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"The King of Extreme" Extreme Bryan

Role Play!

[Scene opens up in Extreme Bryans locker-room after his match just ended. He's all of his luggage packed to catch his flight out of the arena. There's a knock on his door as Brittney Hayes.]

Brittney- Bryan I want to know if I could ask you a question about your actions earlier. About how you hit your own best friend almost like a brother to you with a steel chair?

[He turns around and looks at Brittney.]

E.Bryan- I don't need to explain anything to any one about what I did in the ring tonight! Now get the hell out of here!

[He turns back around and finishes packing as Brittney leaves the locker-room.]

E.Bryan- Idiots coming in here asking me for answers for what I did. I don't have to answer to anyone in this business.

[He finishes packing and grabs his luggage and leaves his locker-room. He walks to a black limo waiting for him at the end of the parking lot. Fans outside of the arena boo him and chant you suck to him. He's about to get into his limo he's stopped by a fan.]

Fan- Hey Bryan! Dude you suck!

[He turns around and looks at the fan and knocks him down.]

E.Bryan- Little punk *bitch!

[He spits on the punk and gets into his limo as it drives off.]

E.Bryan- F*cking losers! Waiting outside of an arena. Bunch of idiots that have no lives.

[His cell phone rings. He picks it up and answers it.]

E.Bryan- Hello?

Caller- Bryan it's your manager just calling to let you know that you have a match next week at Rage.

E.Bryan- Alright. Who am I facing?

Manager- You are in the main event against Reno inside of a steel cage.

E.Bryan- Alright. Later!

[He hangs up his cell and sets it down. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it and takes a puff.]

E.Bryan- Finally I am in the main event and It's not a tag team one. The person that Brian Pearlman couldn't beat! The Sensation the person who is so full of his self he could fill up ten hot air balloon's Reno. And he wanted it inside of a steel cage?! This guy is crazy if he wants to go up against the King of Extreme. I'll beat his ass 1, 2, 3 and leave him in a puddle of his own blood just like I did to Pat at Rage. Reno I am the definition of Extreme! I have done more Extreme stunts in my career and life than ever! You think I give a dame about Jimmy Snuka? I can top that more than you could? This match is going to show how far I will go to beat you! See unlike you I don't sit at home on a couch looking at videos of your days as the owner of SCW. Reno SCW is over gone! It was a great federation. But its time to let go of the past and start on the future! And your future is getting beat by the King of Extreme.

[He takes another drag of his cigarette and lets out the smoke. The limo pulls up to the air port. He opens the door and gets out of the limo and grabs his luggage. He tips the driver and walks into the airport. He pays for his ticket and boards the plane as the scene goes to a commercial.]

Red Sox Promo
Rage Promo
X-Games 11 Promo

[Scene opens back up at a bar in Manchester, New Hampshire. Extreme Bryan is at the bar sitting down having a Bud Light. He's wearing blue jeans and a tight black t-shirt. He has his hair spiked and has a studded wrist band on his right wrist.]

E.Bryan- Another rough night for my life! Came so close to winning my match against Pat! But Pat some how got the win over me. I keep losing my cool in my matches and that's why I keep losing. F*cking bullsh*t! I should have beaten Pat at Rage. But I lost. So there for I pulled out every trick I could to beat him and win. Low blows and putting his ass threw an announcement tables. But some how Pat got the win over me! Well I left his ass out cold in the ring with a chair shot. Well he might have won the match but he went over is head in doing it.

[He laughs and finishes his beer. He gets another and opens it up and takes a sip. A moment later someone walks up to him.]

Guy- Hey aren't you Extreme Bryan from EFW?

E.Bryan- Ya why?

Guy- Dude can I have your autograph?

E.Bryan- I'm not in the mood to sign autographs.

Guy- Screw you man! No wonder you get your ass kid. You suck!

E.Bryan- What the f*ck did you say?

Guy- You heard me.

[He sands up and knocks over his bar stool and gets in the punks face.]

Bartender- What's going on here?

[The Bartender steps in to stop the fight from happening. The punk walks away from him. He finishes his beer and pays the bartender and walks outside to have a cigarette. He lights it and takes a drag.]

E.Bryan- Being in New Hampshire should help me clear my head of all problems that are going on. I keep losing at EFW. My mind is not always focused in my matches. So with high expectations! Comes high risks! I've made choices in my life that I regret and some I don't. I made a choice at Rage. My choice was not to stand as a tag team with the Elite One anymore longer. It's his fault we lost or tag team title matches. Our tag title shot lost because of him. So I left him where he left me out to dry. I did all the work in our matches. I took the chair shots and beatings and then he decides to drop E.I.P. and go with Brian and his slut bag fiancé and Dev. With his whore hag wife Courtney! Bunch of losers! He wanted a match with a bang I gave him one with a chair shot! That shows even the weak get put into place.

[He finishes his cigarette and starts to walk down the street.]

E.Bryan- Well another match coming up at Rage against Reno! A guy who just hates Salem people!? Reno what don't you get about people from Salem? Salem has some of the greatest professionals have come from Salem and kicked ass! And that's what I am going to do to you when I face you at Rage! Reno I've heard you trash talk about you're the best! That you can kick ass! Blah! Blah! Blah! Reno should learn to tape record yourself and then listen to your-self. You'll listen to whining boy trash talk about how he thinks he's the ruler of the world! Reno the only thing you're the ruler of is your show you keep playing over and over again! Wake up Reno the King has arrived and finally waking up.

[He walks up to an apartment building and knocks on the door. The person who answers is his friend Mario.]

Mario- Bryan! You jackass! Come in.

E.Bryan- Mario!

[He enters the apartment and sits down on the couch. Mario tosses him a Coors Light. He opens it up and takes a sip.]

Mario- Bryan what's bro?

E.Bryan- Nothing man just got back from my match at Rage so I thought I would come by.

Mario- Well nothing much just getting ready to go New York for a bike show opening.

E.Bryan- Nice!

Mario- What about you?

E.Bryan-Main event match at next weeks Rage. Going inside of a steel cage to take out another trash talking punk! Finally I get put in an extreme match and it's the main event match.

Mario- Ya man it should be a killer match to watch!

[Both raise there beers up for cheers and finishes them. Mario takes the clicker to his T.V. and turns it to the X-Games channel.]

E.Bryan- Hey man you don't mind if I crash on your couch for the night.

Mario- Ya sure! But you the guest bed room.

E.Bryan- Alright man later!

[He gets up and walks to the guest bed room as the scene ends from there.]