he says in a choked-up voice) You all, have no idea what that support means to me. I tell you.......


Williams again pauses as the crowd shows more support. Many of the GWL fans are well informed, and, they know the tragedy that Williams has recently gone through. Again, a few tears can be seen running down his cheek as he cracks a smile.

CW: Thank you! You know, the last month in my life, is no doubt, the worst month, the worst time, in my life. I never thought that I could hurt as bad, as I did four weeks ago. I've been hurt, I've been nearly divorced, I have filed bankruptcy, I hae been through a lot in my life. I always thought that nothing could stop me. I always thought that I could overcome anything. Until November 1st of this year, when I lost my father. I never.....

Williams pauses, and, drops his head again. He is having difficulty even talking at this point. Williams composes himself, and continues......

CW: I never knew that there was a pain like that. Injuries, illness, nothing ever compared to the pain that I fealt. Even with the pain that was inside of me, there was also the issue of what I was to do next in my life. I never thought that anything could truly phase me. Nothing could knock me out of my life plan. Nothing could slow me down. Until that day. Then, after everything was done, a lot of things were going through my head. Why did this happen? Why him? Why now? Questions that I knew could not be answered, but, questions that I still wanted answers to. It also made me think about other things. Do I work to much? Do I, perhaps, not spend enough time with my family? It started to make me wonder. Perhaps it was time to take inventory on my life. Perhaps it was time to make a decision as to what is truly important to me. I am a man of my word, and, true to my fans, so, the matches that I was contacted to do, I made, but, my mind just wasn't there. To you all, the GWL fans, I am sorry for that. The fact is, during those matches, and, afterwords, it has been a matter of what do I want to do with my life, what to do with this hole in my life.

Williams again pauses for a moment. The chants begin again...........


He continues..........

CW: The fact is, I just didn't know if I wanted this anymore, if I wanted to spend so much time away from my family. Perhaps, it was time be home with my famiy more. After all, I spend one minute laughing, having fun, the next, I cry, not knowing what to do. The fact is, I'm not sure if I can perform with my head in that condition. Maybe it's time to let things go...........

Williams takes off his GWL "4-Play" T-shirt and throws it in the crowd. Williams drops the microphone as the crowd goes quiet. He then walks over, and climbs out of the ropes, and, begins to walk out.

NO........NO........NO.......NO.....the crowd chants

STORM: Is Williams giving up his career?

SINCLAIR: I don't know, he's obviously not thinking normal right now.

As the crowd chants, Williams begins to walk away from the ring. He gets about thirty feet away, then stops. He stops and looks at the crowd again. Williams nods his head. The crowd begins to cheer as he turns back toward the ring. Williams re-enters the ring and picks back up the microphone.

CW: You know, it hit me. He was always proud of what I did. Of the man I have become. I stand here before all of you, and, I know, in my heart, that he is looking down, watching me. AND I WILL BE DAMNED IF I AM GOING TO LET HIM SEE ME FAIL! No way. The fact is, is it has taken a little time to get things straight, but, I.........................AM.................BACK! CHRIS WILLIAMS IS BACK, AND, READY TO GET BACK ON TRACK.

The crowd roars to the comments that Williams just made. Williams continues.............

CW: It's simple, I am back to continue the mission, the destiny, that I began in June when I signed that contract with the GWL. I am here to do just what I have always said. I am here to win matches, win titles, and, lead the GWL into the future. I AM THE FUTURE OF THE GWL............AND EVERYONE BACK IN THAT LOCKER ROOM KNOWS IT, AND, HAD BETTER UNDERSTAND IT! The difference between now, and, when I started here? Now, I have a guardian angel(he points up to the sky)looking down upon me, guiding me towards that destiny. To all of those in the back, heed my warning now. The fact is, this train, may have been derailed, but, it's back on track now, and it's destination, is the GWL World Championship. The fact is, nothing, and I mean nothing can, or will stop me. I WILL NOT LET HIM SEE ME FAIL! Listen to me, and remember my words, all of you. Anyone of you who wants to step up, and meet me in this ring next week, bring it on. The future of the GWL, is back, and ready to take over.

The crowd erupts as Williams tosses the mic in the air. "Side of a Bullet" begins to play again as Williams steps up on the turnbuckle and raises his arms again. He tells the fans "thank you". Williams proceeds to do this on the other three turnbuckles.

STORM: Well, it looks to me like Williams is sticking around and ready to take care of some business.

SINCLAIR: Yeah, but, I bet that there is a few people in back, especially a few of them holding titles, who would beg to differ with Williams' statements. New found determination or not.

STORM: We'll see, the fact is, he is back, and appears ready to go.

Williams finishes on the fourth turnbuckle and walks to the middle of the ring. He points to the crowd, and, again says "thank you". Williams walks over and exits the ring. Williams walks towards the back, slapping the hands of the fans around ringside who are reaching out. Williams walks to the arena entrance, pauses for a moment, then, walks to the back, out of sight.

!~! - EWT Qualifyer #4 - GWZ -v- Zero - !~!

Storm: Well this match coming up now can and most likely will rekindle and old rivalry Romeo.

Sinclair: You said it.

Storm: Zero and the returning GWZ. This match is main event caliber. Two of GWL”s top submissionist locking up once again. The Walls of Zero -v- the Zophistication..Both Zero and GWZ have tangled in the past, both have the drive and determination to re-climb that ladder.

Sinclair: And both of the capacity to bore us to death! Now give me the old GWZ against Zero their would be some excitement..but now...hell...give me a pillow.

Storm: What? You’re an ass. This match is going to nothing short of brilliant, fast paced..and hard nosed.

Sinclair: Doubt it. Listen...Zero...Section 8's personal bitch...GWZ..he’s gone soft...he’s been away...he’s not half the man he used to be...add it all up..BORING!

Storm: We’ll see...but I believe with the added intrigue of the Extreme World Title..this is going to be good...

**”School of Hard Knocks” by P.O.D. hits...immediate pop..as GWZ comes out from behinf the curtain to loud..G...W...Z...chants...**

Loudmouth: And now making his return, from Pasadena, California weighing in at 235lbs...G..W..ZZZZZZ!!!

**GWZ makes his way to the ring greeting the fans warm reception, he rolls into the ring and strikes a fighter’s pose to the cheers when “Downfall” by Trust Company hits...more loud cheers.**

Loudmouth: From Newcastle, England weighing in at 234lbs...the ICON...and a member of Revolution...ZERO!!!!

**Zero comes out as the green pyros and strobes go off...He hold his arms up and sprints to the ring...slides in and gets right into the face of GWZ. They have a stare down and then start talking smack...push comes to shove and they start hammering away at each other. Back and forth for a few minutes until Zero catches GWZ with a stiff shot to his chin. GWZ staggers back and Zero takes him to the mat with a drop toe hold into an ankle lock and cinches it in. GWZ quickly scrambles and gets to the bottom rope... Zero let’s go and quickly backs way as GWZ get’s to his feet. Zero and GWZ meet in the center again and lock up, GWZ this time in a burst of speed muscles behind Zero and hits a rolling German suplex. To cheers..GWZ kips up and Zero kips up..they both look at each other..then lock up again. Zero gains the advantaged with a snap suplex..he holds it get’s up and nails another snap suplex...get’s up again and nails a third snap suplex and let’s go as GWZ bounces off the mat. Zero kips up and holds up his arms up to the cheers of the fans. Zero runs at GWZ and nails him with a baseball slide drop kick, sending GWZ into the ropes. Zero kips up and grabs GWZ and pulls him up and starts landing some knife edge chops before Irish whipping GWZ across the ring...Zero runs and hits the side the ropes comes off as GWZ comes off from the opposite ropes and nails GWZ with a face buster to huge cheers. Zero quickly rolls GWZ over for the cover..1..2..GWZ kicks out! Zero pulls GWZ and whips him again across the ring, GWZ reverses it and Zeros goes sailing into the ropes. Zero comes off the ropes and GWZ nails a standing drop kick nearly taking Zero’s head off to loud cheers. GWZ kips up and grabs Zero and places him in a STF.**

Storm: Fasted pace so far Sinclair, you catching all this?


