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>>Loara Cross Country Message Board<<
::Champions Know They Need Conditioning Determination Desire And Teamwork To Be Successful::
***Thanks Coach Hurlburt,Kristi Becker,Carolyn Castro,Adrian,Pepe,Ms.Grothe,Randy Perez,Robert Kelly,Alex Garcia,And Kathy Kelly***

October 11,2006
Hey You Guys Im Collecting quotes from everyone so if i dont have one from you just send me on Coach Rodrigues Had A great Quote For All Of Us-"With 15 Hard Training Days Ahead And 3 races,The Athletes Will Need To Fuel Up Nutritinally and Mentally.If The Athles Stick This traigning Program,We Will Finish Strong."-Coach Rodrigues, Thats A Great Quote So You Prepare For This Saturday Because We Need To Prove ourselves

October 4,2006
The Saxons Had A Great Day Yestarday At League Cluster The Boys Varsity Finished 5th Girls Varsity 3rd Girls Jv 3rd Boys Jv 3rd Girls F/s 2nd Great Permonces Came From Angie Garcia Who won The F/s race Elizabeth Ancheta who finished 3rd Bianca Carbajal Who Finished 3rd in the Jv Race Lorena Miramontes Finshed 8th Daxz Jimenez Finished 8th In The F/s Race Edgar Teran Finished 8th in the Jv Race Renee Aguilar And Haley Kane Who Finished 8th And 9th In The Varsity Race Erick Ordonez And Russell Kelly Who Finished 20 And 23 In The Boys Varsity Race

September 25,2006
saturday was A great day for the saxons the Boys Varsity team is looking stronger than ever With our top 5 being only 22 seconds away from each other Senior Erick Ordonez Led The Boys Team with a Time of 17:15 right behind him was teamate Junior Russell Kelly With A time Of 17:16 And After 2 bad races senior Eduardo Fernandez Came Back With 17:18,Senior Edgar Carillo Was 4th with 17:33 And Freshman Paul Grothe was 5th With 17:37.We Also Had Man Impressive first racers Like Daxz Jimenez(18:33),Angel Peralta(19:35),Juan Anaya(20:51),Isauro Castillo(20:47),Luz Hernandez(25:17),Sonia Anaya(25:36),And Lucero Ramos(28:45)Good Job You Guys!

September 22,2006
Tommorrow We Have A Race So Come Out And Support Us

August 30,2006
Todays Workout Proved To Be Challenging For The Boys Varsity Team Who Ran A New Course Called "TERRAZA" Erick Ordonez Finished First With A Time Of 59 Minutes Russell Kelly Was Behind Him In An Hour And two Minutes Behind Him Were Eduardo Fernandez And Juan Nunez In An Hour And Five Minutes And Mark Lemus Finished in An Hour And seven Minutes In Other News Happy Birthday Rosa

August 26,2006
Well The Website is updated and the new rosters are up

Last Thursday Our Team Ran Sunset In The Park And Both Teams Did Great Senior Erick Ordonez(16:49)Led The Boys And Sophomore Haley Kane(20:12) led the girls

July 30,2006
Well Right Now I Dont Have The Full roster Made But i Got The Varsity Teams
Boys Varisty
Erick Ordonez(12)
Eduardo Fernandez(12)
Edgar Carillo(12)
Russell Kelly(11)
Paul Grothe(9)
Mark Lemus(11)
Juan Nunez(12)

Girls Varsity
Estebalis Serrano(11)
Renee Aguilar(12)
Andrea Guerra(11)
Jessica Ruiz(12)
Rosa Murillo(12)
Jessica Dominguez(10)
Haley Kane(10)

Thank You To Our Sponcors

Taqueria Garcia
Carol Comparsi
Linda Esping
Alden Esping
Dave Hurlburt
Sung Mun
Lisa Popejoy
Larry Greer
Randy Perez
Coach Art Cendejas
Jordan Amberston
Russell Bacarella
Rick Burns
Wendy Carlson
Wendy Dotan
Larry Hadley
Tracey Heck
Bill Kellogg
Daniel Klatzker
Steve Morton
Richard Quiroz
Steve Ulmes
Trish Woodburry
Beverly Thomas
Dona Hackworth
Russell Hartman
Ashley Sutter
Ms. Tan
Francisco Zavaleta

Saxons Of The Week

If You Guys Have Any Questions Or Comments You Can Email Me Here
Saxon Of The Week:Mark Lemus

Mark Had A great Race On Tuesday And Was Our #4 varsity Saxon With a Time of 17:42
Lady Saxon Of The Week:Jessica Dominguez

Jessica had her best rrace this tuesday and was our #4 Lady Saxons