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Centrala break dancanja
Thursday, 3 November 2005
Mood:  cheeky
The Airbaby is a breakdance move that can be categorized as a freeze. It takes a lot of strength and patience in order to master, but once you get it down it'll look mad sweet. Good luck.

Complete instructions-----
Link to Photo Album Break dance

Posted by extreme5/bzivika at 11:38 AM EST
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The Swipe

B-boy HiuTang

1. First you get in a position like you were gonna do a bridge (on all fours with stomach facing the ceiling).

2. Next you lift your left hand up and kick into the air with your left foot.

3. this should bring you into the air so do the same with your right side.

4. Then land with your left hand and leg, and next your right hand and leg.

This looks really cool when it is done right.

If you want to pick email
Late- Havok MakeR
mc aka swirls: Usher

Posted by extreme5/bzivika at 11:35 AM EST
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Pushup position with left elbow planted in stomach and left hand on ground below.

Rotation direction: Counter-Clockwise

Stretch right hand to the left in front of you. Lift left leg up in air. Pull with your right hand to get a spinning motion going.

Once you have spinning motion going, bring right leg up to your right, and start turning your body so that your right side will face up. Your left arm will soon collapse, so roll onto your shoulder, now your right leg is going up in the air.

Make left leg follow right leg movement, but keep legs WIDE and STRAIGHT out. This is very important. You`ll be on your back now, hopefully with Legs up in the air like a split (but you don`t have to go as far as a split).

Now as your left leg continues to to go up and your right leg goes down, start rolling your body so that your right side faces down.

As you get to be almost sideways, legs still WIDE and STRAIGHT, put your left hand on ground and plant your elbow into your side. Keep the rotation and you`ll pivot back up onto your elbow and be back where you started.

Good luck, start it slowly to get the movement, and practice practice practice.

Posted by extreme5/bzivika at 11:24 AM EST
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