Storm: You’re an ass!

**GWZ has the STF locked in as Zero tries to fight out of it, slowly inching for the bottom rope. GWZ pulls back and manages to keep Zero from the bottom rope...Zero starts yelling...trying to reach the bottom rope...GWZ veins bulging continue to apply the STF in a unmerciless way. Zero slowly starts to fade...GWZ continues to apply pressure...The ref asks if Zero submits...Zero shakes him off...the ref asks again...Zero shakes him off..and some how slowly reaches and manages to grab the bottom rope...the ref calls for the break...1..2..3..4..and GWZ let’s go and rolls away from Zero. Zero hangs on the bottom rope...GWZ rolls to the outside..Zero starts pulling him self up on the ropes...GWZ hops up on the ring apron and before Zero sees what is happening. GWZ grabs Zero’s head and drops off the ring apron, catching Zero’s throat off the top rope..the fans start booing..Zero jerks back holding his throat...GWZ quickly leaps up on the apron..grabs the tope rope and catapults him self over the top rope taking Zero down with a clothesline. GWZ quickly rolls Zero up for the pin..1..2...Zero kicks out!**

Storm: GWZ appears to havn’t lost a step Romeo?


Storm: Wake your ass up! Your missing a wrestling mat classic!


**GWZ pulls Zero up by his hair sends him into the corner. GWZ backs up and charges at Zero and meets a face full of boot from Zero who has grabbed the top ropes and pulled his feet up. GWZ stumbles away holding his face and Zero steps up on the second turnbuckle leaps and nails GWZ with a missile drop kick. GWZ goes down and Zero after kipping up grabs GWZ by his legs and starts to flip him over for the Walls of Zero.**

Storm: Sinclair wake your ass up! Zero is going for the Walls of Zero!

Sinclair:...zzz...Umph? Going for Goobers?

Storm: Zero is trying to lock GWZ in the Walls of Zero you asshole!

Sinclair: So?

**Zero continues to try and muscle GWZ over into the Walls. GWZ tries to fight not letting Zero flip him over..Zero continues to try and lock in the Walls...GWZ fights it..Finally Zero flips GWZ over and sits back locking in the Walls of Zero..GWZ screams out as the pain starts to pulsate in his lower back...Zero yells cinching in the Walls...GWZ tries crawling to the bottom rope...Zero pulls back trying to keep GWZ in the center of the ring. GWZ struggles to get to the ropes, Zero struggles to keep GWZ in the middle of the ring...back and forth..they try...GWZ starts to fade...Zero sits farther back...Ref asks if GWZ submits...GWZ shakes him off...Ref asks again..GWZ shakes him off..and inches closer to the ropes. Zero...pulls him back..GWZ then starts to go limp...Ref raises his hand...it falls...ONE! The ref raises it again it falls...TWO...The ref raises it again and it starts to fall and then it stops...GWZ starts shaking and then starts muscling him self up...Zero starts to struggle to keep the hold...GWZ yells out and in forceful push, pushes Zero off and in the same motion flips around and connects with a kick to the side of Zero’s head sending Zero tumbling away...A HUGE...GWL chant starts..as GWZ on his back trying to regain some adrenaline..he backs his way on the mat to the ropes and grabs them and starts pulling him self up. Zero get’s to his feet sees GWZ up on the ropes and charges and takes them both over the top rope with a clothesline. Zero and GWZ land on the outside in a thud to cheering fans.**

Storm: What a match!

Sinclair: If you say..maybe it’ll pick up since they have taken it to the outside?

Storm: You would say that?

Sinclair: I know.

**The ref starts the count with both Zero and GWZ down on the outside of the ring..1...2...3...4...5...Zero starts to move..6..7...GWZ starts to move...8..Zero up rolls in and back out breaking up the count. He turns to grab GWZ when GWZ pokes him in the eyes. Then GWZ grabs Zero’s head slams it off the ring apron as the ref starts the count again..1...2..3..GWZ with Zero’s head starts dragging Zero’s face along the ring apron..4..5..6..7..GWZ pulls Zero’s head back up and slams it down again on the apron, then GWZ quickly rolls in and back out breaking up the count. GWZ grabs Zero and whips him into the steel ring steps sending the steps breaking apart as Zero flies through them...GWZ grabs the ring post pulls him self up and then jumps landing a splash onto Zero to a mixture of boos and cheers. GWZ scoops up Zero and rolls him into the ring and he slides in narrowly missing the ten count. ...GWZ pulls Zero up and starts landing some knife edge chops before sending Zero flying across the ring...Zero hits the ropes ducks a clothesline comes off the opposite ropes, GWZ turns and Zero nails GWZ with a cross body block. Zero rolls off sucking wind...He slowly get’s to his feet..starts to set GWZ up for the Zero Degree’s when GWZ elbows Zero in the stomach grabs him hoist’s him up and to nail the Hard Knockin Time when Zero manages to wiggle free, reverse and hit the Zero Degree’s (RKO) and the cover...1...2...3...and the ref calls for the bell**

Loudmouth: And your winner...ZEROOOOO!!!!

Storm: Another classic between GWZ and Zero...Zero chalks up the win and advances in the tournament.

Sinclair: This match was mediocre...started resemble something at the end with GWZ going old school on Zero...other then that...

**Zero rolls out of the ring and heads back up the ramp and into the back when Brett Excell comes walking to the ring..he rolls in and walks up to GWZ who has gotten to his feet and sticks out his hand...GWZ looks around and shakes it...Excell then nails him with some punches grabs his arm and bring’s him to the mat and locks in his High Voltage (UFC Armbar Submission). Excell starts ranking on his arm to boos from the fans......GWZ yells out as Excell wrenches on the arm bar..the ref tries to pull Excell off and Excell elbows him in the nuts...dropping the ref to his knees...Several security guards come rushing down and manage to pull Excell off GWZ..**

Storm: Looks like Excell wants a piece of the GWZ!

Sinclair: What are you talking about? He got himself a piece!

***The scene cuts to the back of the arena where a door opens up. Out walks Crow in a straight jacket. He gives a grin as security follows him.***

Crow: “One two Crow’s coming for you! Three four better lock your doors! Five Six get a crucifix! Seven eight better stay up late! Nine ten never sleep again. Rocker my destiny to be the World Champion might have escaped my finger tips last time. But I’ll be damned if I let it fall from me again. Rocker we’ve had a history between us and it’s not going to end between us. You may have the record…but you had to pay for your victory with scars and blood. But I’m not going to take those anymore. I want my shot at Serenity again and I’m going to go through you to get on the top again. So let’s play Rocker! Now get out of my way Mr. Camera man before I do something I won’t regret.”

***Crow gives a sinister laugh as the camera man moves to the side to let Crow and the security pass him.***

!~! - EWT Qualifyer #5 - T ~V~ "Mad Man" Lee Braddeck - !~!

