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Welcome to my Web page.

I attend Otis-Bison Middle School. I am an eighth grader. I'm pretty smart. Or at least I get ok grades. I have alot of friends. Some of their names are Kelsey, Elizabeth, Jennifer, Sara P, Sara Y, Kristan, Kayti, Brandi, Cayla, and Melissa. Just to name a few girls. Some of the boys would be Jacob, *~*Homie*~*, Cody, Dominic, Corey, Leonel, Ian, Brad, and Toby. Just to name a few guys.

I enjoy many hobbies. Here are a few of my favorite hobbies.
My favorite hobbies are Playing Softball,
Cheerleading for school and compitions, and Playing Basketball.

Here is a picture of all the eighth grade girls on the basketball team and trainers.

Email me Here!Cortney What I'm intersted in!
  • Cheerleading
  • Basketball
  • Boys
  • Volleyball
  • Softball
  • Basically all sports
  • Talking on the phone
  • Hanging out with my friends
  • Babysitting
  • Being a big sis
*~This is my little sister. She was the flower attendent for Snow Ball. Isn't she cute!~*