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English 126
Thursday, 24 February 2005
English 126 #5
Mood:  a-ok
Gloria Steinem makes Hustler magazine and Larry Flint sound as he is the worst man on earth. She says " A pornographer is not a hero, no more than a publishe or Ku Klux Klan or a Nazi on the internet..." (274)Those are some harsh words to be recognized as a leader of a Ku Klux Klan or a Nazi. She then pretty much calls him and idiot that cant tell the difference between war and pornography. But what really made a difference is that she brought his own daughter in to her article. She says herself, "I'm upset about this film because it supports my dad's argument that pornography does no harm.... If you want to see a victim of pornography, just look at me." (274) Ellen Goodman describes what the plot of the movie is more then actually puttin her oppinion in to it, she does explain the love shared between Athea and himself but also tells us that he had five other wives and neglected five of his children. Ellen then describes what is actually in the Hustler magazine, " Dozens of centerfolds, women having sex with eachother with large plastic male organs strapped on. (276)" and so on. I think ellens best quate in her article is where Larry says" If the First Amendment can protect even a scumbag like me, then it will protect all of you(276)." She then concludes saying that she accepts the curse and the consiquences that come with the First Amendment unlike Steinem. Reading Oliver Norths article (i think he is a male) it sounds complitely different as it is written by a male, the females articles were all about the degrading of woman and how Larry Flynt was bad but when Oliver asked another male Larry King what he though he responded with" I was very happy with it, And why shouldn't he be (276." Instead of making Larry Flynt look bad Oliver made the religous figures in the film look horrible as if they were trying to keep Larry Flynt back from what he was destined to do. Oliver even states himself "presumably at movies end, we were all to be grateful that Flynt wins his Supreme Court Case. Doesn't that just say something there. Men and Woman have different views on this movie and Larry Flint as a human being.

Posted by extreme5/maxca at 12:01 AM PST
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Thursday, 17 February 2005
English #5
Mood:  spacey
After watching "The People Verses Larry Flint" I went back and read "The U.S. Constitution And Fascinating Facts About it." What I found is that the Constitution does play a big role in today's society. The Constitution is a pretty much to me a paper with roles that need to be followed by all American citizens. It tells us what we can do and what we cant, it helps us when we are in need and then may hurt us in some occasions. In "The People Verses Larry Flint" it helped out the Hustler magazine corporation by the amendment Freedom of speech. The Constitution is only there when you really need it, its not something we talk about or use every single day, its basic laws that were written to control the United states and its Citizens, it gives us some sort of freedom, but really it keeps us down to where we don’t have the ability to do what the Constitution says we can. The Constitution never toke opinions of the regular people of America, the people that wrote it had the power and the money and the ability to make the decisions for every one else. The American Citizens need to use the Constitution for their own behalf rather then the Constitution benefiting the higher more powerful class of America.

Posted by extreme5/maxca at 12:01 AM PST
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Thursday, 10 February 2005
English 126 4
Mood:  hungry
What I have learned in the first unit of the semester is not really that much. Most of it I thought was a review of English 122. Some of the stories that were written in the book weren’t that enjoyable except Greasy Lake. I learned more in that story then reading any other one. I learned about the manipulation of language and how you can distinct between and argument and an explanation, what you have to look for in those two. Critical thinking was something new I learned this semester; it actually opened up my eyes to look at a picture like on page 28 with the candidates holding millions of dollars and a regular US citizen in between of them and a door that says office. It made me think critically more then I would of if I just looked at the picture and didn’t read what an interference is. There was nothing out of the ordinary except Greasy Lake it seemed as if it wasn't suppose to be placed in the book, it was a story that is easily read and straight on to its topic.

Posted by extreme5/maxca at 12:01 AM PST
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Sunday, 30 January 2005
January 25 Journal Entery
Mood:  chatty
In the world there are many languages that are spoken every day. Language comes from culture but it does not shape the culture it comes from. Yes, it is part of the culture, but it is not what makes culture. Language is what you speak, it is how you communucate with some one else that has the same culture as you do. I am Ukranian but i speak Russian because i was brought up being spoken to in that language, it was a way for my parents to communicate with me. There are many things in Russian that cannot be translated in to English, but that is part of the Russian culture. In America, americans have their culture and their language, but the language can easly be learned by anyone and not be part of their culture. What had happened in Oakland, that kids are not learning proper english, its not part of the culture its more that they are not being taught the percise way to speak or write. If you can be taught to speak a certain way its just a language it cannot be proven that language shapes a culture. Language is just a way to communicate with people every day, it does not shapes one culture.

Posted by extreme5/maxca at 2:14 PM PST
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Tuesday, 25 January 2005
January 20 Online Journal
Mood:  spacey
The voice of the writer is the writer themselves, they write what they feel and have their own persepective in what they write. When the reader reads what the writer has produced the reader might get a different perspective and thought about the reading, than what the writer had intended to mean. "At one time the meaning of a text was assumed to be fixed and singular-... Now we think of reading as an act of interpertation" (656) This is very true we take what the writer has written and interperate it in to our own world. "Reader makes reading an active rather than a passive activity." (654)You need to know both interpertations of what the writer intended for you to know, and how you may interperate the reading, recivieng two different perspectives. When i have an oppurtunitiy to sit down and read i first take what the writer has intended for me to read and then make it to where i can place the reading in to todays world. "As our experiences and knowledge expand, so do the possibilities for interpretation." (656)

Posted by extreme5/maxca at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, 30 January 2005 1:56 PM PST
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