Storm: Well Sinclair, we are in for a real treat.

Sinclair: You got gobbers?

Storm: No, I’m talking about our next match.

Sinclair: A treat? You call the return of the ghetto chump T a treat? I call it a..never mind.

Storm: Romeo, T has been on the shelf for almost four months thanks to Section 8, but tonight he returns to action.

Sinclair: Big deal? Guess Section 8 should’ve finished the job and spared us the torture of another T match and all his thug wanna be actions.

Storm: Shut up, that’s a former World Champion your talking about.

Sinclair: Former, that’s right former champion.

Storm: This is going no where. Tonight T will face a promising newcomer to the GWL who made his debut last week and became then trashed the SWF Overseas Title. Mad Man Lee Braddeck. This is should be a good match. But not to sure if the rookie has what it takes to go head to head with T?

Sinclair: Upset Storm, can you say upset?

**”Sweating Bullets” by Megadeath hits the arena, fans give out a mixture of boos and cheers as the Mad Man makes his way out on to the stage.**

Loudmouth: Now making his way to the ring, from the Windy City, Chicago...weighing in at 298lbs...He’s the MAD MAN...LEE....BRADDECK!!

**Braddeck heads for the ring mocking the fans on his way, he rolls into the ring and starts to taunt when “Check Yo Self” by Ice Cube hits, immediately the fans go nuts..as the red bandana flashes on the screen..and a large gold T shatters through it...and through the curtain comes the returning T. Fans continue to go nuts as T flashes his sign.**

Storm: Listen to the crowd!

Sinclair: Bunch of jerks!

**T slowly makes his way to the ring allowing time to slap fans hands and greet them...Braddeck in the ring paces back and forth waiting for T to enter the ring...T goes around the ring side area high fiving the fans and turns to head into the ring when Braddeck leaps over the ropes and takes T down with a lariat to tremendous boos. Braddeck rolls out of the lariat and get’s to his feet. T starts to stand and Braddeck nails T from behind with a boot sending T back to the mat. T pushes him self up and Braddeck nails him in the lower back with a elbow. Braddeck grabs T lift’s him up and drops him face first off the ring apron bringing out thunderous boos. As T slumps to the floor the ref rolls out of the ring and motions for Braddeck to get back in the ring. Braddeck shoves the ref aside, pulls T up and tosses him over the top rope into the ring. Braddeck slides in and pulls T up and whips him into the ropes. T off the ropes into a big boot from Braddeck. Braddeck drops down and starts choking T with both hands, as the ref slides in and starts to administer the 5 count.**

Storm: Braddeck has come out with both barrels taking the early advantage on T.

Sinclair: Guess T isn’t the old T. Braddeck is killing him, and he’s going for the throat, the same way Pit Bull did when he put him out of action.

**Braddeck pulls T up off his feet and then gives him a choke bomb and goes for the cover..1..2...T kicks out to huge cheers. Braddeck rolls off T and backs up. T starts coughing and begins to move...Braddeck backs up and waits..T starts to get to his feet and turns when Braddeck charges at him and goes for a clothesline. T ducks and grabs Braddeck by the back of his head and nails a neck breaker to thunderous cheers. T gets to his feet and Braddeck sits up and T charges and kicks Braddeck in the back of the head, and doesn’t stop. T screams out and starts to kick Braddeck repeatedly. Braddeck tries rolling away and T continues to fire boot shot after boot shot. Braddeck rolls to the ropes and grabs a hold. This doesn’t stop T who continues to stomp on the back of Braddeck’s the ref starts the count and T backs away. Braddeck starts pull him self up and T runs and nails Braddeck in the back with a clothesline sending Braddeck over the top rope to huge cheers. T grabs the top rope and launches him self over the rope hitting Braddeck with a leg drop. T get’s up and flex’s his muscles and pulls Braddeck up and whips him into the steel barricade. T charges and again nails Braddeck with a clothesline that sends Braddeck over the barricade and into the crowd. T reaches over and grabs Braddeck and pulls him over the railing, get’s Braddeck to his feet and starts nailing some stiff left and rights, the ref starts the count, T grabs Braddeck and whips him into the apron...T follows Braddeck and rolls him into the ring and slides in breaking up the ten count.**

Storm: T is in the zone...

Sinclair: Just a little adrenaline boost...once it fades...Braddeck with destroy him.

**T pulls Braddeck up and nails some knife edge chops driving Braddeck into the corner. T continues with the knife edge chops. T stops backs up charges and nails Braddeck with an elbow. Braddeck starts to slump in the corner when T grabs him lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle. T climbs up and starts setting Braddeck up for a superplex, when Braddeck comes up and nails T in the throat with a oriental spike. T grabs his throat and falls off the top turnbuckle. Braddeck then leaps and comes down across T’s throat with an elbow.**

Storm: Braddeck is zeroing on T’s surgically repaired throat.

Sinclair: Go for the jugular Braddeck, capitalize on T’s weakness!

**Braddeck slumps across T for the cover..1...2...T with the kick out! Braddeck stands up watching T struggle to catch his breath from the oriental spike and elbow drop. Braddeck laughs..and pulls T up drags him to the top rope. He places T throat first on the top rope and then locks him in ahead lock/choking manuver using the top rope.**

Sinclair: Braddeck has certainly done his homework, as he continues to punish T’s throat.

Storm: Yes he has.

**Braddeck continues to apply pressure to T’s throat as the ref starts the count..1...2..3..4..Braddeck let’s go T starts to slump and Braddeck grabs him again and applies the same move with the top rope and the ref starts the count again..1..2..3..4..Braddeck again let’s go. Braddeck then goes again to apply the move but stops and backs up...Braddeck charges and nails T from behind with a boot sending T’s throat bouncing off the top rope. T flops backwards, Braddeck grabs him and nails a bridging German suplex going for the pin..1...2...T kicks out!!! Braddeck can’t believe it. He get’s up and starts getting into the face of the ref, arguing over the slow count. The ref yells back. T slowly crawls away coughing and holding his throat.. T manages to get to the ropes and pull him self up. Braddeck turns and moves towards T. Braddeck fires in some left’s, T fires back with rights. Back and forth T and Braddeck trade brutal blows. T starts to fade as Braddeck continues to fire away when T nails Braddeck in the throat with a oriental spike catching Braddeck off guard. Braddeck grabbing his throat backs away. T quickly grabs Braddeck and whips him into the ropes. Braddeck hits and comes off the ropes and T grabs Braddeck spins him and then nails the Drive-By(Blackhole Slam) and goes for the cover..1...2...Braddeck kicks out!**

Storm: Damn! Braddeck just kicked out of the Drive-By?

Sinclair: Braddeck is a monster and T is past his prime!

**T shakes his head and get’s to his feet and pulls Braddeck back up and nails him with a DDT. T then rolls Braddeck over measure’s him and drops a fist to his head. T then grabs Braddeck in a head lock and with his free hand starts pounding Braddeck in the face repeatedly with a closed fist. T let’s go and stands up and waits. Braddecks rolls over and starts to push him self up and T and backs him self into the ropes and with momentum charges at Braddeck and nails Braddeck in the back of the head with a elbow drop. T then quickly grabs Braddeck and applies a crippler cross face and cinches it in. Braddeck screams out as T has it locked in. Braddeck tries fighting and starts crawling and reaching for the bottom rope. T pulls back with Braddeck inches from the bottom rope. Braddeck continues to reach as T keeps applying pressure to the cross face.**

Storm: T trying for the submission folks.

