you guys think your funny trying to make fun of me like that but you know what? alls that shows is that donny and whoever it is that is makin the pictures are just real imature and need to grow up and realize that that shit dosnt bother us cuz were not fags like donny and get all mad when he gets called fat when he knows hes larger then most people are age. so you guys can make fun of me all you want but just wait tell i fight his big ass and see what happens in the end cuz i can garuntee that im gunna kick his ass. so you can just grow the fuck up and get some hair on your little balls. and you guys blame us for all the fights we have or whatever you want to call them when you guys start all this stuff when one of us makes on small comment that is said in just a jokin way, you guys just have to make everything such a big deal, but i guess sence donnys got such a big fuckin mouth and cant back his shit up hes gunna have to learn the hard why by gettin nocked the fuck out. so grow up and maybe we wouldnt always be fighting and im not meaning this to all the savage kids just the ones that made that picture and need to grow up. ------------------------------------------------------------alright for one thing you guys didnt try to be nice to us and we were the ones that were nice to you tell i asked kendra if donny was the fatter one thats it and thats not even makin fun of him i mean he has to know that hes bigger then the other people i saw him with so dont give me this shit like you guys were trying to be nice to us. and i like how you say "WE" in the fuck you up part when the only thing thats true is it would take all of you to fuck me up, cuz you guys cant fight one on one you have to have your whole fuckin group. so ill talk to you fags later. ----------------hey you fuckin losers. man how many times do i have to tell you that your really immature about the pictures and it dosnt bother me at all. Oh yeah and by the way tell me were donny lives and some day ill go out to savage if i can get a ride, maybe it will be this friday after noon im sure i could get a ride then so if i can ill see donny there. unless hes to much of a pussy to tell me were he lives, which wont suprise me. Oh yeah i have another question, what did i say about chayna? i think its funny how you fucking gay ass cowboy fags think your such the shit when you have no fuckin clue how stronge i am and how fast or how quick so just to let you know donny dosnt have it easy hes gunna get the shit knocked out of him and i dare that fat fuck to take a swing at me, oh and you know how he was afread of gresh at the fair, well me and gresh are just about the same size so if he thought gresh was gunna kick his ass hes in for a treat. so you guys can quit suckin eachothers cocks and grow up. and for whoever it is sending this shit to me your a fuckin fag cuz you guys got no balls what so ever and i would like to see you guys take on are football team i think it would be funny watching you fags get the shit kicked out of you. well im gunna roll so ill see that fat ass fag once i get a ride to savage and but i dont know when that will be later. P.s. when tyrel got his ass kicked by adam i thought it was funny cuz tyrels a fag and adams cool, and what do you mean are highschoolers jumped you guys you guys must of had a bunch of people there to and from what i heard all the other savage kids got the shit kicked out of them. ------------------------------------------------------------if i get a ride ill be there and it better only be donny but knowing you guys its gunna be all of you---------------------------------------------------alright wayne you think your tuff shit dont you? well i heard when dony hit you and broke your glass's you started to cry. haha i thought that was funny. oh and for one thing im not a fag so you can quit with your little 4th grade comments needle dick. and no i didnt call chayna a dirrty slut or whatever it is i dont talk bad about people unless they say shit about me. like i said you guys hear a roomer thats not true and blow up. so i guess ill see you in savage if i get a ride. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i didnt back down fag, and why is it that everyone that knows you in sidney says your a fag and a big pussy? well thats just what some of the girls here tell me ------------when he was supose to fight us but didnt show-------------------------------i didnt back down fag, and why is it that everyone that knows you in sidney says your a fag and a big pussy? well thats just what some of the girls here tell me --------------------------------------------------------- Did you like those i will put his new ones on when he emails us back man he is such a loser!====================================================== ps Gresh if you read this try him see if we is as big as you