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~Play Snake~

A little something to my friends........


Chelsea ~ "" i dont like short guys" funny chelsea.... you need to take Jared to the prom!!!!..he is tall !!!!!! is cool...and really nice to you....anyway.....thanks for the rides home...hopefully ill b getting a

Ally ~ need to let me know what your dad says about your kentucky

Lauren~Sorry I didnt understand you I know what you had to go through all bc you liked Devin....people are just jealous so its best just to ignore them....

Cassie ~ .....we've been best friends ever since we were born....(literally!!!)....u r awesome...I plan to come see you during Christmas break....hopefully before then....cant wait!...


Jacob ~ You need to tell him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loves the floor....if you see him laying on the floor....dont think its weird....its only hotel....the band

Jason ~Lets see....where can I are the greatest person I could have ever met....and I definately wouldnt be happier with anyone else. You are the sweetest person in the make me so happy. The time with you has been the greatest and happiest time of my life and I hope it doesnt end . Things are really going great....I love are MINE!!!!........

Kody ~...."i made lemonade........bc life gives me lemons""Our power went out....i was like man, i'm hungry...and then i opend up the refrigerator and i was like no!!!!!!!!!!!".....hahaha... so dramatic...." lol haha we have sorta the same initials.........just change urz to a k .....or mine to a s"....ur such a loser.....Im happy for you and whitney too... Oh yeah and Grace....just to let you know....HIS MIDDLE NAME IS ALLEN...hahaha :-)

Dyron ~Hanging out with you is alot of fun.....u shouldnt worry about girls...u r a really cool person and some girls are real losers for not liking u.....and when you find a girl she will be REALLY lucky

Hey everybody....I just wanted to apoligize for all of the adds....dont forget to play the snake game I made!!!...Luv ya!!