Sinclair: Trying that is. Braddeck is almost at the ropes.

Storm: Almost, is not there.

Sinclair: Give him time.

**Braddeck finally reaches the bottom rope to large sighs from the fans. T won’t let go and the ref starts the count..1..2..3..4...T let’s go and rolls away and to his feet. Braddeck grabs the top rope and pulls him self up when T flies at him, Braddeck telegraphs’s it and back body drops T over the top rope to the arena floor. T lands back first and rolls away holding his lower back. Braddeck pulls him self along the ropes and climbs the top turnbuckle and leaps. Braddeck comes down with a leg drop right across T’s lower back sending screams of pain from T. Braddeck slowly get’s to his feet, grabs T by the back of the head and rolls him into the ring and slides in after him. Braddeck stand’s T up and whips him into the ropes. T hits the ropes and Braddeck flies at T and they end giving each other a double clothesline and both hit the mat hard...The ref looks..and starts the count...1...2...3...4...5...6...T get’s up to his feet and pulls Braddeck up beating the 10 count. T wasting no time locks Braddeck in and nails the 187 (Reverse Death Valley Driver) and goes for the cover..1...2...3...HUGE CHEERS! And the ref calls for the bell**

Loudmouth: And your winner....T!!!!

Storm: T is back!! T is advancing in the tournament, there is no signs of ring rust now Sinclair.

Sinclair: Shut up! T just got lucky...If it has been a member of Section 8...T would be in a body bag right now...he’s just lucky Braddeck is still new to the game here...next time..T won’t be so lucky!

Storm: Wanna bet? T is back...and damn he is looking great..nice way to return..a win and step towards the Extreme World Title.

"The Rising Sun" hits and Yan Luo makes his way to the ring accompanied by The Bachelor, as a roar of boos go across the arena. They enter the ring and both The Bachelor grabs a microphone.

Cut the music. If you can't tell I am pissed. I am pissed at the G.W.L. I should have brought an alarm clock down here and let it ring, wake the G.W.L wrestlers and administration up because they are sleeping on Yan Luo. First we had the Turmoil Title at our finger tips, if it weren't for that slacker Iceberg Yan Luo would be the Turmoil champ. So that is why I'm here to air out the dirty laundry and handle some----

----"Battle for Humanity" hits as the Turmoil champion Johnny "The Idol" Thompson. Heads to the ring the boos are ear aching. He gets a microphone and sucks in the boos. He begins to laugh.

This is a joke right. He's joking. He can't be serious. Do you think I really should be defending my prestigious Turmoil title against the love child of Jet Li and Krusty The Clown? I give you credit you make a delicious General Tso chicken but you are no wrestler.

I'm the clown. You feeble minded being. You are proud of that worthless trophy. I care not at all for that artificial gold, I want to humiliate you.

The Idol begins to pace around the ring.

Oh, I see it must be one of your customs to believe in an eye for an eye. You want to humiliate me because I humiliated you. I'm not Hip Peach Guy, or Iceberg or any of those other jobbers you beat. I am the real deal. So I'll make a proposal for you.

Okay I'm a businessman, shoot.

Here it goes. You go back to the ring next week beat a few more "real" wrestlers, get your status up and then come talk to me, because right now you are not on my level. Then again who is?

"The Imperial March" hits and there is a mixed reaction from the crowd as "Achilles" Young makes his way to the ring. He grabs a microphone and gets into the ring. He looks at Johnny "The Idol" Thompson.

Hey, "champ". Champ, I remember when I was one of those but hell that time is coming right back around because next week on Turmoil it will be "Achilles" Young versus Zebra in a rematch for the Wheel of Honor championship title. And don't give a damn if he's with Section 8, welfare, WIC, or and other form of government assistance I will be the champ again.

That wonderful former camp but what the hell is your purpose here?

Basically, there are a few things that have been pissing me off for a while now and since I lost to Zebra I need to get rid of all possible thorns in my side. Idol you have talked and ran your mouth and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,blah. And yes you did beat Yan Luo and yes Yan Luo did lose to Zebra, and sure he didn't soften him up for our match but with all that being said Idol it's time to set up shop.

Yeah, that's right let's set up shop!.

If you want to "set up shop" then let see how shop is set up.

Achilles and Yan Luo start walking toward The Idol as he get on guard. Yan Luo takes the lead. Suddenly Achilles hits Yan Luo in the back of the head with the microphone. Yan Luo turns around to defend himself and The Idol hits him with his microphone in the head again. Achilles grabs Yan Luo and hits him with The Trojan Horse. The Idol rolls him over and locks in The Directors Cut. The Bachelor laughs and gets out the ring and grabs a the ring bell. As The Idol has him in The Directors Cut Achilles starts banging him in the head with the ring bell. Yan Luo face is busted open as he loses consciousness. The Idol lets go of the hold as all three of them looks down at Yan Luo's broken body. The Bachelor takes off his bracelet and throws it on Yan Luo's body. The Idol laughs and spits on Yan Luo. The Bachelor raises "Achilles" Young and The Idol's arms triumphantly. "Battle for Humanity" hits as the crowd boos furiously and they all leave the ring laughing together.

!~! - Turmoil Title - Idol(c)/Katastrophik ~V~ Pit Bull/Rick Mathis - !~!

**The shows comes back and Markus and Pit Bull are locked up in the ring. Markus has Pit Bull in a headlock but Pit Bull reverses into a side slam. Pit Bull pulls Markus to his feet and hits him with some knife edge chops. Pit Bull goes for a spinning heel kick but Markus ducks and hits a DDT. Markus tags in Idol and the two hit a double suplex. Idol whips Pit Bull into the ropes and hits a running Belly to Belly suplex. Idol goes for a quick pin 1...2.Kickout. Idol tags in Markus and the two exchange punches. Keeping Pit Bull in the corner, Markus and Idol continue to double team him with a series of quick tags. With Markus in the ring, he goes for a vertical suplex but Pit Bull counters and hits one of his own! Pit Bull slowly makes his way towards Rick Mathis and gets the tag! Mathis comes in on fire and hits Markus with a clothesline. He turns and nails Idol with a punch that sends the Turmoil Champion to the mat. Mathis turns back right into a hard left hand from Markus. Markus whips Mathis into the ropes but it is reversed and Mathis hits a big time diving clothesline. Mathis goes for the quick cover 1...2.Kickout. Mathis hooks the leg again 1...Kickout. Mathis tags in Pit Bull and he drops a knee into Markus's groin. Pit Bull pulls Markus to his feet. Pit Bull brings his knee up into Markus's gut and then drops him with a face plant. Pit Bull turns to nail Idol but Idol blocks and pops Pit Bull with a hard elbow. Idol pulls Pit Bull onto the top rope and he bounces right into a full nelson slam from Markus!**

Storm: What a series from Idol and Markus!

**Markus hooks the leg 1....2....Kickout! Markus pulls Pit Bull to his knees only to recieve a low blow! Pit Bull tags in Mathis and the two go to work on Markus. Markus explodes from the corner and takes both men down with a double clothesline. He tags in Idol and they both go to work. Markus and Pit Bull spill over the top rope and continue to brawl on the outside of the ring. Idol slams Mathis's face into the mat and then pulls him to his feet. Idol throws a punch and Mathis comes back with one of us his own. The two men go back and forth until Mathis hits an uppercut that stuns Idol. Mathis drives his shoulder into Idol's gut and slams him into the turnbuckle. Mathis whips Idol across the ring into the other turnbuckle. He charges but runs right into Idol's foot. Idol comes out of the corner and takes Mathis down with a tackle. Idol hooks both legs 1...2.Kickout again! Idol tags in Markus.
Markus comes into the ring and blocks a punch from Mathis. He goes for a Xero Impakt but Mathis blocks and hits a modified Holy War from out of nowhere! He goes for the pin 1...2...3!**

Storm: Now it's just Mathis and Pit Bull!

