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this girl's life

he's all i've ever dreamed about

After a few weeks of using my Xanga and LiveJournal sites, I've decided that I need more space and freedom with what I type, so I've decided to use this site as my own personal site. You'll find everything that was (and still is) at my other sites, plus songs, lyrics, surveys, pictures, and much more. My site is still very much under construction, so please bear with me while I get everything fixed. (Boy, could it take a while!) I have so much stuff that I am in the process of adding and that I want to eventually add, so this construction deal could be going on for a while, considering I have a very limited amount of time to work on all this. If you have ever visited my Xanga and LiveJournal sites and read any of my posts, you know that I have been going through a tough time. What you may not know is that my life has almost done a complete 180. There's a new man in my life, and I'm feeling more alive and more like I belong here than I've felt in quite some time. The previous theme of this site was about pain and darkness and how there is still beauty in the breakdown. I'm trying to change it to fit the current events in my life, but the sun seems to have fried most of my creative juices, so it may take a while to get everything just right. We'll just have to see how it all goes. Maybe I'll get things fixed around here soon. Thanks, Becki
***I have added photos onto a photo site place thing. Go here to view all my photos.

Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12

This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
1 John 4:10

"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."
Matthew 6:14

Got ideas for site additions?
Email me. Thanks!

a little about me
my life
my surveys
my accumulated images
my favorite Bible verses
my favorite quotes
contemporary Christian artists
secular artists

glitter graphics

One of my friends from high school, Josh, was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. It's a blood cancer. I'm making a special page dedicated to Josh. It will be a few days or even a couple weeks before it looks right, but I felt that, as a friend and former classmate, I should do something to show my support for Josh and his family. So Josh, here's your page.

days 'til I start my college classes at Judson!

song in status bar: "Godsend" by dc Talk