Sinclair: Looks like Pit Bull is going home tonight as the Turmoil champion...

**The referee raises Pit Bull and Mathis's arms in the air. Mathis extends his hand but Pit Bull pokes him in the eyes. Pit Bull drops Mathis to the mat with a snap suplex. Pit Bull goes on an offensive flurry with a series of kicks and punches. Mathis protects himself as best as he can but Pit Bull doesn't let up. He turns to taunt but Mathis explodes off the ground and clotheslines Pit Bull. Mathis whips Pit Bull into the ropes and nails him with a knee to the gut. Pit Bull stands up and reverses a suplex. Mathis stands up and Pit Bull locks on the Bay Area Bite! Mathis fights and fights but can't get out. All of a sudden the crowd starts cheering and pointing up to the ramp.**

Storm: It's 009!

Sinclair: Oh Lord...

**009 sprints down and stands on the apron. He distracts the ref as Mathis begins to tap. Pit Bull releases the hold and stands up thinking he's won. He sees 009 talking to the ref. Pit Bull starts complaining and pops the ref with a punch to the face. 009 comes over the ropes and starts nailing Pit Bull with some right hands. Pit Bull throws a punch but 009 ducks and nails him with a Niner! Pit Bull bounces off the mat and 009 pulls Mathis on top of him. 009 revives the ref 1...2...3!**

Storm: Mathis wins! With the assist going to 009!

**After Pit Bull gets back to his feet and realizes what just happened he gestures for a microphone...**

Pit Bull: 009, you'll get yours, but for now I have to address a certain creature of the night...Nightshade! Ya know, homie...I've only face you once and I kicked the livin' shit outta you...So I accept your little challenge! The gates wide open and the dog's off the chain!"

**Commercial Break**

GWL’S Turmoil comes back from a commercial break and zooms straight back stage where Carl Crapper is standing by with Carnage

Carl: Thanks lads now Carnage last week you were not at the ppv could you tell us why?

Carnage: Well Carl I am not going to go in to much detail but put it this way I was involved in some very important business.

Carl: Okay. Now this week you face Brandon Brown the current Transatlantic Champion, this week so far there has been some harsh words exchanged by you about his manager Jerry Law could you tell us what all that is about?

Carnage: Well basically what I have been doing is watching all of Brandon Brown’s matches and video interviews or feeds and I have noticed that every time Brown starts to come out of his shell Law pushes him back in it and basically tries to control him and to me that is wrong all Law is doing is hurting himself and hiding Brown’s true talent and trust me soon and I mean soon Brown is going to burst and Law he will come straight after you.

Carl: Jerry Law is helping Brown be the best he can be so why would he turn on him plus he brought Brown in to the GWL?

Carnage: Carl sooner or later Brown would have made it to the GWL by himself. Fair enough I accept that Law has helped Brown by getting him a title shot but the fact is he is stopping Brown for moving up in his own way. All Law cares about it Money and if he gets in my way manager or wrestler I will take Law out and there is nothing Brown or Law can do about it.

Carl: Are you threatening Jerry Law?

Carnage: Carl you know me by now I never threaten anybody. IT’S A P R O M I S E!!!

Carl: So have you any last words for Brandon Brown?

Carnage: Brown I have told you all week long what to expect and now I think it is about time I told you what not to expect from me. I will not lie down and let you win that’s for sure but the main think is that I will not lie down and let you pin me either so Brown get ready to get pinned or tap out to the most devastating submission move in history the CARNA-LOCK!!!!

Carnage walks away and disappears round the corner as the cameras zoom back to ringside.

!~! - Non-Title - Brandon Brown ~V~ Carnage - !~!

STORM /// Outstanding action tonight Romeo…. But this night is far from over…. Look what we got coming up next….

SINCLAIR /// You got that right…. When I saw this card for the first time my eyes focused on this match immediately…. Such a contrast in styles…. GWL Veteran against the bruising "Newcomer" with the gold around his waist….. I can’t wait… Get these guys out here!

STORM /// We’ll that’s going to have to hold on for a few minutes, we got a special delivery for you Romeo….

SINCLAIR /// Whose it from?

STORM /// Have no idea…. The card simply says…. "Don’t Bet Against The SSS"

(Johnny hands Sinclair a thin rectangle box and Romeo tears into it…. It’s a large picture frame, poster size 20"x 30"…. It’s a picture of GWL’s Rock Queen Sally Screw, dressed in a fluffy pink prom dress….. Both Sinclair and Johnny get a kick out of it…. Romeo holds the picture high above his head and shows the crowd which roars for a bit…. )

STORM /// Going to be hard to "Rock Out" in that outfit…. I heard that Silver and Screw made a bet on a Thanksgiving football game, but man that’s had to sting…. Thumbs up to Sally for honoring the bet though….

SINCLAIR /// And thumbs up to Silver for not letting her forget about it…. I think the Sexy Boy is back to his old cocky ways…. Hmmmmmmmmm….. I believe I would…..

STORM /// What? You look deep in though Romeo….. Spill it….

SINCLAIR /// Take some of the tattoos off…. Maybe tone down the eyeliner a bit…. I could take her home to Mama and help her out of that dress…..

STORM /// You probably still live with your Mom….

SINCLAIR /// Oh shut the hell up….

STORM /// Are you kidding me? Did I hit a nerve there Big Man? You do live with your Mom…. I knew it!

SINCLAIR /// No I moved her in with me last month…. She was having trouble with her medicine and such…. Uhhhhh… What the…. Enough about the family stuff…. We have a match to call…..

STORM /// So are you going to hang that masterpiece above your bed or are you going to hide it from "mommy" like a Penthouse between the sheets….

(they both start to laugh a bit)

SINCLAIR /// Watch yourself meatball…… Oh you are brutal tonight…..

("Bodies" by Drowning Pool begins to play…. Out from the back curtain steps Carnage… he doesn’t do his usual, he’s walking very business like to the ring…. no emotion at all… he gets to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope…. Inside the ring he stretching and shaking out his arms and legs)

RING ANNOUNCER ---- Inside the squared circle…. This wrestle hails from Newcastle, England…. He weighs in at an even 250lbs….. Representing the Coalition…. The one and only…….. CARNAGE!!!!!!!!

(the crowd gives Carnage the usual Coalition chatter and crowd noise…. after a bit and a slight pause "Get to the Game" by Static X hits the PA system…. Jerry Law steps from the curtain first, with a title belt held high above his head…. He is followed by the much larger Brandon Brown who has his head down at first…. The pyro kicks in and Brandon cuts loose…. He’s pumped…. He snatches his title belt from Law and points to it and then himself as he’s marching down the ramp starting directly at Carnage…)

RING ANNOUNCER ---- And his opponent…. From Motown…. Detroit, Michigan…. Weighing in at 311lbs…. GWL’s current Trans Atlantic Champion….. Bad….Bad…. BRANDON BROWN!!!!!!!!!

(the crowd gives Brown a huge ovation as well…. almost equal to his Coalition counterpart…. Brandon takes the steps and climbs into the ring…. Carnage wastes no time and jumps on him immediately… Carnage fires rights and lefts hitting Brown on the back…. Brandon picks Carnage up by the waist runs with him about halfway across the ring and slams him down to the mat…. The larger Brown bounces off of him and tries to roll away…. Carnage grabs Brown’s ankle and instantly goes for his finisher…. Brown in a panic kicks away with his other foot and rolls out of the ring…. Jerry Law goes over and pats him on the back as Carnage stands up and taunts for Brown to get back into the ring)

STORM /// We almost had a quick ending to this one…..

SINCLAIR /// Brown’s title strap isn’t on the line here tonight….. I look for Brown to relax and feel the classic veteran out… Look! Law and him are just talking things over….

(Brandon slowly gets back into the ring and the referee makes Carnage keep his distance…. They both circle at first and tie up in the middle of the ring…. Carnage takes Brown down with an armdrag… Carnage holds onto the arm, stands up and grinds an arm-wrench in…. Brown gets to his feet, reverses the twisting of the arm and tosses Carnage down with a judo-hip throw…. Brown follows it with a powerful elbowdrop to Carnage’s chest…. Brown quickly gets up and reaches for Carnage’s head… He starts to pick Carnage up by the head, but the sweaty Carnage slips out of Brown’s massive hands…. Carnage hits the mat, rolls out and climbs to his feet quickly….. Brown reaches his hands out…. Apparently wanting a "test of strength"…. Carnage stands back and laughs, points to his head like "I got brains dude", and slaps Brown’s hands away… they clash violently in a tie up…. the larger Brown backs Carnage back to the corner…. The ref warns him to break, instead Brown delivers a couple of vicious knee lifts to Carnage’s mid-section…. Brown then whips Carnage hard into the opposite turnbuckle…. Brown rushes in hard for a large body splash, but Carnage moves out of the way at the last minute…. Brown nails the turnbuckles hard…. Carnage grabs his head and ramns the top turnbuckle six times…. The crowd started to count 3…4…5…6… but before #7, Carnage picks up Brandon Brown by the waist and hits him with a toss German suplex…. Brown lands hard and holds the back of his head…. Carnage goes over and puts the boot to Brown a few times…. Carnage grabs both of Brandon’s legs and locks in a standard Boston Crab…. Brown rives out in pain at first….. after about 20 seconds, Brown puts both of his hands out in front of him…. Jerry Law shouting directions and trying to cheer his wrestler on… Brown showing his massive strength, begins doing pushups while in the hold…. Carnage looks around shocked at what he sees…. Carnage quickly drops the hold and goes for the Carnalock (Ankle Lock) again…. Brown uses his other size 15 hoof and kicks Carnage away and onto his back about 4 feet away…. Brown gets up gingerly, stretching his back out…. Carnage gets up as well and anger is written across his face…. The both stare at each other and the crowd is really letting these guys hear it…. )

STORM /// Exactly the type of match I expected out of these two….. This rookie Brown is really impressive with his freakish size and power Romeo…. Even someone with the moxey of Carnage has to respect the game the big man possess….

SINCLAIR /// Think before you speak John Boy…. Carnage has been in the squared circle with the best GWL has to offer and has always held his own…. You pick the big guy…. I’ll stick with my man Carnage….

STORM /// I know all about Carnage…. He always lays it all on the line…..

SINCLAIR /// You wanna make a wager on it Stud? You could end up in a pink dress…..

STORM /// Oh no you don’t……

SINCLAIR /// Chicken Shit…..

(Storm points to his head like Carnage did earlier, the "I got brains" look…. This time Carnage puts his hands up for the "test of strength"…. Brown licks his chops and goes for it quickly…. After they get both hands locked in Brown starts to show some dominance, Carnage kicks him in the right leg, right above the knee…. Brown muscles up tighter and Carnage kicks the same spot of the leg again… Brandon releases the hold and Carnage quickly kicks at the leg again,,, connects and makes a dive at the leg…. Brown sprawls out like a wrestler and end up on top of Carnage…. Brown picks up Carnage upside down by the waist… the upside down Carnage has a hold of Brown’s right leg desperately trying avoiding a slam of some kind…. Brown instead falls forward with a front face slam on Carnage…. Brown keeps his hands locked and picks Carnage up again…. Brandon carries min over to the corner and hangs Carnage upside down in the "tree of woe"…. Brown with Law barking instructions at him…. Puts the boots to Carnage several times until the ref steps in and backs Brown up…. Carnage crumbles to the mat…. Brown moves in and picks him up again…. Brandon whips Carnage into the ropes. When Carnage returns Brown goes for a vicious clothesline…. Carnage ducks it… he bounces of the opposite ropes…. Brown lowers his head for a back body drop…. Carnage cartwheel tumbles over using Browns back and as Brandon stands up he delivers his finisher the CARNASLAM (Angle’s Olympic Slam)…. Carnage goes for the cover…. 1….2…. Brandon kicks out….. Carnage is pissed, he just stares down the referee and slaps his hands three times…. Carnage moves in and Brown kicks him away…. They both get up at about the same time…. Carnage runs at brown who picks Carnage up……… BOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!! He drops Carnage with a massive SPINEBUSTER that shakes the entire ring…. Brown hooks the leg and rolls Carnage up tight as a ball….. the referee counts…… 1………..2………3!!!!!!!!)

RING ANNOUNCER ---- Your winner by pinfall…….. Your Trans Atlantic Champion….. BRANDN BROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!

STORM /// A very big win for the GWL rookie…. He notched what I consider the biggest win of his GWL career so far…. The sky is the limit as long as he stays focused…..

SINCLAIR /// Yeah what you said……

STORM /// What?

SINCLAIR /// Yeah "Focus"…. I heard you……..

STORM /// Yeah your focus is on that picture of Sally Screw, you freaking horndog…. Someone better take that to the back so the blood can flow to the rest of your body….. We better go to commercial…. Somebody is blushing here…..

SINCLAIR /// Keep smiling "jarhead"…. You’ll get your annual Christmas present of a fat lip before December 25th….

STORM /// You do resemble Santa Claus with those blushing red cheeks of yours…..

SINCLAIR /// Go to commercial already!!!!!!! I swear Johnny……….

(Inside the ring, Brandon and Jerry are celebrating with the GWL Trans Atlantic Championship. Carnage slowly rolls out of the ring, and looks up at the celebrating Brown and Law. Carnage starts to look at them with anger, and grabs a steel chair from the ring announcer. The ring announcer falls down to the outside mat as Carnage slides into the ring. Carnage swings the chair and nails Brown in the back of the head, send him to the mat. Carnage then looks at Jerry, and nails him with the chair in the gut. Jerry clutches his gut as Carnage stands above him with the chair. Carnage brings the chair over Law's head, causing Law to fall limp to the mat. Law's head is busted open, and Carnage is smiling at his fine work. Carnage drops the chair, and grabs the GWL Trans Atlantic Title. Carnage holds the title above his head, and then drops it back down onto Brown. The GWL camera slowly starts to fade to a commercial break as Carnage is heading to the backstage area, hands held above his head in his cheap attack on Brown and Law...............)

!~! Tag Team Match - Rueben Phoenix/Daredevil ~V~ Zebra/Michael "The AssASSin" Miracle - !~!

Storm: Last week, at November to Dismember, Section 8 had two new members join in the forms of Wheel of Honor Champion Zebra and returning GWL Superstar Michael "The Assassin" Miracle.

Sinclair: And you know what, with Section 8, these men will have their careers reach levels they had never before heard of.

Storm: Well, they are facing two tough opponents in Rueben Phoenix and Daredevil...

Sinclair: What do you mean tough? If you combine the losing streaks of both Daredevil and Rueben Phoenix, your going to need more than just fingers and toes...

Storm: Oh shut up...

Loudmouth: The following contest is a tag team match schedualed for one fall. Introducing first, the team of Zebra and Michael "The Assassin" Miracle!

**"Nothing What It Seems" by Project Whyze begins to blare throughout the arena, as the two newest Section 8 members, Michael "The Assassin" Miracle and The GWL Wheel of Honor Champion, Zebra, walk down to the ring. Zebra has the WOH Title around his shoulder as they climb into the ring. Miracle and Zebra taunt the GWL fans as they wait for their opponents for the week...**

Sinclair: It looks like both Zebra and Miracle are highly anticipating their opponents...

Storm: I wonder if its the match they are waiting for, or the chance to step into the ring with GWL Wrestlers who oppose Section 8?

Loudmouth: And their opponent, Rueben Phoenix!

**"Fuck the System" by System of a Down begins to play throughout the arena as Rueben Phoenix runs down to the ring. Rueben tries to trade punches with Miracle and Zebra, but the numbers almost instantly catch up to him. Zebra takes Rueben to the corner, and starts kicking away at him in the corner. Miracle pushes Zebra out of the way, and starting brutally attacking Rueben in the corner. GWL fans start to cheer as Daredevil runs down to the ring, and slides into the ring. As soon as Daredevil gets into the ring, he is clotheslined by Zebra. Zebra picks up Daredevil, and tosses him outside the ring. Miracle picks up Rueben, and tosses him to the ropes. Rueben comes back and is hit with a drop toe hold. As Zebra steps outside, the referee rings the bell to start the match...**

Storm: Look at the very agressive start by Rueben...

Sinclair: Too bad it backfired though...

**Miracle grabs Rueben's leg, and puts in a reverse leg lock on Rueben. Rueben, thinking ahead, is already underneath the ropes, and grabs them, forcing Miracle to let go. Miracle stands up, and instantly starts kicking away at Rueben. Miracle just keeps kicking, and starts using the ropes for leverage. Miracle is stopped by the referee, and Rueben gets up to his slowly as Miracle waits. Rueben looks at Miracle, and tries to clothesline, but Miracle ducks, and nails him with a German Suplex, a second German Suplex, and a third German Suplex, finishing The Adrenaline Rush. Miracle smiles as he stands up and grabs both of Rueben's legs. Miracle sets him up, and locks in The Sharpshooter. Rueben starts squirming in pain, but that just makes Miracle lock it in even tighter. Daredevil starts to come into the ring, but Zebra sees Daredevil and enters the ring too. Daredevil runs at Miracle, but he is hit with a Zebra kick, which sends Daredevil rolling out of the ring. Only seconds later, Rueben starts tapping out to The Sharpshooter!**

Loudmouth: And your winners by submission, Zebra and Michael "The Assassin" Miracle!

**Even as the bell rings, Miracle just keeps applying the hold in deeper and deeper. Eventually, Rueben quits struggling, and passes out in the middle of the ring. Zebra is looking down at Miracle, who has a crazied look on his face. Miracle just keeps sinking in The Sharpshooter. Michael eventually realses the hold as Zebra pulls Miracle off of Rueben. Miracle and Zebra stand over Rueben as "Nothing What It Seems" by Project Whyze begins to play throughout the arena again. Zebra and Miracle leave the ring as the camera shifts over to Storm and Sinclair...**

Storm: My, Section 8 took care ofthere opponents tonight.

Sinclair: With these two wrestlers now exclusive to Section 8, how can anybody stand up to them?

Storm: I don't know, perhaps these two will help put Section 8 on top of the GWL once and for all, God I hope not...

**Zebra, with his Wheel of Honor Championship, and Miracle walk up the ramp and both Daredevil and Rueben start to stir down at the ring. The GWL camera fades to a commercial break...............**

!~! - World Title #1 Contenders Match - Crow ~V~ Hard Rocker - !~!

Storm: The following match is a World Title #1 Contender's match that is bringing back one of the best feuds ever known in GWL. We have Hard Rocker, coming off an impressive win, going one on one with the man that fell just short of winning the gold, Crow.

Sinclair: No doubt about it. These two men have waged in blood bath after blood bath anytime they are in the ring together. I don't expect this match to be for the weak at heart. I expect it to be brutal and I expect it to make everyone be glad they are here for Turmoil.

Storm: Also, the winner of this match as I said earlier will get that one more chance to get their hands on Serenity. A thought that I'm sure is on the minds of both Rocker and Crow here tonight.

Sinclair: I actually agree. Both of these guys have to be watering at the mouth at the thought of getting their hands on her and her gold. All the times she has teased these guys, I'm sure blood is the only thing that will make them happy.

Storm: Those who saw our last Pay-Per-View, you know that Crow is determined to win that title one way or another.

Sinclair: And he will, after he wins here tonight.

**"The Way I Am" by Fozzy hits the pa system and the crowd begins to boo loudly. Rocker appears at the top of the stage and looks serious at the fans. He quickly runs down and slides into the ring. As he poses the crowd throws trash at him and scream profanities at him causing him to put his hands over his ears trying to block them out.**

Storm: Fans are not at all happy with the recent actions of their former hero.

Sinclair: He did what was best for him. It's not his fault he is better than these people.

**"March of the Fire Ants" hits the P.A. system and the crowd continues to boo as Crow comes out from the curtain. Crow poses at the top of the ramp and taunts the crowd as he slowly stalks his way to the ring. As he gets to ringside, Rocker runs and leaps over the ropes landing on top of Crow. As he is on top of him he begins to follow up with hard rights and lefts. Rocker picks Crow up and slings him into the guard rail. He then follows in with two knees to the gut of Crow. Rocker then backs up and charges again hitting a hard side elbow to Crow's ear. Crow collapses down holding his ear as Rocker yells at the crowd. Rocker then grabs Crow and throws him into the ring. As he rolls in, Crow runs over and drops a hard knee to the side of Rocker's head. Crow then slaps on a headlock and slams down with pressure.**

Storm: These two haven't lost a step. That hate still exist and these two will do anything to end the other one's chances.

Sinclair: I want to just see these two men tear into one another. Screw winning, I want mayhem!

Storm: You are a sad, strange little man...

**Rocker gets to the ropes quickly and Crow breaks the hold. As Rocker holds onto the ropes, Crow runs and hits a sliding dropkick that sends Rocker flying to the outside of the ring. Rocker's body makes a thud as he smacks the mats. Crow then gets up in the ring and smiles sadistically.. He goes to the ropes as Rocker makes his way onto the apron. Crow goes to grab Rocker but Rocker quickly hits an elbow to the midsection and follows up by leaping up and dropping a leg across the back of Crow's neck sending both men back down to the outside. The referee looks weird and doesn't start the count.**

Storm: Why isn't he trying to count them out?

Sinclair: Maybe because he wants a clean cut winner one way or another!?!

Storm: Either way, I wouldn't get in between those two men no matter the price..

**Rocker gets up and drags Crow over to the guard rail. He then lifts the rail and drops it down on the neck of Crow. As Crow grabs at his throat, Rocker puts his weight on the top of the guard rail and taunts the fans as he chokes Crow. Rocker then lets go and struts off as Crow is holding his throat. As Crow begins to get up, Rocker charges and hits a hard Yakuza Kick that drives Crow head first into the guard rail. Crow trys to grab his head but Rocker follows up quickly dropping down several knee strikes to Crow's head! Rocker then drops down and starts to hammer down with hard right hands. As Rocker holds his hand up, blood can be seen from Crow's head... Rocker whipes the blood on his chest and flips off one of the fans in the front row. As Rocker goes back and gets Crow up, he goes to whip him into the ring post but Crow reverses sending Rocker hard into the post. As Rocker bounces off, Crow runs at him hitting a hard running knee lift that sends Rocker bouncing back hitting the back of his head on the ring post and dropping down to the mats!**

Storm: Damn he just busted the hell out of his head on that post!

Sinclair: That was just great!! Bloodshed is what these fans want from these guys..

Storm: Yeah but careers can be ended by these two men..

**Crow stalks over and steps on Rocker's face and spins around digging his toes into the forehead of Rocker. As Rocker begins to get up, Crow gets under the ring and pulls out a steel chair. Rocker not seeing it, charges at Crow but Crow swings and drives the chair into the skull of Rocker... Rocker hits the mat hardly and Crow follows up with an elbow driving down the chair once again... Rocker is busted open.. As both men have blood coming down their face, Crow slides Rocker into the ring and goes for a cover... 1....2....kick out!! Rocker gets his shoulders up just in time. Crow gets in the ref's face and backs him into the corner. Crow is yelling and threatening the ref, not seeing Rocker get to his feet.**

Storm: He better watch Rocker, you never know what he can do!

Sinclair: Oh no it looks like Rocker is measuring him up!

**Crow turns to see Rocker up. Crow charges for a clothesline but Rocker ducks and hits the ropes trying for The FINALE, but Crow catches Rocker, runs and slams him hard into the corner. Rocker's body goes limp as he just crashes into the corner. Both men are weak and down from the blood loss. But neither will stay down. Rocker and Crow both begin to get to their feet and yell at each other to make the next move. The men meet in the center of the ring and begin to exchange hard rights and lefts. Both men hit the ropes and hit shoulders, with neither man moving. The next time both men hit the ropes and both connect with hard Yakuza Kicks that send each man down. As the ref stands over them, the crowd chants for both men to stay down.**

Storm: This match is everything I thought it would be.

Sinclair: Neither man wants to be the one that gives up that 3 count that sends their worst enemy to a World Title shot.

**Both men begin to crawl to a corner and fight to get to their feet. Rocker and Crow tie up, but "Dead and Broken" by Godsmack hits and they both look towards the entrance ramp as Serenity comes and and begins to taun them...Croa dn Rocker look at each other then slide out of the ring and chase after Serenity, but she disappears behind the curtain. Crow and Rocker reach the backstage area and out of nowhere they get sprayed with a black substance....**

Storm: What the hell was that!? WHAT IS GOING ON~!?

**The cameras pan to the left and reveal Serenity holding a hose, before she drops is and skips away. Rocker and Crow give chase once more and reach the parking garage, but then get scooped up into a scoop attached to the front of a truck. We see Serenity in the drivers seat and she takes off towards a large garbage can, and drops the two into it...**

Sinclair: What is that crazy woman doing to these two?

Storm: Looks like she is taking out the trash...

**As they fall into the garbage can a few feathers jump into the air. After a few moments Crow's and Rocker's heads pop up over the edge and they're covered in feathers. Rocker goes to climb out, but Crow bites his fingers and pushes him backwards so that he can climb out, but Serenity lowers the scoop and closes the lid on the garbage can trapping Crow and Rocker inside...**

Storm: What does all this mean!?! WHO IS THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER!?


Storm: Tune in fans for more details, who will be named number one contender!?!

["Nothing What It Seems" by Project Whyze hits and the crowd beings to boo as the five members of Section 8 make their way to the ring. They climb into the ring and Pit Bull grabs a microphone. The boos continue to pour down and Pit Bull screams at the crowd to shut up. The fans finally pipe down enough and Pit Bull speaks.]

Pit Bull: 009!

[The crowd pops]

Pit Bull: 009! You bastard! You want to attack me? Huh? You think that makes you a man? You blindsided me you cheap son of a bitch! That is some chicken shit! You want to mess with Section 8? You think you are man enough to step up to the plate? Well, we all here right now. Come out here and face us.

[The crowd starts cheering. A chant of Double-Oh-Nine starts up as Section 8 stares towards the entrance ramp. The crowd gets louder as they wait.]

Pit Bull: Well, well, well...it looks like your beloved 009 ain't gonna show up. What kind of man do you think that makes him! Ha! 009 just proved to the world that he ain't no---

["He Got Game" hits and the crowd erupts! They get even louder as 009 walks out from behind the curtain. He has a microphone in one hand and a big smile on his face.]

009: What's the matter wittle babies? You can't handle some animosity? You don't like being pushed around? Hell, you guys enjoy ganging up on people. What's the matter thought? Don't like it when somebody comes out and attacks you? This is only the beginning. I ain't going anywhere. Let me tell you guys right now that things ain't gonna get pretty. I intend on jumping up your assholes...making a little camp...maybe making a little fire...cause I plan on living there for a long time just to piss you off and make life miserable.

Pit Bull: You know what Nine, why don't you come down here right now and take us on. All of us!

009: That would be my pleasure.

[009 sprints down to the ring as the crowd goes crazy. 009 slides into the ring and immediately spears Zebra. He nails him with some punches until the rest of Section 8 pulls him off. 009 elbows Rocker in the jaw and then hits Miracle with a clothesline. He goes after Pit Bull but the numbers of Section 8 catch up to him. Rocker, Miracle, and Virus hold 009 up and Zebra hits him with some punches. Pit Bull goes out and brings a chair in the ring. He winds up to swing but 009 explodes out of the grasp of Section 8 and drops Pit Bull with a clothesline. He turns around and tosses Miracle to the outside of the ring. Virus throws a punch but 009 blocks it and hits a Niner! Zebra throws a Zebra kick but 009 catches his foot in mid-air, spins him around, and plants him with a Niner! Hard Rocker picks up the chair and turns around. He is met with a kick from 009 that sends the chair into his face! 009 waits patiently for Pit Bull to get to his feet. The crowd goes nuts as Pit Bull slowly stands. He groggily turns around right into a Niner from 009!]

Storm: Wow! 009 just singlehandedly took out Section 8!

Sinclair: This is a disgrace! 009 should be arrested!

[009 looks down at the carnage in the ring and then focuses on Zebra. 009 pulls Zebra to his feet and pushes him into the turnbuckle. Zebra leans against the turnbuckle breathing heavily, still sporting from the Niner. 009 picks up Pit Bull's microphone.]

009: You...you no good, rotten, lying sumbitch. You ain't nothing but a piece of shit!

[The crowd pops]

009: You stabbed a friend in the back. That's low. Hell, that's one of the worst things you can do. But hey, that's fine, do whatcha gotta do. But know this asshole...009 ain't gonna forget. These people ain't gonna forget. They ain't gonna forget that you stabbed 009 in the back and they sure as hell ain't gonna forget that 009 beat the living hell outta your ass!

[009 throws the mic and hits Zebra right in between the eyes. 009 picks up the chair and sets it in the middle of the ring. He pulls Zebra over and plants him through the chair with a thunderous DDT! The crowd goes nuts as 009 stares down at Zebra's lifeless body. The crowd goes nuts as the cameras fade to black.]

Special thanks to: Miracle, Sally, Rick, Jeff, Jerry, Skip, and 009